I love getting THAT look.

Awesome HLM an' Salty. Very cool. Cops here are great too (CT)

Ridding home from work today. 2 thumbs up dunno how many times at red lights; "how fast? What MPG?" One guy on a Ninja pulls up next to me at a red light looks down at my engine and says; "You had to be really board" lol We ended up stopped at the next 3 lights together. When I told him my pipe is electrical conduit, the throttle assemblie is made from a wire coat hanger, parts from a screen door and $2 worth of flat stock, he thought I was lieing until he looked close.
It's the same way down here in Florida. All the cops I've encountered simply love my bikes.I've even been pulled just so the cop could talk to me about it. One even got my phone # so I can build one for him.These bikes are just da*n cool ! :)


Arent they though? lol, there is one cop in town, that does NOT like me. im waiting to find him running radar, i want, WANT a speding ticket, , BECAUSE would eb fun tyo go before a judge, when he asks, " why are you here today" i want to tell him wiht a straight face, " i got a speedin gticket on my bicycle", last time, ever i got a warning. this was 0ver 10 years ago, when i was training for a charity ride, i was clocked doing 57 in a 25 ( steep downhill). i begged for a ticket, only got a warning :(:-||
Arent they though? lol, there is one cop in town, that does NOT like me. im waiting to find him running radar, i want, WANT a speding ticket, , BECAUSE would eb fun tyo go before a judge, when he asks, " why are you here today" i want to tell him wiht a straight face, " i got a speedin gticket on my bicycle", last time, ever i got a warning. this was 0ver 10 years ago, when i was training for a charity ride, i was clocked doing 57 in a 25 ( steep downhill). i begged for a ticket, only got a warning :(:-||

Be careful of what you wish for......you might not get the same judge !......

Arent they though? lol, there is one cop in town, that does NOT like me. im waiting to find him running radar, i want, WANT a speding ticket, , BECAUSE would eb fun tyo go before a judge, when he asks, " why are you here today" i want to tell him wiht a straight face, " i got a speedin gticket on my bicycle", last time, ever i got a warning. this was 0ver 10 years ago, when i was training for a charity ride, i was clocked doing 57 in a 25 ( steep downhill). i begged for a ticket, only got a warning :(:-||

I was threatened jail for doing 45 on my mountain bike (no motor) in a 15 school zone... (30 over is criminal, and can go to jail)
No way no how would I go flyin thru a school zone on anything...for one we need to set a good example for two hit a kid and see what the judge said then.
Not good to fly threw school zones. Kids are quick an' agile. Retirement communities, now that is some big time fun.

This school zone is ridiculously long. And there were no kids around. The lights go on a good half our before school lets out.
This school zone is ridiculously long. And there were no kids around. The lights go on a good half our before school lets out.

We'll let it slide this time LOL

But on a serious note the kids in the school see ya doin it...I'm just sayin.
It's your life but if I was a cop I'd pull ya over and give ya a talkin to but I'm no cop. I wouldn't give you a ticket even if ya got stupid on me but if it were my beat I'd feel obligated to make a show anyhow..flg.usflg
i was riding the other day and passed an old man and he just waved...on my way back he waved again...stopped and watched me ride by with the strangest look...as i passed i watched him in my mirror and he kept looking till i couldnt see him anymore...funny stuff!
Them are the best Mac. For those, I stop and say hello. They always have a great story about the MB they built or the Whizzer they had.
I work for the city, we got a bunch of Stimulus workers 20. I fired one of my bikes up at lunch today after a long rest, and buzzed the parking lot. You would have thought It was a 50,000 dollar custom. They were popping pics and writing down specs and wanting to know where to get the engine, and the like. One of them is all over it wanted to see engine parts and all. I took him in the shop and showed him my porting and head work he stayed interested, and asked if I would help him build one, so we are on. Ill keep you posted. I sent him to Spooky Tooth, they use the GruBee and I want to see if his quality is still there. Have fun, Dave
I work for the city, we got a bunch of Stimulus workers 20. I fired one of my bikes up at lunch today after a long rest, and buzzed the parking lot. You would have thought It was a 50,000 dollar custom. They were popping pics and writing down specs and wanting to know where to get the engine, and the like. One of them is all over it wanted to see engine parts and all. I took him in the shop and showed him my porting and head work he stayed interested, and asked if I would help him build one, so we are on. Ill keep you posted. I sent him to Spooky Tooth, they use the GruBee and I want to see if his quality is still there. Have fun, Dave

im almost finished wityh frankenhuffy . thank god. riding this thing home from shop, was like perhaps driving a pink pinto ( ive NOT done that) will get you there, BUT its ugly.crt.


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Them are the best Mac. For those, I stop and say hello. They always have a great story about the MB they built or the Whizzer they had.

HAHA yes indeed. a time or two ive let an old timer have a ride in my trek. most of them i knew could handle a motorcycle so i wasnt at all worried.shft.
Awesome, awesome, awesome. Man, this has to be one of my favorite threads, if not all time favorite. Folks's reactions are such a joy. I am a bit of an introvert and met and chatted with folks who I never would have had the pleasure of other wise.

My main ride now is a HF 79cc. Still workin' on and refining the pipe and muffler. Has a really cool old world Motor Bike sound. I try to remember all the "that look(s)" Yesterday a really hot blond woman driving a classic MGB with the top down passed me on the right and yells; I LOVE YOUR BIKE" I yell back; "I LOVE YOUR CAR" She smiled, waved and was gone. That was one of about 10 for the day.

Carol laughed at me and said, she was probably to young for you any way.
HAHA yes indeed. a time or two ive let an old timer have a ride in my trek. most of them i knew could handle a motorcycle so i wasnt at all worried.shft.

Oh Man Yama! I try and talk em into taking a ride. The looks on their faces! Just too cool.

I put my helmet on em and say "this is a thing and can be replaced. You can't. Take it easy until your comfortable. It's gas an' go. When in doubt, let off the gas." I have to start taking pics of the faces when they get back. Always ear to ear smiles.
Yep this is a cool thread for sure...most of the time they ask how much to buid one I tell em 3-400 bux and then I tell em they can build their own and tell em about this site and give em my alias. I don't really want to get into the biz of building em I'd rather help someone put theirs together...fun stuff!
Today I was cruising along through town. WOT like usual keeping up with traffic. Later some guy approaches me and said he was following me at 40mph. He was pretty impressed. Everyone likes the bike :)

I also got THAT look in my car today... Also an unusual ride.
Speaking of building as a biz, i just got back fomr the maiden voyage of frankenhuffy. a $25 bike if you asked me. BUT the old guy paid 250 to have engine installed. ( paid for engine out of 250.) put a 66cc chinagirl on it. a BGF engine. ive got the BGF 50cc on my trek. NIGHT and DAY difference. if/when i get that scott waimea, getting a 66cc for it. that thign will absotively fly

BTW frankenhuffy: .ride7a

We have an older guy at our shop, about 63, (now that I think about it he aint old). He's only two years older than I, any way he was always out watching me start the bikes. Every time I would ask "take er for a ride" it was always no. I built one of the 4 strokes with the auto clutch and was able to coax him to take er out. He came back with a giant smile and then I was able to get him on a china girl, same smile he is now getting the parts together for his own bike. Have fun, Dave