I love getting THAT look.

Aw dangit - ya outa have taken him up on the offer, as an endurance race ona cuppa fuel ofc :D

Coulda had a Police Special :p

Welcome ManOMagik, good ta have ya here!
going out in Philadelphia on a weekend night ripping past all the people doing 30 mph eating at outdoor resturants and knowing they all are saying what the **** is that. when my girlfriend is sitting on the back of the bike and we are doing 30 mph, now thats a whole different stare

i was riding my next project bike, which doesn't have a motor on it yet, at Newport Beach today, and the cop that pulled me over and ticketed me awhile ago pulls up next to me at the light.

he looks over at me and yells, "where's your motor?!"

i thought that was pretty funny, but not exactly "the look" i want.
Was ridding threw a park by the river. The only time cops give me a second look here is in Hartford. I wave and smile and they relax seeing a crazy 46 yr old. Not a kid more seemingly apt to do stupid. (lil do they know, lol) But a cop pulls in to turn around and looks over. Blond female officer just grinning from ear to ear. Thumbs up and a wave. Was kinda cool. Actually wanted to thank her.

i was riding my next project bike, which doesn't have a motor on it yet, at Newport Beach today, and the cop that pulled me over and ticketed me awhile ago pulls up next to me at the light.

he looks over at me and yells, "where's your motor?!"

i thought that was pretty funny, but not exactly "the look" i want.

Har, shoulda looked down and cursed.

Was gonna write you Baird. Was on a dead end road in an industrial area of Hartford, CT and near the end was a sign; "Baridco Industries" You branching out on my territory?

The U.S. Baird Corporation

Great thread. Has to be one of the all time best. Any one seen Mr. Larkins lately? Worry when folks go MIA.
Great thread. Has to be one of the all time best. Any one seen Mr. Larkins lately? Worry when folks go MIA.

Probably ok, but you cant be too sure.

I'm flying down the street, some geezer is pulling out of my neighbor's dirveway and decided he needed all the road. When I was about 100 yards away, he pulled out and I could see him look in my direction. Instead of putting in drive and just going, he waited until I was close enough to see the dementia in his eyes and then he went backwards some more.

That empty demented blank stare is "the look" you dont want to see while riding.
Have yet to put a muffler on a new build and it has a really cool underwater, Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang sound. http://motorbicycling.com/f37/riverside-build-23871.html Test/shake down ride yesterday, A gentleman walking with his 3 small kids Raised a fist, back of his hand away like a solidarity salute. Coming back, 3 or 4 girls walking home from school. One of em yells; "I love your bike"
Yup, the kids are quick to say cool and that's cool. It's the idiots with state approval to drive that give me looks that say I'm a speed bump not another vehicle, that's not cool at all. I get the look everyone wants, but the look which could end my day happens too frequently. I get everything from housewives who want to play chicken to old geezers who are only aware of their next diaper change.
Yup, the kids are quick to say cool and that's cool. It's the idiots with state approval to drive that give me looks that say I'm a speed bump not another vehicle, that's not cool at all. I get the look everyone wants, but the look which could end my day happens too frequently. I get everything from housewives who want to play chicken to old geezers who are only aware of their next diaper change.

Hey, if you were riding along and needed to have your diaper changed you'd be distracted , too. And housewives wanting to play can be a good thing. Just 'depends'... ha!
I'm going to have to go against the grain. I'm sure I will enjoy myself riding around on my bicycle but I'd still much rather have my old 1602cc yamaha road star to talk about. :( but for around my town and my job/college, this will be practical and well suited, and (HOPEFULLY) will be worth it. Right now I have second thoughts due to the install going really rough, and I am not clueless with mechanics. Should have it running within a week though once the chain arrives. Even when I pedaled to class I was asked twice about the bike by guys, so I'm sure that'll get a little old, though I love talking cars. Errr... mopeds.
I don't mean a scooter either I mean a moped if you like talking mopeds then the only smart thing to do would to be to get a moped.
I cant wait to get mine up and running. livin in the Mountains in Oz the bike will soon become well known , hope I get some people wanting one.
i know the feeling y'all lol. i git the ''look'' everytime i ride sumwhere. hardly there iz a time i dont stop in say walmart here and not have sum 1 come up to me asking questions about it N all. had this 1 guy asked me did walmart sell the motor kits like urs? i say no they dont walmart aint got everythang hahaha and i rode off :)
Pshaw - the language has always been screwy lol

"When thou speakest Ye Olde Englishe, thou shalt keep in thy place that holdeth thy brain that whensoever thou speakest, thou must always trye to confounde and confuse the avyrage citizen..."

...add the advent of text messages via phone & chats, forums, 1337 & lolspeak as well as the vulgarities of slang and... well... w/e gets the point across I figure ;)

I've broken out the ol' Schwinn mountain bike again, gettin cold & the Rollfast tucked away, safe & warm till spring - I'd forgotten the fun of such a light, simple bike and was enjoying myself immensely on my morning commute, cutting through the ditch at the local inconvenience store I caught a lil air on the other side, landed on my rear wheel and held a bit of a wheelie as I vroomed up to my usual parking spot...

Only to be chastised for my exuberance by some stern lil ol' lady, truly completing the experience of reverting to my childhood in full laff