I love getting THAT look.

Man GTV-gr, Athens must be great for motorized bicycle riding. Got to enjoy some time there way back. Awesome city.

LOL Salty
I love taking off on these bikes and the look; specially when they respond back! LOL

Was on the train with it, late age man and wife just looking at my bike. I didn't understand what they were saying, but by their expression, the man was probably thinking that's pretty cool; very interesting. The wife was probably adding onto that.

Then a young couple comes in and they see it. The husband and I start talking a bit, how fast it goes, efficiency, easy to install or not, just general stuff before I got off for my destination.

Riding it just today a few people would look at me and give a big smile like "Awesome!", "Yeah! You go man!"

And of course, the general looks of people who haven't seen it before and just in wonder what it is and how different it is.
That is uber cool Bits. Can't get one on a train or bus here. Local buses have bicycle carriers on the outside and front of the bus too. Fire hazard, they site as for not allowing them.

I find very often older folks have some great story about the one they built or had 50 yrs back. A really cool part of talking with them is they very often have work arounds, tips and tricks and some great stories. I live in New England (North East U.S.) Folks here are a bit stand offish. Meet and chat with more folks in a month on a MB then I would in a yr other wise. At a party or restaurant when being introduced to folks, friends very often say "The guy on the bikes with motors" snork, and they go "Ahh"
I should definitely talk to the elderly more for sure; love them.

Can learn so much from these. Kids these days have no respect thinking they are all that great.
Reminds me of the joke about an old professor and a young student. Love it. LOL
Ridding along and a kid, 4 yrs old or so, points and yells "BIKE" LOL Mom or hot baby sitter looks up from her work, grins warmly and says "yes, bike" Am really close or am there to the perfect sound. That dumb rubber muffler. $7. Who knew, lol
Is a rubber blowbag used to unclog drain pipes. You put it in the pipe attached to a garden hose. It has a small hole at the forward end. As it fills with water, it shoots a jet forward and expands to seal against the water coming back out. When I first put it on, I went to start my bike, but stopped and went back in the house to warn folks they were about to hear a big pop or small explosion. Started her up, no boom. Went for a small slow ride. She sounded great. $7 at HF and $20 at Homedepot.

Pic, RiverSide :: Riverside/whisper drive/short pipe picture by dan3xd - Photobucket

Vid is grainy, RiverSide :: blowBag muffler video by dan3xd - Photobucket

Using electrical conduit, can buy the threaded end so it goes on and off easily.
You could get a friend to walk up to the bus stop, and, as u approach, he can edge away from them and pull out the video recorder and catch it on as you go by.
James, a woman did an article/vid and just that. Filmed folks reactions after she went by so you could see both. Was really cool to see and always wanted to do it too.

I hope some one remembers and has a link. Was a review thing. I looked but couldn't find it.
Yeah, there a guy in my neighborhood, hes around 25 or so, and when I was adjusting things on mine in between test drives a few weeks back, he'd com down my street, and turn and go down the street. I would walk out of my breezeway and watch him go. It looks so cool. It makes me smile everytime i think about it. Can't wait till I get mine completely in safe, working order.
Dan, Your "I want 2 ride my bicycle" video is soo funny. LOL John wayne, smiley's, your bikes, the president, the presidents seal, woman with the bikes. lol Funny!!!!! Keep it up. lol
I got one of those "what the **** is that" a couple of days ago. I was riding down the street downtown and a cop dressed in his swat duds stepped out from between cars just as I passed. The look on his face was priceless. It was as if he had seen a space alien. Completely baffled. I expected him to jump in his car and chase me down. I watched him in my rear view mirror and he just stood there and watched till I went out of sight.
That is a priceless story. cop in his swat uniform. He just stood there. That amazes me. Glad u didnt get chased down. lol.wee.
Lastnight when I was tuning and riding my bike. I had pulled off the road right across from my house adjust the idle. A suv came by slowly on his way to the bar which is on the other side of the woods from my house, i just knew he/she was checkin' my bike out cuz he was going so slow. lol. I looked up and smiled. I couldn't see thru his dark tint, but I just knew he/her was smiling. I'm amazed how people have illegal tint on their windows, and yet they don't get caught. How is that. lol
i love getting man on an old bike passed me and while i was trying to get my bike to start in the middle othe road. he did a double take. i got it started and went speeding past him..
Just passed a cop. I smiled and waved. He waved back, grinned and slowed down to look at my bike. Local cops here are great! I keep trying to get one to take my bike for a test ride.
So far, they always say no.
I overtook this guy that was riding a regular bike, when i saw him i went to full throttle, and passed him like he was standing still. He looked back at me when I went to full throttle, and got that jaw dropping look! HAHA LOVE IT!!! We were both coming up on a intersection, so i sped past him and nice and smoothly applied the rear brake and the the front break, stopped, looked bothways, and roared off into the darkness. I could feel him staring at me. lol

Dan, i love your sig. Its EPIC!!!!!!!
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I had assumed that motorized bikes are pretty much female-repellant until I was leaving work on Friday (pull-starting my FD with my bulbous white DOT helmet on and all) and a very attractive woman happened to walk by and called out, "Nice bike!" I was speechless.
Thanks James!

LOL Noisy. Have met some fantastically interesting woman while ridding. They really do repel some woman but seems to be the ones of whom that is not a terrible thing, snork.

Had a female HPD officer smile, wave and thumbs up me. Would be disrespectful to call her a "Hot Blond" (but she really was. prolly still is)