I love getting THAT look.

Must be heaven ridding down your way Gas+. Would really love to ride a MB threw El Yunque National Forest park. Bet that would be amazing.

Was up on top near an old Spanish look out as a storm raged up and bellowed over on it self against the mountain. On the other side, a beautiful summer day with out a cloud in the sky. I stood there smack dab in the center watching both in awe.

The closer you get to the Equator, the bigger the sky gets. Just not the same up here. Not that it is not beautiful as well, just different.
It is, whe have good weather almost all year,soon I will buy a helmet video cam so perhaps I could but some video for all can see La Isla Del Encanto.
3 thumbs up today, a bunch of smiles. While I was in a store, 3 guys get out of a painter's van to check out my bike. One guy comes in to ask if it is an actual "excellcer" I have yet to look it up but he told me Schwinn or a co. using Schwinns made MBs. I dunno. But he told his buddies that my bike was worth around 10K$ (snork, is a HF 79cc on a kmart/Chinese "Schwinn") Retail parts maybe worth 500$

Any one wanna buy an real Excellcer replica? Only $4K and I will ride it to your house, fill your fridge with beer and tell your spouse how ya beat me on this deal. No? snork

Wow, turns out it is a real thing. (looked it up)

Excelsior Classic Motorcycles
LOL Goat. Instead of America's funniest home videos, we do a thing; "America's funniest scams" Then film the buyer's face when we tell him, they just bought a poorly made knock off MB. "Not only is it worth a 10th of what you thought you were getting, it will break down in about a week!" Smile for the camera and sign this.

And I wonder why I could not sell the bud song. (I really tried! snork. My asking price was 2 bud lite hats. wut? One was for you)

"Bud Light presents, Real Men of genius. Motor-bike style. (Chorus;real men of genius)
Today we salute you, Mr. weed-whacker, motor-bike builder.
(Mr. weed-whacker, motor-bike builder)
Any one can buy a cheap imported scooter. But only you take a yard tool, a bicycle and a socket set to new heights.
(we owe China lots of money)
For the man who has every thing. Every thing except a passenger seat"
(his friends have cars)
All with out a helmet.
((Femail chorus))Gonna scramble your eggs)
So crack open a Bud light Mr. Mystro of the weed-whacker powered motor-bike. We'd sing your praises. But you don't have a muffler and can't hear us.
(Mr Weed-Whacker, Motor-bike Builder)

Anheuser-Bush, Saint Louis Mo
I had a strange one last evening. Char wanted a loaf of fresh bread, French, from the supermarket bakery. They usually set hot bread out at about 5PM. I jumped on a bike, scooted over to the store and went in. As I was going in a guy was coming out. I had parked the bike right at the store's door and he stopped and was looking at my bike. I didn't say anything and he didn't either. I walked to the rear of the store where the bakery is and the lady was just taking fresh bread from the oven. She handed me a loaf, I walked back to the front of the store and got in the quick lane behind two people. I finally paid for my bread, stashed it in my backpack and headed for the door.
The guy was STILL standing there staring at my bike. Now, from the time I walked in until I walked out had to have taken three to five minutes. This guy had not moved. He was still standing there with his grocery bag while I mounted up. I nodded and smiled but there was no response from him as I pedaled away, fired the engine and rode to the end of the lot to make my right turn. I glanced back and this guy was still standing in the drive in front of the store watching me drive away. He was spooky.
I had a strange one last evening. Char wanted a loaf of fresh bread, French, from the supermarket bakery. They usually set hot bread out at about 5PM. I jumped on a bike, scooted over to the store and went in. As I was going in a guy was coming out. I had parked the bike right at the store's door and he stopped and was looking at my bike. I didn't say anything and he didn't either. I walked to the rear of the store where the bakery is and the lady was just taking fresh bread from the oven. She handed me a loaf, I walked back to the front of the store and got in the quick lane behind two people. I finally paid for my bread, stashed it in my backpack and headed for the door.
The guy was STILL standing there staring at my bike. Now, from the time I walked in until I walked out had to have taken three to five minutes. This guy had not moved. He was still standing there with his grocery bag while I mounted up. I nodded and smiled but there was no response from him as I pedaled away, fired the engine and rode to the end of the lot to make my right turn. I glanced back and this guy was still standing in the drive in front of the store watching me drive away. He was spooky.
hhmmm...I get that everyday.
I had a strange one last evening. Char wanted a loaf of fresh bread, French, from the supermarket bakery. They usually set hot bread out at about 5PM. I jumped on a bike, scooted over to the store and went in. As I was going in a guy was coming out. I had parked the bike right at the store's door and he stopped and was looking at my bike. I didn't say anything and he didn't either. I walked to the rear of the store where the bakery is and the lady was just taking fresh bread from the oven. She handed me a loaf, I walked back to the front of the store and got in the quick lane behind two people. I finally paid for my bread, stashed it in my backpack and headed for the door.
The guy was STILL standing there staring at my bike. Now, from the time I walked in until I walked out had to have taken three to five minutes. This guy had not moved. He was still standing there with his grocery bag while I mounted up. I nodded and smiled but there was no response from him as I pedaled away, fired the engine and rode to the end of the lot to make my right turn. I glanced back and this guy was still standing in the drive in front of the store watching me drive away. He was spooky.
Probably a store manaquin or a wooden Indian LoL
Yeah, I get that WTF look a LOT. I'm mostly riding in 35mph speed limits, claiming the lane, surrounded by cagers. I keep up with them.

When we reach the red light....thenxct2 I REALLY get the WTF look.

I'm STILL getting the looks, ESPECIALLY at the bus stops. I'm pedal-assisting at times, especially while shifting, for less stress on the sprockets on my shift kit.

They KNOW it's a bicycle, but can't figure out why it's going so fast, lol.xct2
Har 5-7. That is one of my all time favorite things to do. Buzz a bus-stop near the DMV. Ya can just tell who was just told they could not have a licence back.

Very often there, at around 4 or 5 PM, there is this very beautiful Asian woman. She is just a joy to pass. Smiles from ear to ear and waves like an MB was the coolest thing on the planet. Kinda funny, during the winter she takes her gloves off to wave.

Just thinking about that happy wave and smiling face brought a grin to mine.

This is a great thread!
Har 5-7. That is one of my all time favorite things to do. Buzz a bus-stop near the DMV. Ya can just tell who was just told they could not have a licence back.

Very often there, at around 4 or 5 PM, there is this very beautiful Asian woman. She is just a joy to pass. Smiles from ear to ear and waves like an MB was the coolest thing on the planet. Kinda funny, during the winter she takes her gloves off to wave.

Just thinking about that happy wave and smiling face brought a grin to mine.

This is a great thread!

Be careful Dan, LS likes Asian women. He'll read this & be following you around. :)
ohh god!!!, i gotta say, this is one of the best threads. im laighing my ass off listening to some of this, ahh yes, that look, its the best. at times its not the cruisin down the open road with the wind in your face, feelin free and peaceful, but the comments you get on such a creation.yes that look, we get it all the time- the old timers-is that a whizzer?-lol, the bike inthusiest-howd you do that, but-i dont get it-lol, the youngins-kool!!, whered you get that, is it fast?, how do you pedal?, the cops-what is that?, wheres your plates? i went down a main street one day here in chicago and got to a busy truck route only to be pulled over by a police chief, he tells me, " i been tryin to catch you for a mile", i tell him, is that why all the gang bangers get away? time to retire old man-lol, he laughs too, then tells me, give me my # he wants one and to showw him what it could do. at the time i had my micargi with the 3 speed setup. so i max it out givin it all i got while the cop is next to me. 48 mph!!! he screams out next to me, amazing!!! and im shocked to to see speeds like this, so it was a good time for both of us. but yah that look, i love, and at some times i even hate it. its hard to get around without a million questions-lol or at times, me personally, would just like to blast down the road without any interferance.motor bikes for life though!!, im lovin it. cant wait to try them new 4 stroke 96cc harbor frieght motors. fill up at stations,more low end torque, and less problems for customers as a buisness end of it.rock on guys....
Enjoyed reading your post. Sometimes I feel like the ambassador of fun. The bikes I ride have evolved over the years from the curious contraption to the cool ride so the look has changed some for the better. People like seeing my dog Aaniimoosh in her trailer and we always draw smiles and thumbs up. I live near a tourist town and when riding there we stop whole boy scout troops who point and stare at the old Indian on his pony, a 1950 Panther. The expensive Harleys ride by and nobody cares, but the Panther passes by and that's another story. Coming out of a store is a pain sometimes, because there is more often than not one or two or three old guys staring at the bike, remembering the playing card in the spokes dreams of youth, and all set to ask questions and offer up stories of somebody they knew who had a Briggs on a bike or an old Maytag motored rig. Yes, "Is that a whizzer? is a standard question. It will be worse next summer when the dog and I will be riding around in our current build, the Indian Hiawatha with canoe sidecar... dog will be sitting there with a smile wearing her doggles. And I can hardly wait!
Dan, on my new routes, I pass Army soldiers running PT(physical training) at 730am. They move aside as I slowly waddle uphill past them on the sidewalk.

AND THENNNN.....sometimes I waddle my bike on the sidewalk, right past the crowded bustop, inches away from some of them!!! If traffic is gridlocked, I'm very slowly riding on the sidewalk, next to TWO more bus stops.

No stopping for one instant. We're ALL heading off to work.

Nine hours later, I'm flying past the same crowd at the same bus stops, heading home.xct2.
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Made me remember a thing 5-7. First time I rode past a bus stop at the DMV on my very first build. I knew, just knew I wanted to build these for a living and was gonna get rich selling em. snork. But as I was ridding past and saw the looks, (that look) I thought lock a MB up to the bus stop with a plastic brochure holder, holding, oddly enough, MB brochures. Ya'd sell a hundred a week. LOL. Is still a good marketing idea but prolly wouldn't garner 100 sales a week.

Long ride today. Got lost on the way home and ended up in West Hartford. Miles away from where I intended to be and very happy to be there. This little kid is in his front yard. Dunno, maybe4 or 5 yrs old. His head was almost as wide as his shoulders with these big, chip-monk cheeks. Just as cute as a lil kid could be. He hears my bike and turns and talking to who ever lil kids talk to when they are not talking to any one grown ups can see. He points in my direction, wide eyed and in deep thought. Was one of the best "that look(s)" I've seen for a good bit. Just a fun MB sorta day