I love getting THAT look.

LOL Dawgs, keeping that pic. Bridget on a MB, Thanks!!!

Like any one into these crazy things, the woman who appreciate em are usually a bit out side the box thinkers and fun to hang out with.
Gotta get my Solex running...

And eventually a nice step through frame bike to put it on.

"Hi Sugar, would you like to come over and ride my Solex"

yesterday, i pulled up to a gas pump to see if that gas station sells the non-ethanol gas, and 2 guys came over immediately, and they circled my bike and we talked and they asked questions about my bike. It was great!!! i passed a motorcycist and we nodded to each other as we passed. i wozzed passed quite a few people on bicycles, anf they just gaped in amazement as i flew past!
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That is a blast James. I really enjoy pulling up behind big 'ol SUVs at the pump and complaining about having put a dollar in last week. Most folks laugh or snicker. (but if out numbered,,,silence is golden)
"The Look" is awesome. 'Specially from a group of early teenagers who stop struttin' their stuff long enough to stare open-mouthed as I motor by. It's great!.trk
That is a cool Idea Lowrider. I spent the whole day playing/relearning Movie maker for the this.

(instead of doing any work today, lol) This is what I came up with. I had no way (yet) to film folks reactions. This was just to learn it and how to upload, etc.

But this could be cool! If every one wants to send or post vids or even still shots of "that look" I could put them together. Was a lot of fun. [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfRcQvBRKZ8]YouTube - I want to ride my bike[/URL]

Here is how I spent the day, snork. (still beat working)

I don't know if you are still around but that was cool!
I love the response as well.

I went by a boy who must have been 11 or 12 he used a term I haven't heard used outside of an animated icon for some chat program of "Oh Snap" but he did the I want one and his mom pulled his arm towards the Del Taco so I assume that was a No you are Not going to get one.
But as I went by he was like "OMG is that a motor.. Cool!"
Mostly people want to know how much I spent but I do see a lot of lookers on when I ride. Feels good.
Sitting in a park, a wedding party passed me. The Groom passed by, hand in hand with his bride. They passed by. He looked over his and her shoulder's and gave me a thumbs up. Then a woman in another party from the middle east stopped to ask me ; "You build that? I have never seen such a thing"

Couple more, but those were the fun ones today.

Sitting in a park, a wedding party passed me. The Groom passed by, hand in hand with his bride. They passed by. He looked over his and her shoulder's and gave me a thumbs up. Then a woman in another party from the middle east stopped to ask me ; "You build that? I have never seen such a thing"

Couple more, but those were the fun ones today.


Dan, thats awesome!!!!
I love the looks I get when I am at a light waiting for it to change and a Harley pulls up along the side of me. Just wish I could see it change when I tare off line and they are stilling sitting there wondering what kind of mileage I get. brnot
This is one of my all time favorite threads! It really is.

Today I took a long ride. Not one person looked at me that I saw. Not one. I switched to 4 smokes so as not to be seen. But had this great ride and a long one. Dunno why, but was just some guy on a MB tooling around. Was soo cool.
Now what all of you are talking cause I use my Motor Bike to go to every where,I go to my Doctor,Pharmacy,Post Office,Bakery,Hardware and to my mother Home that is in other Town,you will imagene how much look and question they give me.
Now what all of you are talking cause I use my Motor Bike to go to every where,I go to my Doctor,Pharmacy,Post Office,Bakery,Hardware and to my mother Home that is in other Town,you will imagene how much look and question they give me.

Awsome Gas+ridez. Isla del Encanto para motos. Forgive my poor Spanish.. Must be great riding down your way. Scary too! I used to live in Plaza de los Americas near San Juan. Riding el autobús ohco scared me, lol.

Going back some day. Just as soon as I can build a boat! Is my retirement plan. Going back to your beautiful Island and gonna anchor in Paul's harbor. Took years to talk my Carol in to this. But one really hot day we were mowing grass and I said for the 10,000 time; "we need to live on a boat" LOL! it worked!

Wm, is that a new rear seat? That is one gorgeous MB!
Hi Dan if you used to live near San Juan there is so much Trafic in that area cause is the Capital of P.R.,I live in a more quiet site near the beach, here are not that much of trafic and I cand go to Ridezbrnot.ride7a.ride7a