I love getting THAT look.

Two days ago I am cruising home on side neighborhood streets. In a yard I was going past there must have been 20 kids there there. Everyone of them went to attention as I went past. All eyes on the bike lol.

I have been in the gutter hugging the side walk when a car goes by and three or four faces are against the back car window. They know we got a toy;)
I love getting that look from bikers when they see my bike keeps up with them. That look on their face, PRICELESS!! laff
Seems this thread is priceless. When I started it back in 2009, I didn't think it would get so many hits or comments. Now it's sad to say that I won't be getting THAT look anymore. I sold my baby yesterday. Someone from Mississippi ( I think they were in central Arkansas area visiting someone already) bought mine for cash. :( Building a new house and have sold off most furniture and other stuff lying around. Maybe someday I'll build another. But the older guy who bought it had THAT look when he showed up. He was there for his son who actually saw my ad online. The dad and mom who arrived to retrieve it had THAT look as I started it up. As it idled and I showed the guy how it worked and all the stuff that goes with the bike, he asked to ride it. He hadn't ridden a bike in years, but he was like a little kid all over again as he rode down the block and back again.

that look allllllllll day
Suweet lookin' ride Wm.

I really enjoy this thread. I think I said this early on but I was shocked at the reactions I got on my builds. Construction work sites stopping. Folks flagging ya down. The waves, thumbs-up and smiles. Is crazy.

Coolest part of finding MBs really is you guys. I mean that.
(Now I have to punch you all in the arm so that didn't sound "mushy")

I had a State truck following me@ 35mph on a quarter-mile stretch. I turned slowly into the heavy industrial district; he went straight. He had that silly surprised LOOK when we crossed paths again, a mile away.

The steep hill was gridlocked, so I rode the narrow walk path right next to it. A large dog in the car barked at me when I passed alongside it. That car caught me at the light a mile away. I pulled into the bike line and slowed down to 20mph, and caught up to them at the light a quarter mile away. As the light turned green, I got the jump at the signal, then hopped onto the sidewalk and cruised at jogging speed. I caught up to them two traffic lights ahead.

The DOG had "the look", like WTF?

My morning commute has me cruising at walking speed.....less than six feet behind the bus stop and its waiting passengers.

And in the afternoon, I whizz past the same bus stop at 30mph.

If those are the same people in the mornings and afternoons, THEY must be wondering.....WTF?xct2
Well...today, my first day with my MAB, I got that LOOK. As I pulled out of my driveway, and let the clutch out to start it up, I noticed a few kids playing up the street in their yard. I turned around at an intersection, and rolled into the throttle hard. As I buzzed past, they all started waving and yelling out. The boys in the group were slack-jawed and big-eyed. It was the coolest thing.

It was right then I knew I was gonna enjoy the fool out of this bike!

You will enjoy your motorized bicycle as soon as the clutch grabs and you're rolling down the street at ANY speed.

You will also enjoy working on it, or just plain working on it.dance1
GoPro seems to be the best thing going. It's small like a hand held digital camera, but films videos, and can mount on helmets, chest straps, handlebars, cars, etc. I think they are $200-300. Biknut has one, and made a video of our Dallas MB Ride.

I have been refused service at drive-throughs before, but most of the local places will serve me if I shut off the motor at the window. The bank and the pharmacy don't have any problems with it. I get a lot of stares and questions at Walmart though. (pun intended. I can't drive through Walmart hahaha. I park it outside at the Garden Center.)

I think I will print some flyers/cards out for the curious. I usually just tell people "You can find us on motorbicycling.com"

anyone volunteering to video it? i would, but don't know how to attach my digital camera to my helmet
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I like riding by the little kids. You can so see the "I WANT one of those!" looks in their eyes!

i like that too.and you know they want to ask questions but if you stop someone will think you are a perv.and call the cops.its a sad world now.i understand the concern that people have.its just sad that we cant share this with the kids.
Has that happened to you? I believe you so many people are seriously paranoid, and usually about the wrong people. lol. They will buy their kids Justine Beiver albums, but are terrified of anybody on a motorcycle or with facial hair. hahaha

Seems like mb riders suffer lots of stereotyping, including many drivers assuming we are poor, don't have cars, or have lost our drivers licenses.
In my mobile home park we have: Hawg riders, scooter commuters, and some college dude with an old moped (the kind with pedals, not a scooter being called a "moped"). These are what our residents see each day.

So, with people home for the Holidays and in broad daylight (I usually go out after dark) I was cruising around the park, stopping now-and-again to tune the carb. Oh yes, I was getting that look. A bright red antique cruiser with white tires puttering (and occasionally ripping) by. I could tell even the die-hard bikers were staring at my ride. It was kinda cool.
was riding along the beach waterfront not long ago - cruising at about 45KM/h... gang of harleys rode up beside me! i thought "oh no, here we go." but the one at the front just grinned and gave me thumbs up, and said "you'll need a bigger bike if you wanna join us!" then sped off! hahaha
Har! That is cool Bubba. (And thanks for bumping this thread!)

HD guys are great about our thing.

Every spring we have a MB picnic up my way at the DMV and there is a MC licencing test course next to where we put the food out on tables. Last yr these guys were helping prep a new rider. Big burly HD 1%ers. But I ended up trying the MC course. It was spray-painted on the parking lot. Turned into a great time but none of us could convince the bikers into trying our MBs.

I have yet to meet a HD rider who was not really great and wanted to talk about MBs.

Hahaha! It's kinda funny how there's that unseen wall between HD riders and and MB's. Sure they have bigger bikes but do they get 120MPG and looks from every kid on the road.....Nope :p
Well I live in a small town, its really almost in the middle of knowhere. When I ride on the weekends the streets are always crowded, and when I go up to the 4-way stop in the middle of the town, I see it, everyone stares, with some chit chat, GREAT!
Well I live in a small town, its really almost in the middle of knowhere. When I ride on the weekends the streets are always crowded, and when I go up to the 4-way stop in the middle of the town, I see it, everyone stares, with some chit chat, GREAT!

"There's that crazy guy again. I guess he can't afford anything else".

The kids are back in school, so traffic was EXTREMELY heavy. No matter, since I passed all gridlocked traffic by riding slowly on the sidewalks. Then I cruised slowly thru a residential area. There were several cars at the end of that district, so I hopped back onto the sidewalk and slowly ride it home.

I must've passed 100 cars on the way home.

I just KNOW they looked, lol.cvlt1
i loved te double take from a cop when i passed through an intersection. the look on her face was priceless. can't wait to break out the new strech.trk
yesterday two of the mormon guys were rideing thier bikes through the neighberhood when they road past my house i was out cleaning the bikes off the looked then nearly crashed takeing a double take at the bikes idleing on the lawn. .duh.
I rode my tanaka 700c bike around Dallas this weekend. I rode it in a bike parade/social group, and most people liked it (pedaling mostly). Many of the photographers and some riders asked about it. I rode it on the streets to the local Starbucks (there are a dozen lol). No one batted an eye at the cafe, but car drivers taking off from stoplights did a double take as I chased them. haha. I have friction levers for throttle, so I just "floor" it and shift 3 or for gears as I pedal furiously, and the bike launches! http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hpho...2725795864_663620863_11173401_639522501_n.jpg