I love getting THAT look.

There is nothing that can take the place of being able to pass a smile on to others!

Kind of funny to imagine those same smiling people getting ticked off, throwing wrenches, and cussing real loud when thinking of them putting their first one together, too.
There is nothing that can take the place of being able to pass a smile on to others!

Kind of funny to imagine those same smiling people getting ticked off, throwing wrenches, and cussing real loud when thinking of them putting their first one together, too.

LOL, right. The hair pulling is just part of the fun. (When it's over, snork)
Here in Santa Cruz CA., There are no shortages of MB's on the road but I still can't go more than two blocks without someone giving me a thumbs up! I have, however, found a downside:
I'm in the process of putting together a Micargi Puma and when I had finally solved all the clearance issues, I took it down to the driveway to fire it up for the first time and test it out. Wow, I must be getting better at this, because it preformed beautifully! So well in fact, that a gentleman driving by gave me "the look".......and then proceeded to rear end the lady in front of him.......Who then hit the lady in front of her!
A few days later, I had to make a quick run to the bank and back. As I stop at a red light, I make the usual scan around me to make sure I'm not in any danger. As I look behind me, a guy on a Harley is giving me a thumbs up, but seemingly oblivious to the fact that I'm stopped at a red light. He only realized it after he was half way through the intersection and he's about to be hit on his right side. Don't worry, he sped through unharmed.
Now, since no one was hurt, would I be a bad person for feeling somewhat proud?
You must have a real nice looking MB for all that attention to distract them to the extent of smashing there cars into other cars. That sort of thing only happens when (women to die for) go strutting down the street.
Not to brag, ok I'm bragging, my wife caused something real similar. We had gone to Papa Johns pizza, ordered, and standing outside waiting. My wife was leaning over onto the tailgate of my truck with her short shorts and I was on the passenger side of the truck, leaning on the bed rail. A contractor's truck, old 4 door chevy, comes by and all of the occupants started whistling and yelling at her. I guess they forgot that there was a traffic light that was RED just in front of them! The truck hits a van that hits a car and the car goes halfway out into traffic and gets hit by another car. I started laughing my head off. The driver of the truck gets out with a crutch and a cast on his left leg and starts a cussin'. The only thing I could think of was to yell out, "Was it worth it?" Then I went into Papa J's, got our pizza, and cut a trail. If I live long enough to have grandkids, I can't wait to tell them that their grandma used to be a traffic stopper!
You must have a real nice looking MB for all that attention to distract them to the extent of smashing there cars into other cars. That sort of thing only happens when (women to die for) go strutting down the street.
I used to think my MBs were some kind of wonderful until I joined this forum. When I look at some of the bikes the people on this site have built....Let's just say it feels like the shower after gym class all over again!
Here in Santa Cruz CA., There are no shortages of MB's on the road but I still can't go more than two blocks without someone giving me a thumbs up! I have, however, found a downside:
I'm in the process of putting together a Micargi Puma and when I had finally solved all the clearance issues, I took it down to the driveway to fire it up for the first time and test it out. Wow, I must be getting better at this, because it preformed beautifully! So well in fact, that a gentleman driving by gave me "the look".......and then proceeded to rear end the lady in front of him.......Who then hit the lady in front of her!
A few days later, I had to make a quick run to the bank and back. As I stop at a red light, I make the usual scan around me to make sure I'm not in any danger. As I look behind me, a guy on a Harley is giving me a thumbs up, but seemingly oblivious to the fact that I'm stopped at a red light. He only realized it after he was half way through the intersection and he's about to be hit on his right side. Don't worry, he sped through unharmed.
Now, since no one was hurt, would I be a bad person for feeling somewhat proud?

Not to brag, ok I'm bragging, my wife caused something real similar. We had gone to Papa Johns pizza, ordered, and standing outside waiting. My wife was leaning over onto the tailgate of my truck with her short shorts and I was on the passenger side of the truck, leaning on the bed rail. A contractor's truck, old 4 door chevy, comes by and all of the occupants started whistling and yelling at her. I guess they forgot that there was a traffic light that was RED just in front of them! The truck hits a van that hits a car and the car goes halfway out into traffic and gets hit by another car. I started laughing my head off. The driver of the truck gets out with a crutch and a cast on his left leg and starts a cussin'. The only thing I could think of was to yell out, "Was it worth it?" Then I went into Papa J's, got our pizza, and cut a trail. If I live long enough to have grandkids, I can't wait to tell them that their grandma used to be a traffic stopper!

Big time kudos Guys! Very cool
After a 30 minute ride, I left my motorbike parked on the lawn in the shade and went inside to cool off. My doorbell rang a minute or so later.

It was a neighbor from 10 doors down or so, asking me where he can get one of those.

He was a 30something guy, rather than entering the silver years like me. He had seen me motoring through the neighborhood and it sparked his interest.
I've had people ask me about my motorbike at stop lights, but I never expected anybody to come to my house to ask about it!
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That Look.... Yup, I love it too. I'm new to the game but that is half the fun of going out for a cruise. Your at a stop sign.... you look over to the left and all you see is eye balls and smiles! I live in a small apartment complex and there is a little old lady(walker n all) that lives there too. Like the second day I had my mb, I was leaving and looked over to see her smilin and giving me the thumbs up!! Then I came home about 2 hours later and she was outside again and said "that bike is badazz"... no joke. I told her I have 2 mb's so if she ever wanted to go out for a ride to let me know. She just smiled and laughed.

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Not to brag, ok I'm bragging, my wife caused something real similar. We had gone to Papa Johns pizza, ordered, and standing outside waiting. My wife was leaning over onto the tailgate of my truck with her short shorts...

got pics?

(sorry, couldn't help myself...;))
That look only gets better in groups. I build bikes for a lot of my friends at Virginia tech ive ridden with 5-6 kids at a time and that is the coolest
Well I got the look & got pulled over tonight. County Police Officer asked me what heck is that, and I replied it's my 49cc bobber, he then said that thing is so cool well be safe and have a great ride.

So I got on my lil bobber and rode off, he was really cool, he only wanted to check out the bike.

Here's pic of my Lil Bobber:


Here's my OCC Stingray with the same engine below:


Peace Crazy Horse.
Any one got info on helmet cams, threads ,forums, whats best etc

Howdy Meno. There is a ton of information on all those. I know it's a bummer to hear but read, read, read. Some questions you have not thought of yet will be there. Another really cool part is you get exposed to all sorts of possibilities.

(WOHOO! I speeled "possibilities" with out spell check and got it write!)
I live right on the edge of Crazy Horse's county and his county cops are a cut above. Should be for what taxes are down there.

Anyway, I got a look I dont care to get again. I was blasting around the neighborhood today and one of those dial-a-maids was driving to or from a job. She sees me, laughs and does one of those fake hand over hand maneuvers like she's going to yank the wheel over and run me down head on. Not coool.
What a difference a day or two makes. I was riding and I get to the end of the street and turn around, pedal up to speed, engage the clutch and a woman stops and waves me down. I locked the rear wheel up for sport and we start talking. Nuff said, she liked it.
I love this thread/forum! Everytime I'm on it, no matter what thread I'm curently reading, I find something I just can"t live without! But I digress... The other day I rolled up to a red light at a four lane, major intersection in my area only to end up side by side with an Indiana state officer on a Harley! He glanced over, gave me "The look", then looked away. Being a particularly long light, I sat there wondering what, if anything, to say. When finally I looked over and said "You know there's gotta be a funny caption here somewhere..." He laughed and said "Yeah, we're probably on Youtube already!" Then asked if I wanna go title for title. I politely declined, stating that I try to keep it under 25! (LOL Indiana law)