Goat's SCSW BoXer

I've only used 8's in my bike this last season. I was thinking of getting a few 7's as well for next year.
goat, do you run pump gas? and ever check compression at 5500ft? just wondering, i think they use a 9 at sea level 93+oct dennis
I never did check my compression. I have always ran pump gas but it was the highest octane available at the local stations around the house here around 90. Imagine prolly got about 130 /150 psi compression dunno? I will check that this weekend. Been meaning to for a while now and just never did. Kick starter is plenty stiff and feels strong. Got a good new comp gauge to do it with too.

Bike has been running hella wicked strong since the clutch got cleaned up right again.

Ran my NGK BP7ES non resister plug at a 20 tho gap last two days about 30 miles or so without the DH thingy. Bike ran good but my Vapor tech dash board speedometer is getting bad EMS now. Was not a problem at all before.. So just ordered a new one today because well.. everything was doing what I wanted it to do before.. Could have got it locally but shoot it was way across town and 5 bucks shipping is not bad. Local mail.

Had about 6 or 7 thousand miles on it before it crapped out lost track?

Then will gap back to just a little shy of 30 thousands and observe with a 6 heat range non resister plug.. Prolly could have just gone to a resister plug but have a continued fascination with the D.H. going on.
Wow Goat. Isn't a 5 too hot? I was going to suggest a B6ES or B7ES

NGK descriptions

B- Thread Diameter = 14mm
C- Hex Size = 16mm (5/8
P- Projected Insulator
R- Resistor Type
6- Heat Rating (Lower the # the hotter the rating)
E- Thread Reach = 19mm (3/4
S- Standard 2.5mm Center Electrode

Been liking the NGK BP7ES because of the protruding electrode. The P with NGK brand stands for a Projected Insulator electrode at cylinder . Something I actually did not know until working In that small engine shop this year was...

''note mine clears the piston but I have a temperature gauge sensor washer shimming it out too.'' Imagine it would still clear regardless but somebody ought to take caution?

They were telling me to put projected style plugs in the two stroke engines. It was said to me that this style of projected electrode in general stays cleaner in a two stroke without out fowling and makes for better self cleaning. My own verdict is up on plugs with me ATM.

Still have my said NGK BP7ES in it from late this summer.. Have not replaced it and it has not fowled yet. I doubt I will have to go hotter than a six heat range in this P model and will still throw one in when it finally gets a little colder out.

Funny thing played with my new Direct Hit attachment and my plug at 20 tho gap instead of the previous 30 tho had with the old one. Ran my plug without it for a weak redline was smooth as butter.. Then with gap unchanged put the new one on.

Edit for more time to ride and observe....

Decided to advance my timing about 2 degrees. I think 20 tho is too small of a gap as it retards the timing ''gives that effect''. Gonna revisit a 25 tho gap and finesse the timing.

This is dangerous territory as advancing the timing will burn a two stroke up quick! It is winter time here so I got some forgiveness. Still took me by surprise .. I had the holidays mess up my testing schedule. Went ahead and ordered two of these was free shipping with black Friday . http://www.pulstarpulseplugs.com/product.aspx?zpid=3631

Put about 300 miles on my last clutch adjustment and tried something new. It was a pain in the butt to make all my homemade washer shims to my intended thickness on a piece of glass and sand paper but it is the strongest smoothest consistent transition yet. These said shims were for the dowel pins and bolt thread bottom. Just took what have been learning hands on and applied it.

Had a evil little crumb of dirt in my idle jet circuit. Cleaned it out good with carb spray . Put my previous late summer jet back in too.

Switched it from the previous (//// ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) to the deformed washer at bolt bottom like before '' ( deformed washer '' then / ( ) ( ) ( ) ) ( ) ) to bolt head then retimed the bolts with a washer at the bottom where it meets the clutch hub threads with homemade shims.

Had some chatter that the clutch would slip at High rmp a ''tiny'' bit until this new stack. My true stall is about and has been around on all my stacks around or close to 8000 rpm ...... With this one as before it will lock up and gingerly idle around 10 mph until cracking the throttle a little then it will progress and lock up again every where to redline.. Pretty Kewl.

Done with this clutch... did all I think I can do. Feel like I have gone pretty full circle with it...Was frugal about it and sought out to learn it is all. Need to say tho this clutch has not been bad at all once I figured out where I was going with it. When I was off the map oh boy was I ...

Daddy is getting a couple of model Hole Shots like your racing with Easy. Next month. My job is currently holding up. :)

Finally got the dough for 3 more hubs from you folks too. Just gotta catch Dean and see what he wants for them? Got a ridiculous hot rod electric to eventually set up on the horizon planned for one of them.

The L/C should materialize full swing about January.. Open to any of your tuning expertise! As this one is supposed to be my money shot !!
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My two plugs came in today. Had wrong gap too them. What I mean is I cannot even gap them as the spot welded wire is too long. It was like freaky too long?(?)laff Spoke to the suppliers here locally. Truly great folks to deal with so far. They are gonna make me two customized plugs to try out tailored to my application. Pretty kewl:)

Clutch is running great. Always did work perfect for me in the winter tho.
OK I just slapped my new Tomar clutch in !!! Talk about a freaky Dang hard pull. (^)

I wanna tame it a little.. The stall is currently hitting dead on with this motor's absolute power ban ATM. It rips out of the driveway and just frigging screams down the street. I am getting 40+ MPH before the end of a ''short'' neighborhood block here and this pig says I got way way more for you. :D

Dang clutch puts this motor in it's power band and that is exactly where it stays lol. I like it a lot.. I don't have my Quiet somber cruise mode now tho. It is all violated Ape only right now but too fun to play with ATM. It's ridiculous !!

I can see this clutch is beyond a doubt flawless on a race track !!

Ordered my clutch with the 8000 rpm stall springs in it.

Got to pull it apart again tho I went according to the directions.. say's..

Thrust washer ,bearing , bell , then clutch. Seams to me it needs a thrust washer at the part between bell and clutch?? That is what I got to try next. It has a vibration there and they don't mesh right?
Backed off my 6 spring screws about 1 turn then switched over to my favorite all time Maxima MTL.
Noticed this oil was a bit thicker than their Cool Blue brand and wondered what effects could be on a purposed lower RPM stall , progression ??

I had heat soaked this clutch pretty darn good just launching it every where off and on for about an hour.. So it might have faded a tad? The stall was prolly too high as well? I saw metellics showing up in the oil. Some of it or all of that prolly was the dang bell and clutch housing seating together wrongfully .

Had to clean it up a bit at the bell/clutch by hand. Then implemented a thrust washer there and bingo. So far so good.

Any way it cruises uber kewl and ultra quiet now like I always came to love so much before with mad power when ever I gun the throttle at any point of time weather from a stop creeping or whatever... I can set the throttle and it locks into the same achieved progression points previously fought so hard before to achieve flawlessly right out of the box with out a fight.

Had the stone clutch right at this point of flawless perfect prowl my last too adjustments the absolute ''exact same'' ..it would never stay that way for very long and was major home work to get it there.. This clutch is a lovy dovy piece of cake. It is so easy to set up.

Will terrorize this clutch cruise it etc for a few weeks and report. So far it is true perfection!!
Goat, glad to hear that the clutch is working great for you. For some reason I couldn't get mine to work as expected at the last race so I will have to try some other stuff before the next race. I have a question for you. how much oil did you use, the recommended amount, because my clutch didn't hook up like Kens as I was using 325 or 350cc, I forget? also I have spoken with Tomar and the recommended to use Ford ATF as an alternative to the Cool Blue, so I will try that this year.

any ways congratulations on the new clutch I will be looking forward to your updates.
It had been at freezing point outside everyday here for awhile and the 8 mile run to work in the morning was getting too much for me. Too dang cold for my taste at 40 + mph. Reset my experimental ignition timing back to stock. Motor was getting too hot.. I knew it would but when it was cold enough seamed ok to try? Only to a point..Done with that Idea. Shrug pretty dangerous! This last week has been gardening weather. It is weird could pretty much go out side with shorts on lol.

I have been topping my oil up right to the top of the factory fill hole plug. Really should do more riding to comment on what I am doing ATM. Thought about dropping my stall just a tiny bit more? Road more today and so far really do love it.. Such a breath of fresh air adjusting this thing compared to that stone clutch!

The real test will be putting in a great many 20 mile trip days in again with warmer weather now. That three shoe ditty needed a '''major''' stack overhaul 3 weeks minimum ride time before. Every 300 miles guaranteed. Frankly was tired of messing with it...wanted to try something new
Well I got to ride a bunch more. Only about 100 + miles. The winter cold and work as such keeps it under wraps. This clutch Kicks Butt!! When the engine gets heat soaked the clutch comes on definitely too soon. In hind sight of this dunno?? Mebbe I wanna use the next step up stiffer springs? Absolutely cannot complain compared to the old stone piece of work @#..Yeah that's about what I think of that stock one now lol. So my next adjustment will reflect heat soak. Still using my favorite oil.dnut

Really nice thing the bike is a piece of cake to start up cold now. No clutch drag at start up like with the stock one when I had it adjusted tits.
Well shoot I just discovered end play on my crank. Got the clutch set up made and adjustments to it's thrust washers prospective figured ,, when it occurred to me. The crank bearings feel perfectly tight up and down... there is side to side in and out horizontal slack when pushing and pulling the crank now.

Quickly checked the other motors I got here and they are all perfectly tight no slack at all.:-{ (?)To be honest I beat this motor do death with never a dull moment.. This thing still has absolutely amazing power. More than it ever hinted of making when it was new. Cannot believe how hard it hits considering my really high mileage.

Time for a tear down inspection at this point? Got spare bearings, everything for an overhaul. Will throw my other engine on and run it for now. Got a very fresh spare S6T lying here to quickly inspect then I will throw it on swapping the S6S ignition.
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Well I got to ride a bunch more. Only about 100 + miles. The winter cold and work as such keeps it under wraps. This clutch Kicks Butt!! When the engine gets heat soaked the clutch comes on definitely too soon. In hind sight of this dunno?? Mebbe I wanna use the next step up stiffer springs? Absolutely cannot complain compared to the old stone piece of work @#..Yeah that's about what I think of that stock one now lol. So my next adjustment will reflect heat soak. Still using my favorite oil.dnut

Really nice thing the bike is a piece of cake to start up cold now. No clutch drag at start up like with the stock one when I had it adjusted tits.

Hey GH,
Where do you buy your clutch parts at? I can't find the stiffer springs.
Well the guy I talked to at Tomar told me I could get 8000 rpm springs.. What ever that means?? I dunno mebbe I do have the 10,000 rpm models??
I purchased stiffer springs from tomar, http://www.tomarengineering.com/to/accessories/clutch-springs.html , actually they are 'thicker' not so much stiffer. mic your springs they are probably .085, I purchased a set of .091 and .093 that set me back $50 and purchased a spare clutch disc for $35. I will install them next week before the race. call them they don't have all the parts on their website.

Thanks Mag! Dean worked on my motor this week. We replaced all the seals and crank bearings. I know that stiffer springs will make the clutch hit harder. I know it was that way for my BZMs.
Well I did my 10,000 plus mile tear down today. What did I find?

The motor is still perfect in every way. I went to mess with my other engine ''new one'' and after rolling the crank enough with the plug out I had the same exact play. Dang these engines are tough as it gets. I was over analyzing it and pretty darn sick tired, and wore out the other day. When I just left it for a day when my head was clearer. Needed to rest up.

So today went ahead and tore the motor down for inspection. It still had busy cross hatch on the cylinder walls it was all ''still'' there upon the entire surface of the entire cylinder!!

I thought about what for and when I would make time for things again and put some love back in this thing. Did have some minute scuff marks on the piston. So opted for a new piston I had on stand by and threw in a fresh set of rings.

The exhaust port on the jug was caked. That took a while to gingerly clean it completely up spick and span. Should breath a little better now. Had took off my exhaust pipe in the past on two occasions and cleaned it's ports out before so it was still clean. The frame on the bike gets colder exhaust and stays oily never does ever build anything up.

Was pleasantly pleased to see the cylinder jug and head bolts were tight right where I had previously left them. Did use some locktite on them before just did not go crazy with it lol.

There was what I thought and I do mean it was darn minute, so the fresh bearings went in on the crank too. Reused my old head gasket that had never ever leaked . Drove around to seat the rings a little when that old head gasket said no. Darn thing blew out and I was just a few houses from home. So all I need to do is put in my new head gasket. Good to go.:D(^)

Darn head gasket made a high pitch ticking noise at first. That made my imagination sour for a few lol.laff

The other thing is the clutch is fine but it had bad gear lash for a while when I first got it. Finally is getting quiet . ()
That little spot weld I had in the bell where they welded it to the needle bearing hub. Was the root of my gear noise in the begging. This bike is so buttery smooth now. No bad vibrations all the way to redline..

You could see a tiny titty left where the wire feed let off. I did very gently level it out. Played with my thrust washers for a few got the wobble nice and minimal . This clutch has needed no maintenance so far . It just blast off pulling hard every time I throttle the bike hard.

Did settle for a higher stall than I ran before. The sports bike hotrod effect is so worth it ATM . :D I can cruise pretty slow just with more noise. Did away with my silencer cover some time ago on the carby. No matter what it seemed to make the carby a smidgin too rich.

The pulse star spark plug works flawlessly......

So it is a loud rude bike of sorts. Man do I have awesome seat pulling power tho. I think the noise factor is a major contribution to staying alive. As so many cars will flat out blatantly just pull right out in front of a guy. When I don't throttle so hard the machine is of course less loud.

Just gonna leave it as is for now. Using my Maxima to the fill hole.. This is a very impressive clutch to me so far! dnut
Breaking the dust off the bike tommorow. I had parked it in good order except for burnt out brake shoes. mebbe a new set of rear hub bearings could be a good idea.

Had been working way out of town for a few years travel wise. Got a sweet job of a life time just about 5 miles or so from home.

This of course means time to start peddling again..and of course firing up bikes and building some stuff.

The boxer was OCD for me in that I would would beat on it hard and study it. Think bout mosing around and smelling the Neborhoods out. dnut

I know why dogs stick their heads out of car windows.