For Old Guys Only

Been away a while, PC fried by storm. Refurbed laptop now. Ratbags aside
my teeth haven't been much trouble. They just fall out one by one from time
to time, but, happily because I save them, I can truthfully declare, " I still
have all my teeth!" There are even several still in my mouth.

I've got 3 left.!!
That doesn't mean you can't be a Renaissance hammer, nail, & piece of wood guy.
Ignore the pain, the best thing for arthritis is to keep moving lest you seize up
like a rusty hinge.
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Rheumatoid Arthritis nearly killed me. From somebody that has had severe RA pain, never stop moving. Even if you have to take some pain medications, what ever they may be, never stop moving. If you do, it just hurts worse when you start again.
Oh yes, keep moving. The one drug I was on really got to me. I'm off it now and recovering, and today a simple walk, a mile each way, left me knowing I'd done it. Mind you, I do keep a decent pace up. Honest.
Who remembers X-Ray machines in show stores? They were usually big wooden cabinets that you stood on wearing a new pair of shoes and you could see how your toes/bones fit. Ha ha...can you imagine what OSHA or the EPA would say about those today?

When you think about the precautions X-Ray techs take today, lead aprons and lead shielded walls, you have to wonder what happened to all those shoe store folks from the forties and fifties who worked around those machines every day, with no protection. Or customers who bought lots of shoes.

Maybold Shoe Store, south 4th street. Didn't matter who was getting shoes, we all X-rayed our feet a bunch. I've been radiated son much over the years they just need to hold the film next to me and it makes an image.

Misuse of an X-ray machine? When I was 13-14 I had acne so bad I could have stood on a rocky point and saved ships. When people talked about a beacon of light they were looking at me.

The cure. Our doctor sent me to a dermatologist who used X-rays on my face to "cure" the acne. Once a week for a year and a half he'd place lead lined pads over my eyes and turn on the machine and have at it. He saw a lot more in the cure than I did.
Finally I outgrew the acne but I can't help but wonder what the legacy was the X-rays left behind.

What the heck. I have a "sunny" smile so I've been told.

Guys I got some bad news today, the company I work for is closing the building I have worked at for 34 years in mid April. I don't have anything lined up but will land on my feet, its going to be hard starting over.
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Man, Greg, That's sad news. I got lucky. I retired a year and a half before the company I worked for sold the whole complex that I used to oversee. They downsized and would have had no use for my position because they rented space in another facility that had its own maintenance department.

With your knowledge and experience I'm confident that something good, maybe even better will come along. Hang in there and keep us informed. 34 years is a long time and any transition will be a challenge but I know you'll be up to the task. Good luck.

Greg, that's a real kick in the chops. After 34 years with the same company starting over will be hard indeed. How many people are affected.
My guess is that the move is triggered by the company moving off shore. This move is in response to the need to stay competitive in today's business environment.
Isn't that what the press release and the letter they send to tell you that it's all over says.

Best wishes.

Thanks guys, our company has been downsizing for years. Many years of declining sales and bad business moves are the cause. I have several friends that have worked with me over the years that I have contacted, a couple are promising.
I feel for you, Greg. That's rough. Not long ago, the new owner of Ideal Electric did that to my dad. He let go everyone from about 60 to 65 years old. My dad joined a class-action lawsuit, but they lost. They all lost their pensions too.
My dad was a draftsman/engineer; he went from paper to Mylar to CAD to...I forget what the recent one was. He started his job with a slide ruler and progressed to scientific calculator, then to proprietary software. He'd been designing electric motors so long he could do algebra in his head most times. When I was a kid, he'd scan my algebra homework and point to any wrong answers in just a couple seconds.
He and a few other coworkers found a home at a little start-up engineering firm that needed highly experienced talent to get off the ground. They were so glad to have him and his buddies. I'm sure the same will hold true for you. People whose eyes are open will see your talent and value it. All you need to do is go out and be seen.
Guys I got some bad news today, the company I work for is closing the building I have worked at for 34 years in mid April.
Bummer Greg.
I have been self employed as long as you worked there but always had a second income via a working spouse, you have one of those?

If so it might be time to think about doing something you really like doing from home to make an income but be warned, once you are on this path it is really REALLY hard to ever even consider a 'real job' again.

We had a bit of a scare over the Holiday, my wife's company announced they were moving a big portion of her Scottsdale office back to Minneapolis and laying off 100 or so people.

She is pretty much indispensable there, they even created a new job title for her so she could be paid more, but that sure would have hurt our standard of living for awhile.

My point is, if you absolutely NEED to get another 'real job', try something you really enjoy doing and no day is a 'work' day ;-}
They won't just put you into retirement after 34 years? That is hardcore if they wont. It would be tough to go self employed at your age if you have no experience at it. You know what I would do? Go to college or tech school and add to what you know, or, go into a completely different field. Loans and grants are easy enough to get.
I am fortunately retired, but I've been out of work in the past, in a country that gave me enough back out of what I'd paid in to be able to eat until I got another job. America to me is a worrying sort of place, much less kindly towards it's citizens. I wish you god luck and good health.
I got more info today, I can retire at anytime I wish due to my age and years of service. I can also start my pension benefit and still get another job. I will probably come out better when all is said and done. If I wait till after February 1 I will get 7 weeks pay at any time I want to leave if a good position comes my way. If I stay and help close down the building it will take about three to six month to ship out all the forklifts and equipment etc, then I will get 20 weeks severance pay.
It depends on the size of company.

Joe's Plumbing around the corner couldn't possibly provide a pension, like an IRA you put some in and the company matches some and then some 3rd party manages it.

Really big companies with thousands of employees are able to take a bit of everyone's wages and make a big nest egg.
If my wife was to be let go she had two choices, $65K at once or $2K a month for life.

She could still gat another job too but $2K a month for life?
That's a no-brainer.

I do agree with you Ludwig, you need to be able to wear a lot of hat's to run a business, and it's not for those that can't learn new things and adapt on the fly.
Fun as **** if you can though ;-]
Sounds like you have some big decisions to make but the options look promising. I know how I felt at 55 when I couldn't use my hands any longer to do my work, but a part-time job offer from a friend turned into a full-time situation and I finally called it quits this past year. It's been a good run and life is good!
Good luck!
