For Old Guys Only

Dinosaur Logic:

If aspirin doesn't take care of it I'm in trouble 'cause it's the only medicine I'll take. I don't trust the pharmaceutical companies or a lot of the products they produce. Many of the side effects are worse, or as bad as, the ailment. I subscribe to the 'Just Say No' to drugs philosophy. So far, I've been lucky.

These statins the doctors were so keen on shovelling down our necks are evil for a lot of people. They made my feet hurt so badly that I couldn't walk or stand more than half an hour at a time.

They are now binned.
I also wonder about some medications that get commonly prescribed. Some meds I was on for a while apart from other side effects must've changed my body scent because my normally affectionate cat wouldn't come anywhere near me. My cat abandoned me in favour of my daughter and it wasn't until I stopped taking those meds that my cat started keeping me company again.
I concur with all the wisdom given about this subject. Like Tom I'm a big aspirin fan myself, but the old blood pressure issue was getting me set up for the "Big One". I'll likely remain on one med for that. My former Boss at the machine shop take dozens of pills per day. It's the only thing that keeps him alive, he has so many maladies.

As to the scent information I also know that to be true, but whenever I ask a young person if old men stink, they always say yes. Make of that what you will.

I'm pretty convinced most doctors do not want to heal you they just want to make you feel better so you'll keep coming back. I also do not take flu shots ect. I don't trust them it would be a too easy way to thin the population if some idiot went bad on us.
Well, dentist says I need root canals doing, and the doctor has taken me off the scurvy tabs and I'm back on aspirin again.
So, we smell like old farts and shouldn't trust them either. Now we are getting somewhere! Lud, good to hear you are off the meds that were making you sick, but you will likely need more than aspirin following the root canals. I have had many of them and I am not that tough. Hope you feel better now.

I still have, despite the Malice Of The Money, the NHS to get me through. I may well be stoned on the latest analgaesics over Christmas.

I'm persistently amused by politicians who want to dismantle it, but have all been damned glad it was there when they or their families were in Deep Dudu.
I know what you mean about root canals Dan. The dentist told me I could hurt 7 times or just once. That was an experience I never felt any desire to repeat.

Then when I got home I got the brilliant idea that I didn't need the pain killers because I could work through it. When it hit it would have dropped a camel on it's knees.

Shingles! You want to know what pain is? Try 'shingles' :(

Things they never told us about when we had 'chicken pox' as kids.

I've had 2 root canals and yes they suck. But not as bad as having an infected tooth. That hurts worse. Much worse.

The last one is a good story. Tooth that was bothering me for a few months lit up at night. Just laying in bed going to sleep, wasn't even eating anything. Took a vicodin and squirted anbesol on it. Went to sleep.

Next day I bit into some nice soft ramen noodles and almost cried. Took some more vicodin and called the doc. Need a root canal. Ok, scheduled for next Tuesday (this was Thursday) I said can you phone in a script for vicodin?

She said if it hurts that much you can come in today at the Stockton office (20 miles away) at 2:30. Cool. Sign me up, I'll take it.

Yup, a half hour drive each way and $1450 plus an hour and a half of root canal procedure (always hurts) and I left with a smile on my face because it didn't hurt anymore.

It was worth it.
The continuity on this thread is simply amazing!! I went out with a Dentist this evening.....true story.....
I cut a piece of cereal box, folded it in half and pegged it on to the back wheel of my grandson's bike, just last weekend. ... He thought it was awesome.!!! ... he's 6, and i'm 12 times that, so guys the tradition lives on.!!

Cheers from downunder.

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I've done it again, maybe tomorrow i won't remember any of my computer stuffups,

sorry Admin. i'll try to do better.!!!

For those that are less 'worldly', Urban Dictionary is a useful tool!!

Ratbag --- Aussie slang for Trouble maker or someone causing havok - When the word Ratbag is used its used in a non offence way.

I need a T-shirt that says, "I'm a Ratbag -- and proud of it!"
