For Old Guys Only

1970. I left the Air Force in May of that year. I didn't get a haircut for five years after.
I had more hair than James did in that vid. Lots more. Down to the middle of my back, more.

Should have kept some in a plastic bag. I could have had it made into a rug (toupee).

Mine was down to my shoulders, the red and gold of the Irish princes, waves like wind in the corn.

Then I was visited by the Bald Fairy. It's my own fault, I would sleep with my head under the pillow.
The Bald Fairy that's been assigned to me must be a slacker ---- has done a half-@zzed job at best........guess I need to remember to sleep on both sides.
Just a little glimpse back to a time when we all had a full head of hair....

Too funny, I stream music and was on the James Taylor channel when I clicked the U-tube link it the browser on my other monitor and couldn't resist this screen shot WARING, this image is 3360x1200 pixels wide as it is a capture of both screens with the left running a lower resolution than the right.
In real life they both display full screen size.


JT is sporting short hair and a hat now.
No hair issues here other than I need to get it cut again.
Age can certainly be a cruel biotch.......I used to do a lot of climbing in Colorado. Now it hurts me to just get on the roof to clean out the dryer vent!
I look at the constant arthritis as a sign to let me know I'm still alive, although it has shortened my motorbike riding time markedly in the past year. I just take more frequent short rides now.

I only wish the energy my body puts into growing finger and toe nails would be put to better use; like growing hair. How come when you get to be my age you have to trim your nails every week or so or start looking like a grizzly bear?

Good grief. If I don't cut my nails at least every other week people might mistake me for Edward Scissor Hands. And they're like cutting steel, they're so hard.
What's that all about? And ear and nose hair? I never had to trim those. Now it's a weekly thing. Nature is so screwed up.

X, I used to do a lot of climbing in Colorado as well 'til I fell free climbing.
A very old indian, when I asked his opinion of rock climbing said:
"Busty bones!"
I should have listened. At least I still do a lot of hiking.
Where did you do your climbing, X? Mine was mostly in the Garden of the Gods
and North Cheyenne Canyon.

"I didn't surrender, but they made my horse surrender. I think
he's up pulling a wagon in Kansas someplace."
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X, I used to do a lot of climbing in Colorado as well 'til I fell free climbing.
A very old indian, when I asked his opinion of rock climbing said:
"Busty bones!"
I should have listened. At least I still do a lot of hiking.
Where did you do your climbing, X? Mine was mostly in the Garden of the Gods
and North Cheyenne Canyon.

"I didn't surrender, but they made my horse surrender. I think
he's up pulling a wagon in Kansas someplace."

There is an area to the SW of Salida ---- my friend called it "Silver Creek" that we frequented. There was a 200' chiminey that was quite the challenge. Also, I spent quite a bit of time between Rico & Telluride.

Thinking back, it's a wonder I survived. However, I wouldn't trade the memories for anything!
I second the survival part. I was falling head first. shoulda cracked my
skull like an egg, but I stuck out my arm; my elbow got rammed up into
my armpit instead. That's a memory I'd trade. Back in August for no good
reason I tried a bit of technical mountain biking. My reflexes ain't what
they used to be, after a couple miles I ended up walking the bike the rest
of the way down mountain.
I hurt in my bones from the work and the accidents I've had, but again, I can look back and remember the sheer joy of being young and strong and Immortal. Some people never have that chance, so I'm just happy I did.
I refuse to surrender, Ludwig. I've got arthritis in every joint. I've
broken bones in both legs & both arms, my neck, back, & skull.
I've been run over twice, fallen off a cliff, survived meningitis and
pneumonia twice.
I'm still pedaling 30 miles a week & hiking 6. I don't care how much
it hurts, I ain't slowing down. It's not getting any easier, but I'd
rather go quick of a heart attack than slow in some hospital bed
with tubes sticking out of me.
Yep, I'm with the young, strong, and immortal statement. Can't say as I've survived what a lot of you "Old Guys" have, but I am a survivor nonetheless. I spend time several days a week working with young folks who couldn't complain if they wanted to and will never even be able to ride a motorbike. They keep on trying and are a good example of what living is all about.

I think the quote goes "the older I get, the better I was"

My inspiration is an 80+ cyclist lives nearby. There's a long,(1 1/2 mile),
hill going into town that's even steeper coming back. Nonetheless, I see
that old boy chugging up that hill 2 or 3 times a week. I don't know how
he does it. I have to stop half way for 5 minutes to catch my breath.
I believe I've got scurvy. The old sailor's disease from not enough vitamin C. It seems to be associated with the Clopidogrel I take to prevent the blood being too stick, but it has side effects. Small lesions on the skin that bleed if you tough them, ankles that swell even when they shouldn't, and not I have fiendishly painful gums. These are all symptoms of scurvy. Fortunately Clopi keeps me going so I can really enjoy being agonised by eating soft fruit.
Sounds rather uncomfortable my friend. Over the years I have been on some pretty potent drugs and probably wouldn't be here without some of them, and I've experienced some pretty crazy side effects too. I did have the painful gums on some high-powered antibiotics once and fortunately it was only for several weeks.

I have been fighting with side effects of two blood pressure medicines for the past several years. Been on the straight and narrow with the diet and have eliminated one of them and yesterday got the ok to cut back 50% on the other. The first medicine was causing, vision issues, dizziness and lethargy, but did what was needed. Feel much better without it and hope to be able to get off this current medicine sometime down the road.

The old arthritis is taking control but I have resisted trying some of these new powerful drugs that apparently help quite a bit. The days when I have a flare up are a challenge, but I have more good days than bad and am very thankful for that. I've done manual labor my whole life and figure I got my money's worth out of the old body, and can still enjoy riding my bike!

Hope the side effects subside for you Lud!

On Monday, I get an appointment, and get this sorted. Crawling about on your hands and knees because your mouth hurts so much simply isn't on.