For Old Guys Only

Sorry for going into 3D tech geek speak mode, I've been doing 3D stuff for 10 years.
I like 'retro geek'.
I built one of those $99 Sinclair ZX80's that hooked to TV and you programed in basic via an odd keyboard, I have the pics somewhere, re-tasked it for awhile to run my sprinklers during planting, it would turn each sprinkler chunk on for 30 seconds every 5 minuets in rotation to keep the birds away.

I still use Basic today as most all of my web pages and database stuff is controlled via VB script in .asp pages.

I am probably one of the few that got this FoxTrot comic and literally laughed out loud.


As for the Evo modable game files...
Vehicles come in .pod files which are just a propriety .zip format consisting of stock game trucks (or more accurately, their model, art and parameter files) which are .ACT .RAW and .TRK files.

There are plenty of free conversion apps for most any 3D format including Blender which along with Z-modeler save in the right format.

All fun stuff and I'm still snickering at the 'Fortran Cookie' ;-}
About the only fancy word I know is "emulate", but it was good for some fun a little while back. Carry on fellas, I'll continue to read and act like I know what the heck is going on. I'll emulate.
Hey Tin, ever watch old black and white sci-fi movies where the 'lab' always had banks of spinning tape drives?

I started out working on machines like that.
The real key word way back then for new hardware was 'IBM Compatible'.
A common bus system, processor specs, and basic OS.

The wild west of what was new and could be done with a base platform and this is from TEXT in Magazines, there were no PC's or Internet back then but there were Dial-In servers you could use with a terminal program...

Gezz, it was all over telephone lines and I remember the huge jumps in speed from 300 BAUD to 1200, 2400, 4800 and 5600 which was all copper phone lines could carry.

5,600 bits per second transfer speed which was pretty good for all text but then HTTP and the Internet came along with it's rich pixel laden visual content to point that even your phones can pull 1,000,000,000 bits per second and usually more, my hard cable modem connection is now pulling 65,000,000 BPS download and 12,000,000 BPS upload via

I ramble, sorry, may have had one too just enough ;-}
Just like the whirring and clicking of a dial phone, the younger generation may never know the anticipation which comes after the little tune of a modem doing its dial-up routine. Man! Looking back, my 1200 baud modem moved like a snail in jello compared to the DSL I have now. It's like riding a Ducatti while remembering a Sears moped.
I can still remember the old dial tone. It is basically in the key of E flat 40. With that in mind I can always tune a guitar in the key of E by memory with out a tuner. I make sure the number six string plucked open sounds just like that dial tone lol.
I have a wall mount rotary phone on the kitchen wall and on one wall centered a few inches down from the ceiling is an odd round power outlet.

That was where you plugged your mandated clock into back in like the 50's interesting story if I recall.

Kids today know what a rotary phone is if they watched the Matrix, I laugh at the robot rotary dialer every time ;-}
KC, yep I watched the old sci-fi movies at the drive-in theaters when they were first run features! And we still use a rotary phone in the living room. I'm still emulating
Rowan and Martins Laugh-In...
The early Saturday Night Live silly skits.

I was in grade school but my mom would let me stay up late to watch it with her as pop had his roofing biz so in bed early.
Maybe it was just the bonding but we would laugh until we cried on the really funny ones.

Ya got to love Goldie.
I got a good workout today cutting fire wood. We cut a hickory and a big red oak, the red oak will probably be three or four truck loads. We are sharing the wood, we split enough to load my truck and barely made a dent in the oak. This is at my brothers house so we can work on it as we can.


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My Swing Blade Sawmill would love that Red Oak, but we need warmth also.
Oh !! Don`t get a splitting headache ! pun intended.

At my age I have to work smarter not harder, I have a nice splitter so we didn't have to swing the axe. Also both our wives and my brothers granddaughter helped load the truck. I already have a couple of cords of dry wood so this can have plenty of time to season.
Robo calls from carpet cleaners, and now politicians as elections are soon, I get an extended wait time with no sound. I can hang up and the if I am to make an out going call there is no dial tone most of the time. The call robo call keeps the connection for sometimes more than a minute as the seller is getting ready to speak. I found unplug the line and connect again. Then dial tone cones back and prior call is ended.

Maybe just get rid of LL and only use cell phone?
I've only had a cell since 2003. No issues. Home alarm goes through the internet.

And the big plus --- I don't have to get up to answer a call I don't want in the first place!