Well-Known Member
I like 'retro geek'.Sorry for going into 3D tech geek speak mode, I've been doing 3D stuff for 10 years.
I built one of those $99 Sinclair ZX80's that hooked to TV and you programed in basic via an odd keyboard, I have the pics somewhere, re-tasked it for awhile to run my sprinklers during planting, it would turn each sprinkler chunk on for 30 seconds every 5 minuets in rotation to keep the birds away.
I still use Basic today as most all of my web pages and database stuff is controlled via VB script in .asp pages.
I am probably one of the few that got this FoxTrot comic and literally laughed out loud.

As for the Evo modable game files...
Vehicles come in .pod files which are just a propriety .zip format consisting of stock game trucks (or more accurately, their model, art and parameter files) which are .ACT .RAW and .TRK files.
There are plenty of free conversion apps for most any 3D format including Blender which along with Z-modeler save in the right format.
All fun stuff and I'm still snickering at the 'Fortran Cookie' ;-}