My Dad had a '60 Pontiac with the 389 ---- scary fast! He said that was the only car that he's burned 100 gallons of gas in a single day.
I love it, X. What a great way to recycle an old file cabinet. Show us some pictures of your first cook.
Not sure where Ostrich and Yak would fit in but if you're ever in Denver..............Just remember to load your clerical smoker properly:
Angus beef goes in first, followed by
Beef (regular beef) and then
Fish, and so on.
If you have any Zebra meat, it goes in last.![]()
I grew up riding in a 57 Chevy, at one time we had two. Oddly my mom didn't like a automatic transmission so she drove the 210 with a three speed on the column and a 235 six cyld. Dad drove the four door 283 v-8 with the power glide. I vividly remember going grocery shopping with my mom and filling that huge back seat and floor board with paper sacks and her complaining that $20 dollars just didn't go anywhere any more. Now it would cost ten times that to come close to filling that space.
Have you tried 2door?i still have my 57 chevy 2 door post belair yeah for me i have 34 ford 2 door sedan called touder sedan i might not have spelled that right![]()
It is a smoker grill? Get a couple more and connect them an have cold smoker for Nova fish. Is it electric or charcoal?
Omit the 2 question, oops had not gotten to next page.
The grill is outstanding use of material re-appropriated.
Waiting to see what gets donated from the old dismantled SF Bay Bridge eastern span for artists.