For Old Guys Only

X, have you ever tried an electric charcoal starter? I never use pre-soaked charcoal or petroleum based fire starter. I can taste the petro-chemical stuff on my food.

The electric starter is just a loop that you bury under the charcoal and plug it in for 10 minutes. You remove it after the 10 minutes. They work great and leave no after taste.

But, those are some really neat flames. Would look good on a car.

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I use electric starter, and also use the starter chimney to get it going and then dump the coals in.

I unplug it and remove starter as soon as flames are showing to preserve the life of the element.

I have used that flaked fat wood that burns I think without any left over odor or taste. Its not a petrol, but naturally occurring I guess sap in the wood that starts very fast.

If hiking and camping in wet conditions and with fire permit if needed, that fat wood in flakes could help immensely I would think.
I have a question. What about natural dried wood kindling, and even some animal fat included in it to help start? That shouldn't alter the taste of the cooked meat, should it?


Can you tell, I'm not a barbecueist?
Since I use wood chucks some water soaked (so to not burn too fast) and some dry in with the charcoal for extra smoke flavoring, the same wood can also be found in shavings.

The charcoal can be lit with the wood shavings and wood chucks (maybe split to help) and so no problem I see there.

If you use the chimney starter it would get it going without other stuff.

I used to do that with the electric starter, but shavings cost a lot more than the wood mesquit or hickory chunks.

Lastly if you used small amount of newspaper rolled up as in the instructions with the starter chimney I don't think it hurts.

The starter below similar to the one I got at OSH made by Weber.

Homedepot has big bags of wood chuck for flavor at a better unit pricing. 18 lbs for under $20
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It's been forever since I've used charcoal. Just got this kind since it said on the bag that it burned longer......oh well, live then live some more!!

My sister has a cord of dried pear wood which is what I'll actually use for the 'real' smoke'n. Just used the charcoal to heat test the cabinet (wanted easy for this). I may use a few of these briqettes to start the fire on the pear wood.....should be good for this.
This is gonna date me.

One of my favorite films that I saw as a youngster was Those Magnificent Men and their Flying Machines.

Saw it when I was probably 8 back in '64 at the local Bijou. Old planes have been a big interest of mine for most of my life, and since I also (now) do 3D computer models, I've done a fair share of old aircraft for various freeware flight simulations. FlightGear here lately has been my sim I'm working with the most.

Here's a couple videos of a pair of pre WWI pioneering flight planes I've made for FlightGear.. The 'clicking' at the beginning of both vids is the default magneto switch-on sound for most spark ignited propeller engined aircraft in FlightGear.

The simulated AVRO has a properly modelled 1910 Green 35 hp engine. Which is not the DeHavilland Puss Moth engine the movie's replica has, hence the nearly impossible to see through radiator smack dab in front of the pilot, just like A.V. Roe built the type IV triplane at Brooklands.

Hmmm how do you embed Youtube videos?
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I went thru a lot of glue, balsa,& silk span building WWI
aircraft replicas. I'm pretty sure it addled my brain.
(why else ride MB's?)
This is gonna date me.

..and since I also (now) do 3D computer models, I've done a fair share of old aircraft for various freeware flight simulations. FlightGear here lately has been my sim I'm working with the most.
Hi Citi, so you like modeling things you can play in a game?
If you want to try your hand and making land vehicles give 4x4 Evo 2 a try.

Actually all 3 games on that page are extensively modable from dropping your totally custom models with a simple .txt file of their characteristics, to creating and entire terrain maps that have no boundaries... if leave one end of the map you appear on the other side.

It's one thing to model something cool you've seen, quite another to replicate something like your own car and drop into a game and drive the heck out of it ;-}
You know, right now I don't even own any off-road cars. I am making some scenery for Northern Italy and the Isle of Man TT course in Flightgear. I have done a number of motorcycles for FG also.

The closest off road 4 wheeler I've owned would have been my '67 Volvo 122 Amazon, which despite being a dead stock street car, could be driven through some pretty nasty dirt and gravel roads. I surprised a few jeep owners once on the McKenzie river by driving myself and some friends to a remote gravel bar through some low water channels and big rocks.

KC, what kind of file formats and texture image files does your sim accept, and do you have it under a GPL EULA? Can you play online with other drivers?
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Im having difficulty figuring out where the bulletin board is so I can post my own questions about my bike. Yes I did try the FAQ section, to little and no help. Thanks for helping a noob out.:-||:-||
KC, what kind of file formats and texture image files does your sim accept, and do you have it under a GPL EULA? Can you play online with other drivers?
It's Terminal Reality, Inc game, they gave me permission to strip out the .trk file holds the licensed vehicles and replace them our creations.

Nobody cares anymore so I have the stock vehicles for free DL now too.
And it's not all off-road, a great deal of the tracks are paved car roads and plenty of cool cars.

It is basically a cool custom game engine for it's day that allows you to put whatever you want in it and drive it on whatever you like and yes it has multiplayer up to 8 racers.

Just something you might find fun with a treasure trove of help in the forums and help pages, over a decade tends to do that ;-}
I'm just asking what type of 3D file types it accepts.

As I only work with a few types. Like AC3D's .AC or .3DS. If it's a file type exclusive to the sim then it may be a problem to import some of my models into the sim.

As it is, I've been doing a lot of my own track and vehicle work in FG that is satisfactory to my uses and another sim would probably not get used much. I also have SpeedDreams 2.0 and it rarely gets fired up any more because there just isn't any easily done way to make it into a motorcycle simulation.
Now I do feel old. I can remember making sprites for a Commodore 64 game I was hacking together. The last time I did any serious programing was in college with C++ and I can't recall what it was supposed to do. I just mostly build 'em these days and let the owners program 'em.
After reading the last pages of posts, I found myself stroking my chin --- nodding like I knew what the heck they were talking about...........not. That facet of technology has passed by me as if I had my thumb out on the side of the German autobahn.
I was waiting for 2door to chime in and say" DONT USE THE WHITE WIRE". Kinda a inside joke but some I'm sure remember.