For Old Guys Only

I've had 8 jobs since I got out of school. 4 companies fired me and I fired 4 of them. We're even. Never went for the jobs with the most bucks, wanted the jobs with the most fun.

Hey if you enjoy your job, it not so much like work eh?

By living well within my means I managed to retire early. That was my main goal of life to retire early as possible. Even though I was pretty happy working, not working is even better. Now I do what I want to do and whenever I want to do it.

Life is so much easier when you get to live "out of phase" with the rest of the world. The freeways are delightfully devoid of traffic between the hours of 10 AM and 2 PM. You can run long distance errands easily during those hours. Attractions which are packed on weekends are empty on weekdays. You don't have to wait in long lines. During the weekends when the "working people" are all out and about I stay home where it's safe.

Truly a wonderful thing this being retired - :)
Yeah Mike, that's why I've always been 'semi-retired', just too much
of a free spirit. If I didn't like the outfit, I'd be gone before lunch.
I didn't mind hard labor, I could really hit it, but I couldn't stand working
for @$$oles.
I guess on some things, I'm more set in my ways than I'd like to admit. I just can't seem to make meatloaf without making macaroni & cheese.
X, my wife addicted me to coffee. Do not even speak
to me in the morning before I have some.(on pain of death).
In my life have only succeeded in mastering only one discipline,
pedaling a bike. I never make meat loaf the same way twice.
Meatloaf is something I'm planning to experiment with, you know, just the way I like it. And I like mushrooms with beef, but I never had a meatloaf with mushrooms in it. Some 'shrooms, onion, garlic, celery and some nice stale bread crumbs sounds good.

And it makes such wonderful sandwiches left over and cold - :)
I guess, technically, mine is never the same.....I subscribe to the 'not measuring anything' school of cooking.

If you'd like something different, crush up some Funyons to use as your filler. Muy delicioso!!
Hey, Measure. Just thought it would be fun to see if the building in the background is still there. It is.



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    NY Building, Before.jpg
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    NY Building.jpg
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.trkDon't forget the baseball cards in the spokes held in place by moms clothes pins and who had a siren you pulled against the front tire. I sill have one on the shelf.

Howdy First State. I remember those horns. Wonder if they still make em?

MT, that was cool. Thanks for posting. Really enjoy those little time capsules.

Is funny. Nothing really changes. Just the names & titles.
Is funny. Nothing really changes. Just the names & titles.

However, I'm really glad that we don't have to do all this by postcard anymore!! Forget the telephone.......those long distance charges back in the day were 'outrageous'!! :D
My favorite jobs , all seasonal, were the kind where I was paid good money
to do the sort of things people pay good money to do. One of the most fun
was driving high country jeep tours. The clients all learned how to pan for
gold & some basic minerology, caught a few brook trout in spectacular alpine
scenery. Sometimes we'd ride down *Montezuma glacier on gold pans. For
no extra charge I'd terrify the begeezus out of the on 'suicide curve" and
other lofty, precipitous tracks.
I loved working with horses too, duding hunters. I worked with thoroughbreds
for a time, rowed raft tours, guided fishing, and in winter worked as ski patrol
and underground ski instructor.(screw Aspen Ski Corp.)

*that glacier has now completely disappeared.
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Hey, Measure. Just thought it would be fun to see if the building in the background is still there. It is.


I've been planning a road trip to Mansfield Ohio to visit my folks and have a look around the town I grew up in. But I've been mentally preparing myself for some disappointment too.
I already know my grade school is gone, and my middle school too, and my high school might be torn down by the time I get down there. They were practically new when I was in kindergarten. The Boy Scout camp I went to, Avery Hand, was razed and there's a bird sanctuary there now. The old Stewart's Root Beer stand, where I took some of my dates, is gone now. (One of the ladies I used to take there is gone now too.) I miss having a tray hanging on my car window with a tall root beer and hot chicken sandwich, or pizza burger, and those fries with the skins still on.
Even the church I went to has since been renovated so much I hardly recognize it. The Reeds department store downtown, where my grandmother took me for school clothes sometimes, is a decrepit and crumbling shell. Speaking of shells: the band shell in downtown, where I went for concerts once, long gone now. The K-marts I worked at, as one of my first jobs, are ALL torn down. The bar I first went to after I turned 21, gone.
And the friends I use to go to that bar with, and to school, and to church - nearly all of them have left town. I haven't been able to get in touch with anybody I knew there but my own parents. I've been getting so doggone depressed about it that I started wondering why I even wanted to go back in the first place. I tell myself it's only fair - my parents visit me, it's time I repaid them. And I try to convince myself that I'll see something in the old home town that's stood the test of time, and has happy memories attached.
Sorry to be in such a bummed out mood, folks. I get them sometimes. For those of you who stuck with my little essay: thanks for letting me get all that off my chest. It was kinda hard watching the town I remembered just fade away.
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Anyone remember the nursery rhyme,

Rub a Dub Dub, Three Men in a Tub?
A Butcher, a Baker ,and a Candlestick Maker.

I was all three in my life time.

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I guess on some things, I'm more set in my ways than I'd like to admit. I just can't seem to make meatloaf without making macaroni & cheese.
I dislike both so I don't have that craving, but I have been known to take something my wife was ready to stir fry and make shish-ka-bobs for the grill out of it as BBQ is year round here ;-}
I've been planning a road trip to Mansfield Ohio to visit my folks and have a look around the town I grew up in. But I've been mentally preparing myself for some disappointment too.
I already know my grade school is gone, and my middle school too, and my high school might be torn down by the time I get down there. They were practically new when I was in kindergarten. The Boy Scout camp I went to, Avery Hand, was razed and there's a bird sanctuary there now. The old Stewart's Root Beer stand, where I took some of my dates, is gone now. (One of the ladies I used to take there is gone now too.) I miss having a tray hanging on my car window with a tall root beer and hot chicken sandwich, or pizza burger, and those fries with the skins still on.
Even the church I went to has since been renovated so much I hardly recognize it. The Reeds department store downtown, where my grandmother took me for school clothes sometimes, is a decrepit and crumbling shell. Speaking of shells: the band shell in downtown, where I went for concerts once, long gone now. The K-marts I worked at, as one of my first jobs, are ALL torn down. The bar I first went to after I turned 21, gone.
And the friends I use to go to that bar with, and to school, and to church - nearly all of them have left town. I haven't been able to get in touch with anybody I knew there but my own parents. I've been getting so doggone depressed about it that I started wondering why I even wanted to go back in the first place. I tell myself it's only fair - my parents visit me, it's time I repaid them. And I try to convince myself that I'll see something in the old home town that's stood the test of time, and has happy memories attached.
Sorry to be in such a bummed out mood, folks. I get them sometimes. For those of you who stuck with my little essay: thanks for letting me get all that off my chest. It was kinda hard watching the town I remembered just fade away.

I just saw this replayed on free over the air waves antenna TV:

I think I may have seen on Goggle Earth an ice-cream shop that was back more than 30 years ago in Pennsylvania while visiting the area. Soft serve piled high you could not eat it before the bottom melted. Since I'm on the left side now in CA, maybe if I one day am back in PA I'll try to find it. Fall colors would be nice back there, but I need to get career change training done.

Good for you MT, first things first.

Yup, the world is changing. We no longer have a big demand for unskilled labor. Even assembly personnel are now referred to as technicians. Because that's really what they are. Filling out QC reports is part of the job. Drawings and assembly specs are are touch screen displays right on the bench. You want a job bolting stuff together now, you better know how to operate a computer.

Robotics and automation are replacing many of these jobs and they will never be coming back. There is a big demand for people who can program, repair and set up robots and automation systems.

Good on you for improving your skills for the changing job market - :)
I was making a disc for SWMBO of old family photo's & came across this photo of downtown Biloxi, Ms. circa early/mid 50's. I see a Harley going one way & a motor scooter/moped? going the other. Downtown Biloxi no longer looks like the photo.

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What a great old photo, Cosmic. Thanks for sharing.
That scooter might be a Cushman Eagle. They were popular about that time.
