Mike B
New Member
I've had 8 jobs since I got out of school. 4 companies fired me and I fired 4 of them. We're even. Never went for the jobs with the most bucks, wanted the jobs with the most fun.
Hey if you enjoy your job, it not so much like work eh?
By living well within my means I managed to retire early. That was my main goal of life to retire early as possible. Even though I was pretty happy working, not working is even better. Now I do what I want to do and whenever I want to do it.
Life is so much easier when you get to live "out of phase" with the rest of the world. The freeways are delightfully devoid of traffic between the hours of 10 AM and 2 PM. You can run long distance errands easily during those hours. Attractions which are packed on weekends are empty on weekdays. You don't have to wait in long lines. During the weekends when the "working people" are all out and about I stay home where it's safe.
Truly a wonderful thing this being retired -
Hey if you enjoy your job, it not so much like work eh?
By living well within my means I managed to retire early. That was my main goal of life to retire early as possible. Even though I was pretty happy working, not working is even better. Now I do what I want to do and whenever I want to do it.
Life is so much easier when you get to live "out of phase" with the rest of the world. The freeways are delightfully devoid of traffic between the hours of 10 AM and 2 PM. You can run long distance errands easily during those hours. Attractions which are packed on weekends are empty on weekdays. You don't have to wait in long lines. During the weekends when the "working people" are all out and about I stay home where it's safe.
Truly a wonderful thing this being retired -