For Old Guys Only

They won't just put you into retirement after 34 years? That is hardcore if they wont. It would be tough to go self employed at your age if you have no experience at it. You know what I would do? Go to college or tech school and add to what you know, or, go into a completely different field. Loans and grants are easy enough to get.

The good thing is I have a lot of experience, when I was younger I worked my job at the distribution center on 2nd shift and was a installation contractor for Atlanta gas/light for seven years installing appliances, grills and anything they sold. We installed on average 60 water heaters a year, so I can go do that again. I got burnt out doing 2 jobs, the $ was great, the body pain and not seeing the family not so good.
Trivia Time: Who was....

1. Herbert Philbrick

2. Dan Mathews

3. Roudy Yates

If you have to google them, you're cheating. If you don't know, you're too young.

LOL, yeah, Dan, Clint was probably 20 or 25 when we knew him as Roudy Yates on 'Wagon Train'. He's come a long way since then.

The other two go back a few years before. You had to be an early TV viewer to remember those names.

Where's FastEddy? He might remember.

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Pension? What's a pension?

That was something that Pops got when he retired. He's dead now.

Me, I have to live off savings.

But I did get a new dog;


There's only 1 cure for a dead dog - :)
And I'm a lot younger than fasteddy, although I did turn seventy a few days ago. Didn't remember the names of any of those guys.

Mike, another lucky dog found a good human.
Lucky dog and it's learned already that if you do the cute, adoring look there's a cookie in it for you. :)

Congratulations Mike.

Hi Tom,

If I remember correctly Mr. Philbrick went under cover and joined the Communist Party in the U.S. for the government. There was quite a story behind it when they used what he had found. I believe they went to court and jailed people but the details are now not too clear any more.
It did give everyone a pretty good idea of just what America was up against.

I did Google Mr. Mathews. I didn't know who started the organization but in my book he could have done something worth while with his life. I'll keep most my suggestions to myself but towel boy at the steam baths would be one of them..

Close Steve, but keep in mind I was talking 'early television.

1. Philbrick was the main character in a TV series called, 'I led three lives'. It was indeed about an American insurance salesman who went to work for the FBI and became a spy for Russia as well. Don't recall the actor's name but my folks never missed it.

2. The Dan Mathews I was thinking of was played by actor Broderic Crawford as the head of 'The Highway Patrol' A 50s TV classic that was centered around the crime stoppers of the road. They drove big black and white Buicks and Oldsmobiles and Crawford always wore a suit and trenchcoat even though a lot of the scenes were shot in the desert of southern California.

3. Clint Eastwood... 'Wagon Train' and the rest is history.


Congratulations, Mike. Give him love. He'll return it.

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Hi Tom,

Didn't realize that you were referring to TV shows. Richard Carlson starred in "I led three lives". I sort of remember the show but at that time in my life I wasn't that interested in TV if it didn't involve cowboys or Fess Parker as Daniel Boone.

I certainly remember Broderick Crawford in "Highway Patrol". I often wondered if that wasn't part of the reason we moved to California in 1956.

When I looked it up it came as the man who started P.E.T.A.

See I told you I was to young.

Rowdy Yates was the ramrod on 'Rawhide', not Wagon Train. Eric Fleming
was the trail boss, Gil Favor.
Richard Carlson filled us with dread of the 'communist menace' & in school
we learned to duck under our desks in the event of nuclear attack.
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Who remembers Cedric from the Gail Storm show, or Loretta Young
gliding down that staircase. No? it's okay guys, I remember stuff from
when I was two, Amos & Andy, The Lone Ranger on the radio. Superman
selling Powerhouse candy bars on a yellow 12" TV screen. Johnny Steele,
Wild Bill Hickock, Lash Larue. & the Cisco Kid, gosh what happened
to westerns on TV? Anyone remember Crusader Rabbit?
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As an adult, one is somewhat amused by Jay Silverheels as Tonto, calling the Lone Ranger Kemosabe.

There's a thought which has come to me, more than 5 decades later. You'd always know who he was, because of the skin contrast when he took his mask off.

We used to get the Flying Whirlybirds here as well. And a young Mickey Dolenz billed as Mickey ?Sherman in Circus Boy.
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As a seven year old I was in love with Loretta Young. Why couldn't she be my mother? Life is not fair. All I remember about her is gliding down that staircase. I wonder if she ever went up it. And what was that show about anyway? That is the single thing I remember about her.... coming down that staircase and sweeping right up to the camera, smiling, smiling...
Otero, You are correct about Roudy. It was Rawhide. My mistake.
I remember every show you mentioned. Here's a couple more:

Water Front (what was the tug boat's name?)

Crunch and Dez. Two guys running a deep sea fishing charter boat out of San Diego, I think. How did they come up with stories for them?

Sea Hunt. Loyde Bridges

77 Sunset Strip. Ed Burnes drove a 'T' roadster streetrod built by Norm Grabowski

Life of Riley. Chester, Peg, Junior, Babs, Neighbors, Jim and Honeybee. He was a riveter in an aircraft factory, boss was Hawkins.

Surfside 6. Actually a real place. A houseboat docked on the Intercoastal in Surfside FL. Six was the address assigned to houseboat docks by the post office. I used to drive past it almost every day when I lived in Miami.

Sky King. Bamboo Bomber, Niece was Penny

20th Century. Hosted by Walter Cronkite. An hour long world history lesson.

Industry on Parade. They took you inside factories and showed how things were made.

Lots more from those early days of TV. More than what's on today and we only had two or three channels to choose from. Now we have hundreds, and there's nothing there.

"Kookie, Lend me your comb."
' Rama of the Jungle' with the past-his-prime Johnny Weismuller
Gene Autry's 'Radio Ranch'
Buster Crab- Flash Gordon & the mole men, also 'French Foreign Legion'
Saturday morning kiddie matinees. Gramma'd give me 50 cents, a nickel
for the bus each way, 25 cents to get in, & 15 cents for candy. I used to
walk the 30 blocks back & use the extra nickel for a Mars bar. Who'd let
a 6 year old do that today?
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Rin Tin Tin,
Howdy Doody, Buffalo Bob, Carabell, Princess Summerfallwinterspring, Mr Bluster, the Flubadud and the Peanut Gallery
Buster Brown Hour "Plunk your magic twanger, Froggy"
The Hit Parade
Red Skelton
Ed Sullivan
The Mickey Mouse Club (Jimmy Dodd, Annette, Karen & Kubby (Meeskteers)
Captain Kangaroo (Mr. Greenjeans, Bunny Rabbit, Mr. Moose)

I grew out of at least 2 pair of 'Buster Browns' In summer when I
left the house, I'd stash 'em under the porch & go barefoot.
I never was into Howdy Doody, Capt. Kangaroo, or the mouse club.
I was a hyperactive totally outdoors kid. catchin' frogs, or horn toads
scrambling about the foothills of Colo.Sprs, blowing up anthills with
fire crackers, and all manner of rascal mischief.