For Old Guys Only

Great project, I didn't have a lot of $ when I did mine, I ran a 283 with a TH350 trans. It ran good as a daily driver.
Great project, I didn't have a lot of $ when I did mine, I ran a 283 with a TH350 trans. It ran good as a daily driver.

Trying to do it right, 700r4 trans, vintage air, power steering, power big rotor disk, and a 9 inch custom rearend...dont plan on fancy paint just primer and patina... now lets hope my kids college education does not put too a
Cars have always been a favorite pass time for me, over the years I've owned quite a few projects that I would get in good running condition and someone else would offer me enough to sell. A couple now I wish I had back.
Trying to do it right, 700r4 trans, vintage air, power steering, power big rotor disk, and a 9 inch custom rearend...dont plan on fancy paint just primer and patina... now lets hope my kids college education does not put too a
I've been there, I painted the 50 the first time in the late 80's, then in the 90's when both kids graduated and went to college the money wasn't there for the car. I finish my obligations for college and started back on my projects. I finished my 70 GMC first then the 50, the wife doesn't understand how I can put in so many hours in my shop, most guys do.
I would like to check that area out KC, How does it compair to Prescott area
Climate: Arizona’s Verde Valley lies in the High Desert transition zone between the Sonoran Desert to the south and the Colorado Plateau to the north.
At 3,100 feet elevation, it boasts some of the mildest weather in the Nation.

It is much smaller than Prescott, and it has a small town feel ;-}
I found a use for my heat pump that does not even need to be electric powered. It works great!


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Now it Cools & Heats! Heating anyway with mild salsa, this even as it snows. Very light snow. It was supposed to fall at 1500 feet and for a while was coming down as larger flakes. I'm at 3000ft. It was seen sticking in the lower mountains probably at 4000ft. Hot water used on my outdoor potted blueberries under the fabric cover and 200 watts of incandescent bulbs. The temperature is supposed to be in the teens for 2 days through the early am hours. Days even at 36 they are saying. Today was nice though and MIG welded up a fix for an axle on my smoker grill. Wind died down and the snow still coming down was next to nothing, so I did not worry. Tomorrow grind the excess off and try out the wheels. I want to have have another 2 wheels for the other end to take weight off completely. May see about a dolly jury rigged as the thing is otherwise solid steel. Stupid plastic parts on just this critical area that hold wheels on end of axle is a joke. Otherwise my investment on the close out 99 buck back 5 years ago is really good. I got some salmon I will smoke. Maybe make a pastrami too.


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I made my smoker out of a 3 drawer filing cabinet that I found. A stainless steel colander holds the lump charcoal and wood, the middle drawer contains the liquid bowl, and the top drawer has a grate to hold the meat. Sure, it leaks smoke, but it holds a consistent 210* to 225* which is perfect for longer smoking times. I think I have $10 invested in it --- the price of the thermometer installed in the top drawer. Has worked well for the past 4 years I've had it!
This one is a dry smoker, but I could put a container of water in it. I used a water tray for turkey to drip into and just had coals on the side of the main grill, not using the side smoker box at all. The one I got is by the red painted fence and the food grilling. The other was what I saw about 3 years later in a Homedepo Store, it has the steel wheels. I may make some wheels like that and have wheels on both ends. The weight would hurt me to move it as is. Then just add a parking brake. Hey maybe motorize it or electric to assist moving it to area to use it from storage.


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A few days after reviving this old thread I was introduced to this >–Barré_syndrome

Believe me, guys, you don't want to experience anything even remotely like it. I spent three weeks in the hospital and even though I'm home now I'm basically an invalid. I have trouble walking, can't drive and I'm on 24 hour supplemental oxygen. This sucks. The chances of having this are estimated to be something like winning the Colorado Lottery, or even greater. Something like .89 persons in 100,000. Lucky me. It is believed to have been caused by a flu vaccination I got two weeks before the onset.

Anyway, Before this I was enjoying my R/C planes. The only problem with that hobby is that the older you get, the bigger the planes have to be so you can see them. 100+ inch wingspans are common in my current fleet. My favorites are a 90" span Spitfire and a 98" Ugly Stick with a Saito 150 4 stroker. All but one plane have 4 stroke engines. I love the sound they make, especially a flat opposed twin. I do still have one 2 stroke in a biplane but I don't fly it too often.

All the bikes are gone; sold to people who I hope are enjoying them and giving them the care they deserved. I still have my sedan but it wasn't out of the garage last summer. Hopefully I'll regain some muscle strength in my legs before fall and get the hot rod out a few times this year. Docs say my progress could be slow due to my age. I'll keep ya'll posted.


It's always hard to put one's feelings into words when you hear such terrible news. The Colorado Lottery would at least be reason to celebrate. Such odds and somehow and for some unexplained reason your name came up to suffer from this.. Such I guess is life.

Silverbear had the same thing and he often told me about it's effects on him.

Can only hope that the doctor is wrong and you come back to where your health was before this happened. All the best and hoping for a quick recovery.

That really stinks, but fortunatly you are now headed on the path to recovery. (This portion The underlying mechanism involves an autoimmune disorder in which the body's immune system mistakenly attacks the peripheral nerves and damages their " myelin insulation" reminds me of MS". Hang in there things will get better.

Amazing how many motorbike builders are or were RC enthueast or vintage car people. Guess that is because they are always looking for a creative outlet!

Jim E

n of the diease "
A few days after reviving this old thread I was introduced to this >–Barré_syndrome

Believe me, guys, you don't want to experience anything even remotely like it. I spent three weeks in the hospital and even though I'm home now I'm basically an invalid. I have trouble walking, can't drive and I'm on 24 hour supplemental oxygen. This sucks. The chances of having this are estimated to be something like winning the Colorado Lottery, or even greater. Something like .89 persons in 100,000. Lucky me. It is believed to have been caused by a flu vaccination I got two weeks before the onset.

Anyway, Before this I was enjoying my R/C planes. The only problem with that hobby is that the older you get, the bigger the planes have to be so you can see them. 100+ inch wingspans are common in my current fleet. My favorites are a 90" span Spitfire and a 98" Ugly Stick with a Saito 150 4 stroker. All but one plane have 4 stroke engines. I love the sound they make, especially a flat opposed twin. I do still have one 2 stroke in a biplane but I don't fly it too often.

All the bikes are gone; sold to people who I hope are enjoying them and giving them the care they deserved. I still have my sedan but it wasn't out of the garage last summer. Hopefully I'll regain some muscle strength in my legs before fall and get the hot rod out a few times this year. Docs say my progress could be slow due to my age. I'll keep ya'll posted.

I'm pulling for ya! Wish for things to improve for you.

I've not been windsurfing in a year. 8 months ago had a disk bulge an push on spine. Chiropractor has now been what is helping as shots made worse.

Scale models I use airfoil but it does not fly. RC Model Land Yacht Trike. If I can get to a frozen lake without snow cover as I once did, I'd witch to ice runners.

Hope you to have you improve and have enjoyment.
Thanks guys.
I wasn't sympathy fishin' but more curious if any of you had heard of this condition before. It is rare and the cause is basically unknown but it has been proven that the flu vaccine can be a catalyst. I did get the flu shot prior to the onset and the docs have pretty much agreed that was the culprit with me. An infection of some sort has also ben linked to GBS but I didn't have any infection that I was aware of so I blame the flu injection. I see improvement almost daily but I still have night time leg pain. Even that is better than a couple of weeks ago so I am healing; just not fast enough. I'm more concerned about my lungs and breathing than getting around. My diaphragm was impacted by the syndrome and that makes breathing harder than it should be and that takes more energy than it should. In short...........this bites!

Thanks again for all the kind words. They mean a lot. I'll keep in touch.
