For Old Guys Only

Thanks guys.
I wasn't sympathy fishin' but more curious if any of you had heard of this condition before. It is rare and the cause is basically unknown but it has been proven that the flu vaccine can be a catalyst. I did get the flu shot prior to the onset and the docs have pretty much agreed that was the culprit with me. An infection of some sort has also ben linked to GBS but I didn't have any infection that I was aware of so I blame the flu injection. I see improvement almost daily but I still have night time leg pain. Even that is better than a couple of weeks ago so I am healing; just not fast enough. I'm more concerned about my lungs and breathing than getting around. My diaphragm was impacted by the syndrome and that makes breathing harder than it should be and that takes more energy than it should. In short...........this bites!

Thanks again for all the kind words. They mean a lot. I'll keep in touch.


Tom, if you need a place to hang out at a lower altitude, you and Char are welcome at my home any time!!

(May need to dodge the occasional tornado,
I ain't coming in here agan and talking to you lot, the doctor rang me today and told me I have some sort of cyst problem in my right ankle, which explains why I can't walk without a stick sometimes. I swear I've caught something off you!

Seriously, it's probably down to the broken right leg in 2006 and soft tissue damage. 2 Door, keep working on the breathing, as long as you do that, you'll be fine.
Thanks again guys.

Ludwig, you might be on to something. What I have is not supposed to be contagious but in the last week I discovered that there have been three R/C flyers from our club who have been diagnosed with GBS in the last three years. Now you have to admit that's a pretty small demographic. Currently we have about 300 club members. What are the chances that three of us would come down with this syndrome?

We have decided its exposure to the nitromethane in our airplane fuel :) Seriously, it is odd that there have been three cases in about as many years in just our small community.

Thanks, Mark. I'm not as afraid of tornados as I would be the law enforcement folks in your state. I just read John Grisham's 'The Innocent Man' and the book wasn't very kind to the Oklahoma police. I might be mistaken for a 60s radical and detained by some over zealous town cop :)

Hi Tom,

Healing never seems to have a time line. I restored a vintage canned ham trailer over twenty years ago from the frame up and wound up with permanent lung damage from the black mould covering everything. I keep looking around to see what the strange noise is only to realize it's me breathing.

Your lungs will probably take a while to repair themselves. They are marvelous bits and they do heal but slowly.

As I said Silverbear had G-B and I sent him a note about you having it as well but haven't heard back from him. He talked about his legs bothering him when he had it but that was when I had leg problems of my own and we were comparing frailty's but I don't think he talked about a lot of other things that were wrong.

Great to hear that your healing. Hope it speeds up and your back to flying.

Wow, Ludwig. I was being facetious about the link between GBS and nitromethane but maybe there's more to it than we think. I just got off the phone with a fellow R/C flyer and he was telling me that he has started having some weakness in his legs that he can't explain. I sincerely hope he isn't coming down with this insidious thing.

Thanks for the link. I'll pass it around to some of the local flyers for discussion.


Spent some time today looking up the dangers of nitromethane as well. Finally found this piece from a RC helicopter site. Post #10 has the information that I found interesting.

I wonder if the burning fumes affect some people more than others due to an allergic reaction since they are more sensitive to it. It is made from methyl alcohol that can cause blindness as well as kidney and liver damage and paralysis if drunk. Known as rubbing alcohol.

Hope this adds some more light on the problem.

Tom I know you will work hard to get better, with your problem solving skills I know you have a plan. Keeping a positive altitude is most of the Battle.
I bin up der horstpiddle, dey X raid me and der doc sez i ain't bad. I have had intermittent seizures, with pain, of the right ankle and there was concern it was arthritis becoming aggressive. It turns out there are a few tiny bonelets, little grains of them around the joint, and they are not harmful. They just move around every now and again and dig into soft tissue. They might go in and vacuum them out later in the year.
My feet and ankles get special treatment, but they are pretty much toast so it's all about pain management now for me and my doctors order it, and it gets delivered to my door.
I can still stand up and walk some but am loosing my balance now, sucks.
Might as well whine in on this one. Had surgery to remove medial meniscus (knee) a while ago. Recently tore the lateral meniscus that was remaining. Now the hopefully slow degradation of the knee joint requiring replacement. Nice to be part of the group. Check out Sons of Arthritis website, I'm a member and it'll make you smile.
Hello everyone.
I just stopped in to see how the old place looks. Ahhh, new paint on the walls. New carpet, drapery and finally those smelly old restrooms have been cleaned up. Eric's doing a good job and you guys aren't near as rowdy as you used to be. Now there's less desk top computers and more lap tops and phones. Whatever works for you. I'm still a desk top guy and probably always will be. My phone is even the old 'flip' variety that looks like a 'Star Trek' communicator.
Technology is passing me by. Its funny how so many of the guys my age I know who have let that happen and then there are a few, the minority, who have embraced the vast electronic offerings out there and have learned to use it and, I've noticed, seem to rely on it, some heavily. Oh well, like I said, whatever works for you.

Hope all is good with all of my old friends here and the younger, new members whom I've not had the pleasure to meet.
I'm glad to see the hobby is apparently still going strong. I see some new advancements that we didn't have back in the single digits, (2007 - 08) and I hear the quality on some items has increased a little. That's good.

Don't want to hang around too long; just wanted to drop in for a moment and say hello. Ya'll take care now..

Good to see ya Tom. You're lookin' good! I'm letting as much technology go by as possible. Heck, we still have a working rotary phone in the living room. Recently had a 10 yr old over to see if he could make it work. Took about 5 minutes, but he finally got pretty close to making it work. Still have a desk top and rarely carry a phone. While I enjoy what it brings, I have so many "real" things to do that I don't have time. Heck, I hardly have time to ride some weeks. Life is good, and I hope things are fine out your way.

Take care,
It is with great sadness that I write this, but one of the cornerstones of the MTM/Evo family has passed away on August 31st. KC, it was a long battle may you rest in peace.
To those of you whom didn’t know who he was, he was one of the main people that not only promoted these games early on. But hosted content, allowed uploads, and ran forums that allowed custom content for this game to flourish.
Without his work, many of us would have never met. And this game would have been long forgotten. For those looking for more information or to pass along condolences, his wife Kenda put up a post here:

Looks like the site is shut down now.