For Old Guys Only

Howdy, Tom!! Good to hear from 'ya. I was just thinking the other day that I hadn't seen a post from you in a while....
Its ironic that a couple of posts up is a post by K C Vale, I read a couple of days ago that he pasted away last August.

Hey guys. Darn, I'm truly saddened by the news about KC. As has been stated, he was a serious bike builder, an innovator, knowledgeable and a person I considered a friend. He will be missed on these pages and my deepest condolences to his wife and family.
As we age these sad events seem to come all too often. K.C's passing is joined by five others in the last year for me. They all have made me more aware of our mortality and our time here.
Lets all make the best of our days and thankful for those we have left.

R.I.P, kind sir. You'll be missed.

I remember "Old an in the way" from listening to radio back in the 70's FM. Maybe I am almost qualified. I need a luggage carrier on my motor bike. The nap sac really did a job on my shoulders and messed with already cervical spine squished disk. Chiropractor tried it again, and am gettin by.
I still don't see myself as old but I am, I finally realised when my wife and I were out later than normal coming home from a trip, we decided to wait till we got off the interstate at out exit to grab something light because we skipped stopping to eat. We were sitting in McD's and I asked my wife did she notice that we were twice the age of everyone in the place, even the manager.
I still don't see myself as old but I am, I finally realised when my wife and I were out later than normal coming home from a trip, we decided to wait till we got off the interstate at out exit to grab something light because we skipped stopping to eat. We were sitting in McD's and I asked my wife did she notice that we were twice the age of everyone in the place, even the manager.
Go to a Bob Evans instead. You will feel like a teenager when you look
I think I'm early stage Alzheimer but actually it ain't all bad. I read a lot and have quite a collection of books. Now I can re-read my old favorites and I don't remember what's going to happen. A lot of things are all new again so I save money and enjoy stuff I already have and not buy new stuff.

Wait...what were we talkin' about?????

Hi Tom,

I showed the first signs of dementia when I was four. When my Mother asked what happened darned if I could remember. However it didn't work the other way around. The old dear passed away at 103 and a half and she could remember everything I did wrong right down to the finest, embarrassing detail up until the end.

Listening to online old recordings of Car Talk Radio, there was an episode that mentioned of Merriam-Webster English Dictionary which yearly request for consideration new words to publish. Some that they mentioned on Car Talk Radio that did not make the grade, but where worth mentioning. Example: Destinesia. A diseases in which one enters another room and forgets what they came in for.
I think I'm early stage Alzheimer but actually it ain't all bad. I read a lot and have quite a collection of books. Now I can re-read my old favorites and I don't remember what's going to happen. A lot of things are all new again so I save money and enjoy stuff I already have and not buy new stuff.

Wait...what were we talkin' about?????


Round here we like to call it "Sometimers disease". Sometimes I remember and sometimes I don't. wife says I have selective memory. I remember every line from Outlaw Josey Wales, but can't remember that monday is take out the trash day!
My dad told me a story awhile back that he ran into a guy at a store he hadn't seen in 30 years and the guy came up to him and said " Well I be damned...I thought you died a few years back." Dad told me thats when you feel old is when people are suprised you are still
I used to drive Ambulance and always got a kick out of one of our frequent flyers. I told him once that he gave his family quite a scare. He just looked at me and said "Ray..I plan to piss em all off and live to be 100." He almost did too...even after 75 years of smoking Camel non filter cigerettes.
This same fellow told me once " Ray...whoever calls these the golden years ought to be shot." Every time I drove him in the Ambulance he would always ask if I was driving thru the cornfields? lol A testiment to terrible Illinois roads. I always told him to write the Govenor and demand a smoother ride to the er. I miss that old feller.
Thanks for your service Ray!

Rick C.
Just glad I was given the privledge to do it. Trying to help my neighbors and fellow planet dwellers find a glimmer of light on their worst or darkest days is self satisfying and reminds one of just how fragile life can be. Enjoy the day like the best cup of coffee you have ever had. There will never be another you or me on this I believe we do well to make our time here count and we honor those who came before us that also believed that service to god, country and our fellow man are what make us more then just animals but are what makes us human.
Great to hear from you. Been a while. How have you been doing?
Two Door hasn't been here in a long time. His health is really bad and he sold off his bikes and last I heard maybe two years ago he was trying to sell his street rod.
He does stop in once in a while to say hello but he's not active here anymore other than that.
