For Old Guys Only

Had to buy a new central A/C unit today. Tried to evaluate online all the different brands and models so I could, hopefully, make an intelligent choice. The only thing I could determine is that none of the units are worth a small pile of shinola. I know that fewer people review products that they are happy with, but the good reviews were very few.

I guess I ended up deciding on the unit 'Vegas Style' ---- I just put all my $$$$ on one number and I'll hope for the best!!
(Went with a unit from Lennox. I hope that it will be at least 15 yrs before I know if it was a bad 'bet'
Is this sign really needed?

At least they put a sign! ;)
X you probably made as good a choice as possible, they are as good as any. Here we use trane and carrier on large school units. Mitsubishi and diakin on variable refrigerant units.
Hey, who remembers those little leather loops with a red reflector you used to see around the the front, and sometimes the rear axles on bikes...and how long has it been since you've seen one? And...just what in the heck were they for? I was once told they kept the grease from goobering up the axle and kept it shiny.
Wow! I've been away for a while and I see some things have changed but many remain. I knew if I checked this thread I'd see who is still here. Good to see some old and familiar names still posting. I've been digging through the archives and reading some of my old favorite threads. Good fun and memories of days gone by. Looks like I'm still the record holder if post counts are important. I suppose that says how long I was involved with this forum and motorized bicycles in general. Anyway, good to see some of you and hello to everyone.

Hey, who remembers those little leather loops with a red reflector you used to see around the the front, and sometimes the rear axles on bikes...and how long has it been since you've seen one? And...just what in the heck were they for? I was once told they kept the grease from goobering up the axle and kept it shiny.
I have some on my ebike. It doesn't go fast enough to worry about. Yea, I am still riding. .trkStill love you guys.
Hi Tom,
Are you back or is this just a drive by? Any bikes left? I was sitting here yesterday {I do that a lot} and was wondering what your were doing and if you ever drifted by but never saw your name come up as a visitor so figured that you had moved on.

Please let us know what is happening.
