For Old Guys Only

Hey Weedy,

Thats when balloons where still made in America!!! You'd be lucky to make it arround the block now a days (thats even with an extra thick condom made in Japan)! They don't make anything right anymore!

I'm sorry, we're still talking about bikes, yes?
This is an example of my Hacker, the AL42.



I have one of these 100w, valve pre amp, solid state 2nd stage. It suits single coils better than humbuckers, a Phoenix PHA1.


And a solid state 1970s Roland 60, it is hard to make it distort unless it's so loud the windows fall out.

I ran across this old post while researching the Phoenix amp, and I should update it. The Phoenix, with the Victor guitar's loony output humbucker now works a treat; perhaps it just doesn't like Gibsons.

The Roland was serviced, and now has it's overdrive restored. I play through the overdrive input, with the reverb off and everything except master volume on 10. Victor is set at 2 or less on volume. The net result is a cruel howling combination that threatens to tip over the edge into feedback in the hands of the unwary.

From the industrial technological crucible of the Pontygwindy Industrial Estate,
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Kinda like how we're required to put out "Wet Floor" signs when it's raining. This may not be PC, but if a society is as strong as its weakest link, we're screwed.

"Move on. There's no herd thinning here."
That sign reminds me of the key pad at a drive-up bank teller machine that has brail. What's that all about?

Tom I've often though about the brail on the ATM, have wanted to prank someone behind me by wearing dark sunglasses and feeling the key pad as if I were using the brail. Then speed off like I didn't have a care in the world, kinda like a Benny Hill thing.
The sign for wet floors, sometimes you can't tell if a nice new floor is wet and therefore slippery or just shiny. If someone with less than full eyesight comes along, it's kind to them even if you discount the insurance liabilities to warn them. Probably the same thing applies with that road, if the river is lower and there's thick mist coming up from it, there may have been cars driven in because there already.

Just imagine the insurance form, "I was driving normally and then the river jumped out at me."
"Holy Mortality, Batman!"
What will the world do without you?" Evil will grow and the bad guys will take over Gotham City!

And yet another one from our generation checks out. There are some left but the numbers keep dwindling. Who's next?

Yes I saw about that. And today I have on a shirt that a friend gifted to me. It is a print of the Joker, but from a few years back of the movie that was made about the series. Maybe some one knows who played the Joker in the old series and who the new guy in the movie is?
Jack Nicholson was in the Tim Burton batman. I think Tim Burton directed that one. and the more recent was Heath Ledger , not sure on the spelling.

I think all the old tv show villains are gone, Burgess Meredith (penguin), Frank Gorshin (riddler), Vincent Price (egghead).

Apparently, stars were eager to get on the show just to go nuts with a crazy character.
I had to look that up Tom but apparently it was in two parts and they had the highest ratings of the whole series.

I had to look that up Tom but apparently it was in two parts and they had the highest ratings of the whole series.


Yeah, Steve, that's an obscure one. Let's see if anyone else gets it. While we're waiting, what character did Joan Rivers play?
For some odd reason, I keep hearing this in my head......

"Duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh, duh........."

It's really fast!