Thanks Dave.KC,
My thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time.
My family has been battling cancer for a long time now. Back in 2007 doctors gave our loved one only months to live. It has been a very difficult road but with many surgery's and chemo, 9 years later we are cancer free.
Don't give up, keep fighting, keep your spirits up and always get a second opinion.
If you ever need to talk, my PM is always open.
Thanks Dave.
When it rains it pours...
Last Friday night 10/14, my son was the victim of a home invasion.
He was badly beaten, robbed of $500 and his cell phone, then shot.
The bullet hit his collar bone and shattered sending schrap metal into his spine.
He is still in ICU and he will live but he'll never walk again, he is paralyzed from the waist down now.
Not a good month for that last 2 Vale men on the planet.
Thanks Dave.
When it rains it pours...
Last Friday night 10/14, my son was the victim of a home invasion.
He was badly beaten, robbed of $500 and his cell phone, then shot.
The bullet hit his collar bone and shattered sending schrap metal into his spine.
He is still in ICU and he will live but he'll never walk again, he is paralyzed from the waist down now.
Not a good month for that last 2 Vale men on the planet.
Thanks Greg.KC I don't know what to say, I've only been through that with my mom not a child. I hope and pray that he can adjust to what's ahead of him. Encouragement is a good motivator.
Thanks Buba.Xseler---hard to talk about your kick stand after reading of KC's son!!!
Sorry my friend-dtm buba
Jail is to good for the slime pockets that did this to your son. I feel a fitting sentence would be for whoever did it to be sentenced to spend the of their lives taking care of your son in supervised conditions, No days off since there aren't any for your son.
If they outlive your son then they are free to go other wise every minute of their rest lives are devoted to your sons care. Seems only fitting that they do this since they condemned your son to this life.
Thanks for the well wishes, they do help Slogger, but the aftermath remains, a 26yr old man 'dead' from the chest down living in my home and requiring 24/7 care just for body functions...I think a fair sentence for them would be to have their lives ruined to the same extent as KC's boy's life was ruined.
Maybe a hydraulic press to crush their spines right below the neck.
I'm saddened to hear of this KC, and damn those trash to hades.
There's nothing to say that would make any of this better.
I have two boys (grown) and I can't imagine what this would be like for you and your boy.
Terribly sorry.