Resident Mad Scientist
Have you showed them a rotary phone yet?
I have a working one on the kitchen wall.
By working, I mean it will ring and I can answer it, but that's all it will do.
I showed my daughters one when we were at a Goodwill store. Having seen depictions of old-timey phones in their story books, they knew what it was. I showed them how you had to turn the dial to input the number.
Next thing I know, they've told their friends that when I was a kid, I had to wind up the phone just to talk to people. Apparently, they likened the old phone to operating like our keywound clock or something. Oh, they are also aware that the old clock is an antique, are amazed it needs no batteries, and they seem to find it charming and quaint.
My grandmother had a weight-driven wall clock. I'm still wondering how to explain that one to them.