For Old Guys Only


My thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time.

My family has been battling cancer for a long time now. Back in 2007 doctors gave our loved one only months to live. It has been a very difficult road but with many surgery's and chemo, 9 years later we are cancer free.

Don't give up, keep fighting, keep your spirits up and always get a second opinion.

If you ever need to talk, my PM is always open.

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Thanks for the support guys, it really helps, I am just being way more of a wuss about it than I thought I would.
Some large vehicles at Burning Man a few years ago in 2014, the Bug at night with lights on was fun to ride around the desert in. Music blaring and watching stuff burn.


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I had the 'opportunity' to change the low beam headlights in my car. What a joy it is to wrench on newer technology!! I had to almost completely remove the entire front fascia to gain access to the bulbs............sheeessssh!! Well, at least I watched a youtube video so I wouldn't break any parts.
I just received this from Tinsmith.


This is what all of you 70+ year old, and yet to be, your kids have to look forward to!!

This is something that happened in an assisted living center where my wife used to work.
The people who lived there have small apartments but they all eat at a central cafeteria.One morning one of the residents didn’t show up for breakfast so my wife went upstairs and knocked on his door to see if everything was OK. She could hear him through the door and he
said that he was running late and would be down shortly so she went back to the dining area.
An hour later he still hadn't arrived so she went back up towards his room and she found him on the stairs. He was coming down the stairs but was having a **** of time. He had a death grip on the
hand rail and seemed to have trouble getting his legs to work right. She told him she was going to
call an ambulance but he told her no, he wasn't in any pain and just wanted to have his breakfast. Soshe helped him the rest of the way down the stairs and he had his breakfastWhen he tried to return to his room he was completely unable to get up even the first step so they called
an ambulance for him. A couple hours later she called the hospital to see how he was doing. The receptionist there said he was fine, he just had both of his legs in one leg of his boxer shorts.
Great story!!
Great story Indeed hehe ;-}

Speaking of Great, I have news of that kind...
I got the results of my PET scan back, thats the scan where they shoot you up with radioactive sugar water and see where it goes...

I am Cancer Free below the neck!
Super great news KC.

Thanks Steve. Now I just have treat the cancer above the neck.

Surgery for that is in a couple weeks and they tell me no over the counter pain killers like Alieve or even Aspirin until then!
In short nothing that is a blood thinner.

Thankfully Pot and Alcohol are not blood thinners ;-}
Great story Indeed hehe ;-}

Speaking of Great, I have news of that kind...
I got the results of my PET scan back, thats the scan where they shoot you up with radioactive sugar water and see where it goes...

I am Cancer Free below the neck!
This is good to hear! :)
You gonna ride today?
ride safe!
alcohol will thin your blood, don't drink any booze 72 hours before your surgery.
The weed, if you have the right strain will help with some of the pain afterwards if you have any.
A joint a day keeps, well i can't remember what it does but it sure feels nice!
ride safe KC!
Today would be a great day for a ride, we are finally hovering ~100F.

I don't ride anything much anymore though, one more spill of any kind might well be my last so my wife won't let me.

Besides cancer I have many other 'I got old, and all the old injuries have caught up with me to say HI!, remember me?' problems as well.

I expected these and why I have cautioned on my web sites the last 20 years to...
Take Care of Your Body! You will REALLY miss it When You Break It later in Life!

It was too funny with my wife the other day...
I said something like we are getting old, she 'said no honey, we are old'.

I love my wife. 30 years now. For some reason she wants me to stick around for more ;-}
I'm getting closer to finishing my car, all that's left is upholstery.

Nice looking ride!
Interior is a big job, where most projects come to a halt.
Have seen many projects for sale with unfinished interior.
From what i see here that wont be the case.

So was scrolling through the pictures, went one too far,see a photo of your dog.i had to look close, almost identical dog, on very similar hardwood floor and similar leather sofa and chair.
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I got the 50 out last Saturday and drove it a while, we went by my wife's parents house to give her dad a ride in the car. For those that don't know this car was bought new by my wife's great grandmother in late 1949. My father in law was 10 when they got the car, even though I still only have the front seat and nothing else he was happy to see the car on the road again. Sunday was his 77 th birthday so it was a good surprise.