I'm old enough to remember when ever kid that had a pickup at school also had a gun rack with a 30-06 and a 12 Ga. shotgun, we didn't ever get in trouble or cause any.
HA! Switch? When I was there, there weren't any switches, only sticks to rub together. Switches came much later, so...I'm older than you!Well, you say that, I was already in the room when somebody was looking for the switch.
I'm certainly glad that as I get older, I get a little more 'lazy'....
Had to install a new garbage disposal at my aunt's house. After thinking back on past installations, I decided to do this one a little differently. I took my smallest, cheapest rolling floor jack with me ---- used it to hold the old one as I disconnected it and to also lift and hold the new one during reassembly. Worked like a charm!
I guess that older = smarter......at least in this case!
I feel very old EVERY MORNING these days.Some days I don't feel that old.
Great stories bud, I am LMAOOL!I swear there are times when my kids inadvertently cause me to feel my age.
When I once complained about seeing no trace of interesting television by responding that "I checked up and down the dial", Kassandra wanted to know what "the dial" was.
*sigh* So now I had to explain that when I was a child, televisions had knobs which turned a dial and that changed the channel you were watching.
So then she asked me if they were powered by steam.
Steam powered televisions.
I told her no, they were not powered by steam; they were powered by electricity just like today.
Then she wanted to know what the computer ran on (I should have said steam).
I told her I didn't have one back then; they weren't making personal computers yet.
So then she wanted to know how we bought electricity for the house without a computer (having seen my wife pay bills online).
I told her they sent us a bill in the mail and we bought it that way.
Her eyes got big.
Later I heard her tell her sisters that, when I was little, my parents received house electricity through the mail.
I felt way older at that point, but I had to laugh.
To be honest, the country was separated by Black and white. Segregation and discrimination were the norm. Communication technology was primitive with party lines, Long Distance phone calls from phone booths and no personal computers. The war raged on in Viet Nam. Our veterans were made out to be the bad guys. And the world was on the brink of nuclear war.I have been asked what the world was like in black and white. Although the question was a joke, they were serious about a time beynod their own experience.