For Old Guys Only

I'm old enough to remember when ever kid that had a pickup at school also had a gun rack with a 30-06 and a 12 Ga. shotgun, we didn't ever get in trouble or cause any.

My school was the exact same way. Didn't even lock the doors because everybody knew what kind of guns you had. Ahhhh.......most of us actually drove to summer driver's ed class!
See me, I don't have birthdays any more, but once a year a man comes along with a chainsaw and counts the growth rings.
I'm not as old as I feel.

My Pops (bless his heart) put me to work in his roofing yard in the summers for 50¢ a day when I was a little kid, and when I turned 13 (teenager!) I got the big raise to 50¢ an hour!

He had me driving overloaded sizer lift bed trucks stocking roofs by 15.
Nice truck when it ran, otherwise all the roofing material had to be toted up a ladder.

You think NFL training camp is tough?
Try going up and down a story or two ladder with ~#90 on your shoulder 100 times a day, most every day!

Where the **** were the steroids then!?

Anyway, I made a boatload of money for me and still close to me high school friends when I stared doing the application.

Anyway, when I was sick of that kind of work in the the early '80 and went to electronics school when simple logic chips were amazing and they still taught vacuum tube tech!

I was, umm, lets just say very fit, tanned and handsome for the prime of my good times days, but I found the body is a vengeful thing...

'Hurt me all you want, I'll fix you for now, but I'll constantly remind of each one of these on a constant basis when you get old'

Oh well, I sure took advantage of the good times...
You don't have to be 'rich' to throw an epic party...

Anyway I'm not a geezer yet (hehe), just getting a taste of whats coming and hoping Medial Science will find a way to keep my mind clear as I wither way.

I have an August 1st C treatment center appointment...
I am not optimistic.
All you guys and your claims that you're old. "Older than dirt", "Growth Rings", "Soft Rocks, and the rest. Ha, I say.

I was already here when a voice said, "Let there be light". Now THAT's old. And I'm starting to feel it too.

Well, you say that, I was already in the room when somebody was looking for the switch.
HA! Switch? When I was there, there weren't any switches, only sticks to rub together. Switches came much later, so...I'm older than you!

I know when to admit that I'm 'outclassed'!!

.......and my first recollection of a switch had nothin' to do with light.
I know when the first time I saw a switch I saw the light shortly afterwards and mother made sure it was a bright one.

I'm certainly glad that as I get older, I get a little more 'lazy'....

Had to install a new garbage disposal at my aunt's house. After thinking back on past installations, I decided to do this one a little differently. I took my smallest, cheapest rolling floor jack with me ---- used it to hold the old one as I disconnected it and to also lift and hold the new one during reassembly. Worked like a charm!

I guess that older = least in this case!
FastEddy ain't young! Had the pleasure of spending time with Steve and he is very "young at heart", but he is OLD! There's a photo somewhere of FastEddy, Silverbear, and Tinsmith out there somewhere (I think). I guess that makes Lud very old.

I'm certainly glad that as I get older, I get a little more 'lazy'....

Had to install a new garbage disposal at my aunt's house. After thinking back on past installations, I decided to do this one a little differently. I took my smallest, cheapest rolling floor jack with me ---- used it to hold the old one as I disconnected it and to also lift and hold the new one during reassembly. Worked like a charm!

I guess that older = least in this case!

Thanks. I'm doing this next time. I've had problems with daughters dropping things down there that don't belong. I've unfortunately gotten far better at taking it out, unclogging it, and putting it back in record time than I ever meant to be.
Some days I don't feel that old. I wasn't around when they first made dirt. Somebody had already turned on the light when I first showed up. I was pretty happy when we got rid of the dinosaurs though.
But I swear there are times when my kids inadvertently cause me to feel my age. When I once complained about seeing no trace of interesting television by responding that "I checked up and down the dial", Kassandra wanted to know what "the dial" was. *sigh* So now I had to explain that when I was a child, televisions had knobs which turned a dial and that changed the channel you were watching. So then she asked me if they were powered by steam. Steam powered televisions. I told her no, they were not powered by steam; they were powered by electricity just like today. Then she wanted to know what the computer ran on (I should have said steam). I told her I didn't have one back then; they weren't making personal computers yet. So then she wanted to know how we bought electricity for the house without a computer (having seen my wife pay bills online). I told her they sent us a bill in the mail and we bought it that way. Her eyes got big. Later I heard her tell her sisters that, when I was little, my parents received house electricity through the mail. I felt way older at that point, but I had to laugh.
Some days I don't feel that old.
I feel very old EVERY MORNING these days.
Thanks to my own remedies I stop feeling pain between lunch and dinner.
The sucky part is my body is still old and simply won't do want I what it it do, like get up off the floor ;-}

I swear there are times when my kids inadvertently cause me to feel my age.
When I once complained about seeing no trace of interesting television by responding that "I checked up and down the dial", Kassandra wanted to know what "the dial" was.

*sigh* So now I had to explain that when I was a child, televisions had knobs which turned a dial and that changed the channel you were watching.

So then she asked me if they were powered by steam.
Steam powered televisions.
I told her no, they were not powered by steam; they were powered by electricity just like today.

Then she wanted to know what the computer ran on (I should have said steam).
I told her I didn't have one back then; they weren't making personal computers yet.

So then she wanted to know how we bought electricity for the house without a computer (having seen my wife pay bills online).

I told her they sent us a bill in the mail and we bought it that way.
Her eyes got big.
Later I heard her tell her sisters that, when I was little, my parents received house electricity through the mail.
I felt way older at that point, but I had to laugh.
Great stories bud, I am LMAOOL!

Have you showed them a rotary phone yet?
I have a working one on the kitchen wall.
By working, I mean it will ring and I can answer it, but that's all it will do.

My young niece still freaks at being able to call me from her cell phone and I can talk to her on this 'antique' phone with no buttons or screen ;-}
I have been asked what the world was like in black and white. Although the question was a joke, they were serious about a time beynod their own experience.
I thrived in the black and white era and our rotary dial phone (that works) in the living room is quite the curiosity to many who visit.

I have been asked what the world was like in black and white. Although the question was a joke, they were serious about a time beynod their own experience.
To be honest, the country was separated by Black and white. Segregation and discrimination were the norm. Communication technology was primitive with party lines, Long Distance phone calls from phone booths and no personal computers. The war raged on in Viet Nam. Our veterans were made out to be the bad guys. And the world was on the brink of nuclear war.

Otherwise it was a magical time.
