For Old Guys Only

I agree, Tom. These future leaders ared driving while playing this stuplid craze.
So when people start dying who will be held responsible? Time the priveleged children started acting like responsible adults. I know, its a reach but i can hope, cant i?
In the 60's , I went traveling along the roads on my bike and gathered pop bottles in a Gunny sack to turn in to cash at the store . I battled traffic , dogs , snakes , and poison ivy . to complete the mission . Nothing better than a kid on a bike, on a hot day, cashing out his treasure for an Almond Joy or Zagnut candy bar and a bottle of cold Pokagon Pop .


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    s-l500 pokagen.jpg
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The bane of parents world wide rises from the ashes to torture another generation.

My son was into the card game.
Now I just laugh at all the idiot 'adults' hooked on it.

On a high note it gets the kids off the couch and outside walking around again, a first for a video game.
Other than that to me, 'mixed' or 'blended' reality in the real world is about as stupid as you can get as you are still looking at your phone and not reality itself, but a nice real reward if you happen Nintendo stock I suppose.

In the 60's , I went traveling along the roads on my bike and gathered pop bottles in a Gunny sack to turn in to cash at the store . I battled traffic , dogs , snakes , and poison ivy . to complete the mission . Nothing better than a kid on a bike, on a hot day, cashing out his treasure for an Almond Joy or Zagnut candy bar and a bottle of cold Pokagon Pop .
Ahhh the days of pop bottles with a 5¢ return value.
For a kid in the '60s they were like finding gold.
The difference is, it was REAL reality with REAL rewards.
If you think about it, the person that came up with the idea of this newest Pokemon fad has got to go down as one of the world's all-time best salespersons......

* I've got this idea for a video game that will get the 'kids' off the couch & outa the house.
* The game will actually get them to exercise.
* We'll make a ton of money off this.

I'm waiting on V.2 of this game --- I hear that they are going to integrate a "Snipe Hunt" option........
I was reading the news last night and already someone figured out how to have it work for them. An S.P.C.A. in Indiana has put out the word that all you have to do is show up and tell them that your there for a Pokemon dog and you get to walk the dog as your enjoy your hunt.


Drove into Shepherdstown,WV Tuesday night, Shepherd College is there and all the young-uns were sittin' all over town looking at their phones. I asked Jackie if they were all texting each other, 'cause nobody was speaking to others. I said they're all cell-phone Zombies. She explained what they were doing. Unimpressed, I said that if I were a bad guy I'd figure a way to take advantage of folks who were "zoned-out" and totally unaware of what was going on around them. Well, the next day, and every day since, we have read in the paper where the "bad guys" are indeed taking advantage of the Zombies.

Unfortunately even that probably won't get them out of the trance. I can find no sympathy for them. Them, or the ones who walk into posts, trees and traffic. I've seen phone users do some stupid things but this fad has got to be the worst yet.

What degree of mentality does it take to try to get into an animal enclosure at a zoo to follow a computer generated image on a cell phone screen? Not much, me thinks. And this was an adult! Or at least someone of adult age.

Hey everyone I got my car back from the paint shop. I'm putting it back together, its been so dang hot its kinda hard to do much.

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Now that's what I call a pleasant change of subject matter.

Wow, Greg! That's looking good. Lots of work ahead but when it's done..........:)

Anyone interested in buying my avatar? It's on the block. 28K and drive it home.

Tom you and several others here know what it take to restore or build a classic or hotrod. I don't want to know how much I've spent just to get to this point. I still have to spend $900 for bumpers and 4k on the interior, that's why we see all these car on the auctions on TV going for so much. Anytime I see one go for less than 15k I instantly think that the seller just lost his tail on that one.
My Iphone shows one of those Pokermen sitting behind the wheel . Better lock the doors . And by the way , what a beautiful project you have .
Now that's what I call a pleasant change of subject matter.

Wow, Greg! That's looking good. Lots of work ahead but when it's done..........:)

Anyone interested in buying my avatar? It's on the block. 28K and drive it home.


I've seen this car ----- it's certainly nice!! There's no way to reproduce a clone for near this price.

Greg, what year is that Shoebox?
Its a 1950, 36k miles. Its was bought in late 49 by my wife's great grandmother.
Don't you wish Grandma could see it now?

I had a neighbor, who incidentally just moved to Peach Tree City, GA, who has a 46 coupe. It was a clone of the car he had when he met his wife in 1959. Maybe you'll see it around some day, Greg. The owner's name was Don and his 46 is close to the same color your 50 is now. He's just a few miles from you.

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Tom PTC is only 7 miles from me so if he drives it much I'll see it.
If there's any cruise nights or hamburger joint get-togethers that's where you'll find him. He wasn't into car shows but we hit Dairy Queen Sunday nights together for years. His last name is Halverson. Tall thin white haired guy. Tell him I said hello and we miss him as a neighbor.

I plan to go to the next cruise in, I have a couple of friends that have been into rods and customs for years. I'll make a couple of call and find out about the next event, if nothing else I'll clean up my gmc and take it. I'd like for my wife to take the gmc someday while I take the 50.