For Old Guys Only

We have a long haired tom cat who has a particular talent for landing in unpleasant things. Used motor oil, after he knocked the board off the top of the bucket that was under the motor while chasing rats, has been the best one.

After another rush trip to the veterinarian he comes back with the "Lion cut." Since he has a natural mane anyways it was fun to watch people as they walk up the street and he's crossing the front yard.

He will not go outside for three days after he gets back and everyone who goes near him gets the stink eye.

When I was in my early twenties I was helping a friend of mine rehab an old farm house he and his wife had just purchased. If it had been missing one more window it would have been condemned but it was cheap and we were all young enough to be enthusiastic.

Lunch break and he and I are sitting in the living room watching a nature program about elephants. They showed an elephant trashing a village in India and they said that the elephant was pregnant.

The next thing we hear is his wife's voice from their bedroom down the hall. She said that the elephant's problem was that she had just found out about the pregnancy and the fact that it was going to last for two years and she wasn't happy about it.

The best part was that my friends wife was a week away from giving birth to twins and the charm of pending motherhood had worn really thin with her. The two of us just looked at each other and grabbed our beer and slunk off and went back to work getting the kid's room ready.

No, just an ordinary bath. The only problem we have is that the hippo gets really anxious if he's out of it for too long.
By living in a 'very active weather zone', I know enough weather slang that I could probably be a forecaster in other parts of the country ----- yeah, there's a lot of rough weather in good old Oklahoma this evening.

People even play 'weather bingo'. When the forecaster uses a specific term or phrase, you get to dot your 'bingo' card. Some folks use this as a drinking game. I guess it passes the time while ride'n the storm out.

I feel the need to play some REO Speedwagon and to have a beer.

Hook echo
Gust front
Sport size hail
hurricane hailers
Wind shear
Hot shear signal
Significant rotation
Inflow bands
Low level wind shear

Heard all of these within the last 3 minutes.
Our local weather people use terms like "2 to 4" of snow possible tonight". Which actually equates to 14" to 18". I'm sure the chamber of commerce has some influence on the weather forecasting and reporting.

Years ago in Miami Florida the weather man reported the high for that day was 87. I had personally checked outdoor temperature that day and saw 101 degrees. I called the TV station and asked to talk to the weather guy and told him what I had seen using some very accurate temperature measuring equipment. He laughed and said, "yes, but did you take an 'average temperature' at five places around the city over a twelve hour period? That's how we do it."

In other words "the high for today" isn't an actual reading but what they want to report so the tourists won't be scared off. Apparently 87 sounds so much more pleasant that 101.

We have a long haired tom cat who has a particular talent for landing in unpleasant things.

After another rush trip to the veterinarian he comes back with the "Lion cut." Since he has a natural mane anyways it was fun to watch people as they walk up the street and he's crossing the front yard.
Ya, Ricky is a total fearless Tomcat, he even likes 'playing' with the 2 big dogs, by that I mean he ambushes them hehehe.

I love spring trimming, it's like scuppered schroubery work on a cat hehehe.


He doesn't know it, but his tail is the perfect 'wandering feather duster' and as I indulge in laughter at his look hehehehe ;-}

If there was a little more orange that would be Oliver with his lion cut but they leave just a tuft of fur at the end of his tail.


If there was a little more orange that would be Oliver with his lion cut but they leave just a tuft of fur at the end of his tail.

Hehe, I can picture that.
Ricky usually has a black stripe down his back.
He usually hangs out in the shop and scratches his back on bike chain.
By living in a 'very active weather zone', I know enough weather slang that I could probably be a forecaster in other parts of the country ----- yeah, there's a lot of rough weather in good old Oklahoma this evening.

People even play 'weather bingo'. When the forecaster uses a specific term or phrase, you get to dot your 'bingo' card. Some folks use this as a drinking game. I guess it passes the time while ride'n the storm out.

I feel the need to play some REO Speedwagon and to have a beer.

Hook echo
Gust front
Sport size hail
hurricane hailers
Wind shear
Hot shear signal
Significant rotation
Inflow bands
Low level wind shear

Heard all of these within the last 3 minutes.

I am thinking of watching Solar Impulse take off tomorrow. They had a bit of delay with the very windy conditions in SF Bay area the last week. Next stop on round the world flight to Phoenix. I was wondering if the large circle routes are taken over long distance, or more important is weather and wind directions. At first I was thinking it was going to be round the world non-stop, like no landing as the Rutan Voyager, but not so. Even so it is quite amazing!
I am thinking of watching Solar Impulse take off tomorrow. They had a bit of delay with the very windy conditions in SF Bay area the last week. Next stop on round the world flight to Phoenix. I was wondering if the large circle routes are taken over long distance, or more important is weather and wind directions. At first I was thinking it was going to be round the world non-stop, like no landing as the Rutan Voyager, but not so. Even so it is quite amazing!
The Impulse is here now.
Saw it land and going to look at this weekend.
I'd like to see the electronic but I doubt I'll get a chance, it's look from the outside.
A lot is on the web with pics and videos. Also live stream video as it flys. In SF they did not have viewing, also it was on Moffet Field which at times allows visitors to the Military Field, but not with this visiting aircraft. They actually used a makeshift hanger that is an inflatable with tie downs. Sounds kniky;)
A lot is on the web with pics and videos. Also live stream video as it flys. In SF they did not have viewing, also it was on Moffet Field which at times allows visitors to the Military Field, but not with this visiting aircraft. They actually used a makeshift hanger that is an inflatable with tie downs. Sounds kniky;)
We see most everything in AZ, they build, test, and service advanced aircraft here because of the weather, lot's of sunny days.

It's common to see the new F35 strike jet in the air around here, they do test flights over outside sporting events like football and baseball games. and still do repairs on the A10 'warthog' tank killer, Apache attack helecopeters with a huge bomb testing land.

If you are building aircraft to battle in the desert you can understand why.
It's pretty awe inspiring to actually see these aerial killing machines up close.

I don't know about drones, but I'd bet Arizona plays a part in that too.
If you want death from the sky, it comes through here.

'Arizona, home of death from the sky'
Davis Monthan Airbase has the The Air National Guard’s 214th Reconnaissance Group. There is about 3500 solders there for the drone program. So we have drones...we just don't see them.

But yeah its cool out here we see some crazy aircraft all the time. They love to vibrate my walls and windows in my house, I am right over the flight path for DMA. It's cool sometimes others times its just plan annoying.

I remember when they were testing the v-22 osprey and I saw 6 of them flying by my house. I could not figure out what the heck they were I had never seen one. I also remember seeing the smoke when one went down at pinal airport.
Does anyone remember the BD 5 J? Jim Beede's design and originally had a pusher prop with a snowmobile engine. Later he developed a jet version. I once saw two of then in U.S Air Force livery flying in formation in central Florida. The Air Force was doing experimental work with them but I think it never worked out. Tiny jet fighters but fast and almost invisible at 200 plus knots.

First it was the Gossamer Condor then Gossamer Albatross that both were human powered aircraft. The Gossamer Albatross flew across the English Channel that I though was neat.

Then the Rutan Model 76 Voyager on one tank of gas flies around the world without stopping. I saw its left wing inside (well most of it) the Santa Monica Air Museum while I suppose its pieces temporarily were on the move for stops at museums along the way to be reassembled in DC as the permanent exhibit.
Does anyone remember the BD 5 J? Jim Beede's design and originally had a pusher prop with a snowmobile engine. Later he developed a jet version. I once saw two of then in U.S Air Force livery flying in formation in central Florida. The Air Force was doing experimental work with them but I think it never worked out. Tiny jet fighters but fast and almost invisible at 200 plus knots.


That was the little "Coors Light" jet if my recall from a hazy memory is correct. Made the rounds of all the airshows.

I live close to Tinker AFB, which is a major maint. depot. In the last year, I've seen B-52's, B-2's B-1's, E3 Sentries (AWACs), V-22's, F-15's, F-16's, E2 Hawkeyes, F-18's, F-5 trainers, Chinooks, Apache attacks, Blackhawks, KC-135's, and the new tanker. When they are doing static testing of the B-1 engines, it's very loud here.....
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They were neat but had a very limited range. The air show version usually landed dead stick (out of fuel) as part of the show. I saw one land in the grass short of the runway in Miami back in the late 70s.

Odd, I just read that Wiki on this plane and nowhere does it acknowledge that the Air Force experimented with them. Nevertheless, I saw two with U.S Air Force and the stars and bars flying as mentioned in my previous post. The DOD probably doesn't want anyone to know they wasted several million on the project. :)

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