For Old Guys Only

OKay, I just can't let it slide, Standley. If you do the research you'll find
out about all the slick scams he's pulled. He's nothing but a con artist.
This is not meant as a 'political' post; however, I don't know if I could force myself to vote for any of the frontrunners this year.............

I'm afraid that the rest of the world is laughing behind our backs...........but that's only to hide the nervousness that they are feeling.

OKay, I just can't let it slide, Standley. If you do the research you'll find
out about all the slick scams he's pulled. He's nothing but a con artist.

It's Mr. Standley or Allen- we're not on the same basketball team or nothing like that... So we have an old socialist on his last breath who never worked who is a stooge for (DNC) an old socialist Hag taking her last breaths, murdress miionaire --because a non elected organization has chosen long ago who their nominee to controlwill be. OR you have 2 establishment re-puklikans one LAWER-soldout to the nazi bush crime family and the other a hanging around establishment wanna be wasting actual money which could be better used in his community.....SELLOUTS ALLL SELLLouts.. We need to recognize the republic for the constitution. Not for NAZI ties and globalist thinkers. Think Detroit Dem politicians for 40 years or better. Think WAR Rep politicians feeding the M.I.C. All of them and the banks thieving working American taxpayers. $30.000.00 dollars for a basic 4wd American made truck. Bullsht. lots of issues keeping us tax payers down. Uniparty is playing us all and deviding us all. Yeah you hit a nerve...O.K. I feel the box needs to be dumped corruption and deceit is rampant. What is happening now is tyranny. I trust my judgement you go ahead and trust yours.
Don't you give me any political advice til you open your eyes WIDER.

Think deeper than the surface Otero
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Xseler, I'd be more than happy to keep politics out of this forum. 'Mr.'standley
brought it up.

No sir you brought it up. I repeat a phrase in conversation with someone else. You called me out.
Watch the utbe vid I posted. Also;
You been on the forum 6 years. Post some pics give me something else to think when I see your avatar. You sir have no credibility with me.

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I realize that my icon. a wooly mammoth on an antiquated penny/farthing,
would be the perfect mascot to represent a certain party, but I assure you.
I am an independent.
Standy used trump's slogan before I even clicked this post
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We let this thread have some latitude because we're all a bunch of curmudgeons but let's not push the envelope too far guys.

Thanks for understanding.

She went missing two weeks ago. We kept on getting complaints from the neighbours about finding holes behind fridges and cupboards, and footprints in the butter.
She ran off once before. We found her over in the park in a tree. I had a right game getting a long enough ladder, and then, as soon as I'd put it up she jumped into my arms.

She was shocked by the whole experience, and to this day, every time I watch televsion, she comes and sits on my lap. They can be very clingy, elephants.
My parents said when I was about two and a half all I talked about was stomping on an elephants foot. They took me down to the zoo and showed me the elephant and apparently I looked it over from top to bottom and they had an extremely hard time catching a two and a half year old who was intent in putting as much distance between the elephant and himself as humanly possible in the shortest amount of time.

Ludwig, I would think that the elephant makes it hard to get to the popcorn first when your sitting on the sofa watching a movie.
