For Old Guys Only

Elephants are the reason I wear house slippers.

Little plastic elephants. In the dark living room. On the floor between me and the bedroom. You think Legos are painful? Try plastic animals. Elephants, horses, rhinos, dinosaurs, friggin' plastic unicorns! (Ouwch!) There's even this one blue animal that's supposed to be a real kind, but I'd have to ask my kids what it is; which is embarrassing because I even know what a pangolin is.

I have a basket in the kitchen for the elephants too! It has a plastic liner in it.
But I can't. I'm a dad. I guess I'll have them pick up their toys tomorrow, if they want dessert.
We got Eleanor from a cat rescue charity. It's so amusing watching her trying to sharpen her toenails on the scratching post.
The cat likes to wait until she thinks I'm asleep and then she sneaks up on the bed and snuggles in as close as she can. I woke up last night and there she was and I thought of how lucky I was she wasn't an elephant.
Even though I never got to stomp on an elephants foot, in later years I got to stand on my former wife's last raw nerve.

It was almost as much fun and just as dangerous and just maybe as satisfying.

The cat likes to wait until she thinks I'm asleep and then she sneaks up on the bed and snuggles in as close as she can. I woke up last night and there she was and I thought of how lucky I was she wasn't an elephant.

You have no idea how alarming it can be feeling the trunk sneaking under the duvet.
I was sitting here thinking about about that age old question "Where does an elephant sleep."

The answer is obvious. Any where it darned well pleases.

No, you can't be like that. They need rules, which is why she has her bed in the kitchen. Discpline is important, you couldn't have an elephant running around loose in a supermarket, now could you?
LudwigLudwig You are so right....You have opened my eyes. I must comprehend, digest....Please Stay Tuned... LUD you have opened my eyes!!!!!
xseler, have you ever considered just taking your elephant to the supermarket and going through the produce department? Last box of Lucky Charms I bought had so few marshmallows in it the supermarket would have been the better choice.

Alan, I would think that a well trained elephant wouldn't be hard on a house. That said cleaning the litter box may turn into a full time job. Having an elephant door, in February, in Maine might be breath taking in more ways than one.

Then there would be getting the snow off them and wiping their feet before you let them back into the house.

On the plus side, she does like having a bath, so it's never a struggle like it is with a dog.
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The cat likes to wait until she thinks I'm asleep and then she sneaks up on the bed and snuggles in as close as she can. I woke up last night and there she was and I thought of how lucky I was she wasn't an elephant.
Hhehehe ;-}
Our cat Ricky is a bit schizophrenic, but that's my fault...

He's an indoor/outdoor desert cat that grows a huge thick coat in winter, and come spring we trim him down to look like a poodle ;-}