For Old Guys Only

That thing scared me before he every started it up, kinda of a formula 1
version of the bad guy's chariot in 'Ben Hur'.
Me thinks it has something to do with the 'white wire'. We have one just like that and I've never been able to get it to run.

Greg, those V8 chainsaws are on sale now at harborfright.

Yeah, but the Chevy engine is made in (you know where). You might get two or three cuts before it throws a rod. Then you have to lug that thing back to HF for a new one.

Do any of the big three automakers make engines in the U.S.? Gone are the days when you can work on a ford, Chevy or dodge with all standard wrenches, all now have a lot of metric fasteners. My 50 ford and my 70 gmc have zero metric fasteners.
The phrase "Politically Correct" comes to mind..............and it pisses the **** outa me.

(Hmmmm.....didn't realize that "pisses" was PC! )
Time to make America Great again would you not say?

I'm just afraid that it will require more than most are willing to give. In my opinion, there's something inherently wrong with a society that 'needs' storage units to house all their 'stuff'. There's something wrong when a large portion of population thinks it's OK to sponge off the government. And, there's something wrong with a government that allows this. A helping hand is a great thing --- for a defined, short period of time. There are generations of some families that have sponged from the government.

To coin a phrase, "Culture, go heal thyself!"
In a recent storm, two trees came down on my place; one took out our power,
the other took out the water main. Wish I'd had that saw for the cleanup.
Wow "O". I guess your number came up on that one. Hope you get things up and runnin' soon. Be careful, lot's of folks seem to do stupid stuff under those kind of conditions.

Everything's back in order now, Tin, but at the time I had to cut a hole in the carport
just to get out of the house. The trees had blocked both exits. One just knicked the
corner off the roof; the other tore up two fences.
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