Death Race 4-16-2011

Parks require a permit and the city is on the hunt for any money so unless we do it legal we will probably find ourselves in a mess.

Can you imagine 100 drunk MB'rs buzzing around a city park? LOL
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on a whim, i just googled "the Bashful Bandit." :)

i can't believe that place is still there. i think it was 1979 or 80, i used to live across the street, behind the weinerschnitzel and the abandoned desert wave skatepark. the regency apartments, i think they were called.

i still remember hearing gunshots come outta that place.

I tried to get Norman to go to the Bandit with me when he visited Tucson lol. That is one evil place and I have been to a lot of hard core bars but The Bandit is one scary place to walk into sometimes.

I have a picture of my Cranny in front of the Bandit, just not sure where it is.
I made up a crummy flyer for the death race. If you have artistic ability it would be cool to have something professional looking to post around town. This is the extent of my MS paint skills.


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Those of you worried about trying to compete with a morini motor, might consider this, from a 4 hp electric bike.


  • Max speed 51.6.JPG
    Max speed 51.6.JPG
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I simply must show the fellas here an "RC Motored" example to DogMaN, Here's ES memeber Rodgahs lazy lap of the neighborhood, he has too much power on the bike and is actually downsizing it, its impossible to keep the front wheel on the ground, snaps monos at any speed up to a gear limited 83km/hr if the throttle is turned too quickly, it's well capable of top speeds into the 120km/hr zone if geared for it, top speed can be reach in 150 yards or so, speed controller data shows peaks of over 20hp and yes, it has the range to run the death race and then you a better idea of the higher powered e-bikes that a few guy's plan to show up at the death race with this year.

YouTube - Twin 3220 Stinky - New Servo Regulator ride

Good Luck all...

that's pretty amazing. i never thought an electric could do that.

how's the typhoon damage? looks like you guys have some cleaning up to do...
The real question shouldn't be is the bike too powerfull to be in the race, but can a guy bring it, and stay on it.

I sorta doubt I'm bringing enough to win, but I know I can stay on what I'm bringing. I see guys with much slower bikes that me out in the dirt.

So really, it's not bringing the morini that makes a guy a winner, so much as riding it.
Death Race 2011 will work this way.....

Bike Show
All bikes racing or not will be entered into the show.You may enter as many bikes as you like, but the bike show will be in the pits and you must pay MHC pit entry fee.

Every Bike in the bike show will receive a number and it must be visible for everyone to see. We will have everyone that wants to in the pits vote on there favorite bike. And you may vote for yourself if you wish. The winner will receive a Death Race 2011 Best in Show trophy and hopefully a prize as well. (still to be determined).

Death Race
In the true spirit of Death Race its run what you brung. It will be just as past D Race's. Must be a bicycle, no internal transmissions. As far as HP like I said use some common sense and police yourselves. Its more important to have fun then to hurt yourself or someone else.

We get to practice, make laps/rally as much as track time allows. Which can be anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 hours.

Then we will have heat races.

If we have less then 30 riders (track limit) Then everyone will transfer to the main event no matter there finish in Heat race.

If we have more then 30, then we might have to cut a few during heat races. Its really determined by MHC how many riders they will allow.

How many riders show up, will determine how many heat races we have.

The E-Bikes would like to have the first heat race, I will do my best so that only they race in a heat so no slower bikes get eliminated for the main event, But I cannot promise you it all depends on track time and the amount of riders that show up.

Main Event
The winner of the main no matter what it is wins the big trophy and prize and is Death Race Champion.

But we will award Best Finish with a trophy in

Chinese 2-stroke

Past April Death Race's we have had well over 100 bikes and last April we had over 60 riders participating on the track. So many we had to cut the field for the main to keep it safe.

After Death Race we will have a get together somewhere still to be determined for those that wish.
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I hope Bairdco makes it to this event. I will have my money on him for the win...after riding with him this weekend I have now witnessed the speed of his bike. The bike is truly amazing and the speed is unbelievable. Passed me and disappeared...must have been going at least 55MPH...No bull****.
I hope Bairdco makes it to this event. I will have my money on him for the win...after riding with him this weekend I have now witnessed the speed of his bike. The bike is truly amazing and the speed is unbelievable. Passed me and disappeared...must have been going at least 55MPH...No bull****.

I concur!! Baird has a highly modified engine, a 28T rear sprocket & he only weighs 135 lbs... No one could catch him!
I hope Bairdco makes it to this event. I will have my money on him for the win...after riding with him this weekend I have now witnessed the speed of his bike. The bike is truly amazing and the speed is unbelievable. Passed me and disappeared...must have been going at least 55MPH...No bull****.

I believe it!

I weigh 100lbs. more than Baird, and I have built several bikes with mildly modified HT's that hit 50+ on a GPS with me riding it. It still had more, but I was too chicken to push it.

Get it tuned right and it WILL make power!


Just a suggestion: (I'm sure you already thought of this)

Take a variety of sprockets with you to the race. You may find that a 28 is too slow for this track.

After a few practice laps you should be able to narrow it down, (sprocket size), to the best speed on the straights combined with the ability to accelerate out of the corners FAST.

I think I remember Dave31 saying top speed was right around 40 -42 on his Morini on the track.
Sounds like winning on that track is all about cornering speed and drive out of the corners...

Just a suggestion: (I'm sure you already thought of this)

Take a variety of sprockets with you to the race. You may find that a 28 is too slow for this track.

After a few practice laps you should be able to narrow it down, (sprocket size), to the best speed on the straights combined with the ability to accelerate out of the corners FAST.

Jim, you're right. if i make it to the race i'll gear it for quicker acceleration instead of flat out speed (although it is quick off the line right now;).)

i know from my days racing autocross cars that it ain't always the fastest car that wins, it's the driver. i've never ridden a road course on my bike, so it'll be pretty challenging, but i'm up for it.

goatherder, i've got 26" rims on this bike.
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Staying fast through those corners is the key. Last fall I had the speed at the striaghts to easily take 1s place by turn 3. Then Alex easily passed me on the turny section, and I never quite caught him again, despite clearly faster speed in the straights.

Soon as I couldn't follow his line exactly, I got slower and slower. One mistake on one turn is all it takes to go from fastest bike to loser. It's not easy to ride that track! But it sure is a blast!
All right guys all the trophy's are on there way got some cheesy numbers for us. I guess we will have to use tape or something, could not afford the self adhesive numbers. They are actually track and field competitors numbers lol, they were cheaper.

Freedom Bikes USA promised a engine kit for the main winner, and still working on a prize for the bike show. If I cannot score something then the winner of the bike show will receive just a trophy.

64 days till Death Race 2011 seems like a long time away but before you know it, April 16th will be here so get your bikes ready.
