Death Race 4-16-2011

I have been going to race tracks nearly every spring,summer fall weekend since 1978....tool boxes open in the pits Motor home doors open thousands of dollars of gear sitting out in the open....never once have i seen any thing stolen...I have seen folks leave gas cans,folding chairs,tool boxes,bike stands & everything else imaganable behind on accedent.....The stuff allways apears at the next race or at the owners home that week via ups or mail.

No RACER would steal from another racer....many have robber a liquer store for money to make it to the track, but thats understandable LOL.

just the same, theives suck.

Are you going to run that carbon fibre monster you have been building on es?
I am not talking about just one motorized Ice bicycle but over time three that I owned and three others I built as freebies for the under employed starving local homeless to get around in.
This is what they used to use to shop, file unemployment claims, look for jobs, etc. After they lost their cars.
There are NO more freebe motors or bicycles to be had here they are all gone.
A good used womans bicycle was $ 5.00 years ago pre bush economic recession. Now $ 75.00 and up for junk.
If they see me coming it is even more. Or the seller asks for me to motorize it for free just like I did for so and so.
I do not spend my own money on others transportation. I can't afford it.
Around deathrace time of the year they all disapeared. from here.

Thank goodness I did not have two thousand dollars worth of batteries on any one bicycle that was stolen from me.
I do have several electric motors and controllers and all the stuff necessary. I wont spend the cash for batteries though.
I can build a shift kit bicycle for about 300.00 total. A little at a time over several months.
A used car is 500.00 here . Obama's cash for junkers .
The junkers are sold to the public here in AZ.

I am only asking for confirmation that a racer owns the rig that they are racing.
Nothing else
A used car is 500.00 here . Obama's cash for junkers .
The junkers are sold to the public here in AZ.

uhh, not to start a political discussion, but isn't this a violation of federal law, not to mention defeating the entire purpose of the program?
Ha ha, I can relate. I lived in Tucson for a couple of years and had two bikes stolen while we were there. It is a very bicycle friendly city though.
Gorgeous weather, fairly flat terrain and lots of wide, spacious roadways and walkways. I'm tempted to move back there some day.
Same here, lotsa bikes stolen particularly around campus, particularly in the spring when they sell fast enough to not get caught with. Fortunately the guy with the local used bike shop is cool, and refuses to buy the hot bikes from known theives. That has helped drive those characters out of town to sell the stuff at least.

Personally, when I shop the flea, I rarely buy a bike that rides. I stick to buying rusty old crap that if stolen, was laying loose in a yard for at least a few years.

Kc vale, there are some electric bike riders coming from Phoenix, perhaps you can hook up with them for transport. Find them on the Endless sphere forum.

The race is one day, but it's advisable to go down and get track time if you can, by renting a small motorcycle for an hour. Contact the track to find out when the bikes can be rented. If you can do it the day before, friday, that would be cool.

Got my camera mount sorted out. See a test of it here YouTube - Death Race 2011, camera test
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if my dang wife didnt decide to spend this week in vegas i coulda came its ok def next year hope it happens
Only 44 more days...............

At least three-four guys stop in the shop a week getting stuff to get there bikes ready for DR 2011. I think this one is gonna be a big one.

Still working on getting DR live online. If we cant make that happen I will do my best to get someone in the tower to video tape the race for us so at least I can post it online afterward.

Having a little trouble finding someone with a video camera.


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Kc vale, there are some electric bike riders coming from Phoenix, perhaps you can hook up with them for transport.
Thanks for helping with my transport issues Dogman, but it seems like I have an abundance of local help that wants to go and bring their bikes or ride one of mine too ;-}

How well I'm healed up will decide if I will be riding my automatic NuVinci racer, I may let my son race it, but I'll sill ride something.
The point is, I WILL be there to meet everyone and marvel at their work.

Ya, I am getting excited ;-}
Lot of us coming in from out of town.... Would be neat if we all stayed together at the same place? Motel? Is there one place that stands out and we'd all be able to get a reservation for a couple of nights? Is there one of you living close enough to pick a
place and let us all know where it is in case we'd like to stay at the headquarters location? Would bring everyone together for some beers and race talk....... EZ
can't wait my boss gave me four day off starting on april 16 right niw i am working on my trike hopefully i will have it done
Sweet. I'll be coming with my wife and son, and maybe some friends.
Could you let me know a clean cheap motel to rent for Friday and Sat night bud?

I went to the CAzB (Coalition of Arizona Bicyclists) swap meet at Phoenix Muni Stadium yesterday (fun time and I scored some cool parts) and they are having one in Tucson the Sunday 17th so we are going to stick around and go to that one too.

Race Questions:

How long is a lap, and how many laps in the race?

Can a bike have 2 riders that tag team or swap bikes during the race?
The reason I ask is want my son to have a chance to race my bike too and not just the clunker I'll have for him to ride.