Death Race 4-16-2011

If all goes well we just might have DR 2011 live online for everyone to watch.

It is still being worked out and no promises but I think we may have the equipment to broadcast dr live.

I hope we can make it happen, if not I still want to publicly thank Bill from Eco Rider and Fred from Freedom Bikes for all there help and support.

Thank You guys
Freedom Bikes USA LLC. | Facebook
ECO Rider,LLC | Facebook
Dave, would these knee pads meet the 'knee pad requirement'


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yeah, i was wondering about the pads, too. would a padded racing suit work? (not that i have one, yet...;))

or do we need full on road warrior style skateboard-type pads?
As far as I know all I have been ever told by MHC is we must have knee and elbow pads. They have never specified a certain type of pads.

I use roller blade pads from a thrift store. I think the pads with plastic is the best thing for us. But guys have used all types at previous D races.
Hey Dave. What did you have in mind for number plates? One on the front,one on each side, or anywhere as long as you have one? I would like to have mine mounted before raceday Thanks Doug
Hey Dave. What did you have in mind for number plates? One on the front,one on each side, or anywhere as long as you have one? I would like to have mine mounted before raceday Thanks Doug

Where ever you want lets just try to avoid the right side of your bike. That would make it difficult to read from the flagman and the pits.

Remember guys you dont have to have number plates on your bikes. Its only a option if you want to. We can easily tape numbers to our backs or maybe helmets.

I have numbers that everyone can use we just need numbers so the track officials can black flag Alex without others thinking its for them as well. And to help us keep track of who finished where. Its also a safety thing required by MHC for now on.
I remember back in the day we used paper plates, sharpies and masking tape for the number plates. you had 200 number plates under $5
<SIGH> Arizona? might as well be the moon...
Pipe dreams of loading up the van and doing a mad road trip fade with the realities of work...
Have fun guys...
And please, by all means try to web cast the race.
Ill be looking for it.
(to bad they wont let us do a similar event here on the East coast)
Oh !!!! The death race is on again.
Every time it occurs my motorized bicycles get stolen.
I do not even build happytime based bicycles anymore.
A PUNK followed me home he was breathless from trying to keep up with my motorized bicycle.

As I was locking the HUGE chain around front wheel the, rear wheel, and everything in between. He breathlessly arrived .
How fast does it go he panted..
20 mph! I replied.
I tried to chase him so I could go inside.
His final statement after eyeing the security HOW CONVENIENT.

About an hour later a neighbour alerted me to a stranger fooling with my motorized bicycle.
I opened the enclosure where it was stored, And caught the thief with a set of bolt cutters. I wound up with the bolt cutters he climbed to safety before I was able to really hurt him.
This would be the third motorized bicycle That has been stolen from me .Around the run up to Death race .

He almost stole a 40 cc livefast motors engine on a scooterguy mount driving a cvt which feeds a sickbike parts peddalable freewhel jackshaft feeding a seven speed mega freewheel through a rotary grip..
A 700cc frame with 24 inch no more flats tires.
Is this even legal for your race.
If another bicycle is stolen I WILL SHOW UP THIS TIME.

i wouldn't be too worried about anyone showing up with a stolen bike. this community is still too small for things like that to happen. the only way i could see it happening is if someone bought a stolen bike from the junkie that stole it and showed up with it.

most thieves don't buy things to keep, they buy them to make a quick buck.

plus, most, if not all, the people that are gonna show up are on this forum, so ya figure someone would recognize a stolen bike.

if it matters, all my bikes are registered in california.

i'd be more worried about someone stealing my bike while i was in Tucson. i lived there before. we used to change the words to "the devil went down to tucson, he was lookin' for a bike to steal..."
Oh !!!! The death race is on again.
Every time it occurs my motorized bicycles get stolen.
I do not even build happytime based bicycles anymore.
A PUNK followed me home he was breathless from trying to keep up with my motorized bicycle.

As I was locking the HUGE chain around front wheel the, rear wheel, and everything in between. He breathlessly arrived .
How fast does it go he panted..
20 mph! I replied.
I tried to chase him so I could go inside.
His final statement after eyeing the security HOW CONVENIENT.

About an hour later a neighbour alerted me to a stranger fooling with my motorized bicycle.
I opened the enclosure where it was stored, And caught the thief with a set of bolt cutters. I wound up with the bolt cutters he climbed to safety before I was able to really hurt him.
This would be the third motorized bicycle That has been stolen from me .Around the run up to Death race .

He almost stole a 40 cc livefast motors engine on a scooterguy mount driving a cvt which feeds a sickbike parts peddalable freewhel jackshaft feeding a seven speed mega freewheel through a rotary grip..
A 700cc frame with 24 inch no more flats tires.
Is this even legal for your race.
If another bicycle is stolen I WILL SHOW UP THIS TIME.


Thats why i bring mine in.
Sorry for your loss but to suggest that some crackhead in Bullhead is stealing bikes to enter the Deathrace is rediculous.Maybe instead of verifying ownership we should give everybody a drug test.
Might be a very good idea to show up at the Death Race, and see if anybody is riding your past stolen bikes.

But, muuuuuuuch more likely is that spring is when thieves can more easily sell stolen bike stuff.
I have been going to race tracks nearly every spring,summer fall weekend since 1978....tool boxes open in the pits Motor home doors open thousands of dollars of gear sitting out in the open....never once have i seen any thing stolen...I have seen folks leave gas cans,folding chairs,tool boxes,bike stands & everything else imaganable behind on accedent.....The stuff allways apears at the next race or at the owners home that week via ups or mail.

No RACER would steal from another racer....many have robber a liquer store for money to make it to the track, but thats understandable LOL.

just the same, theives suck.
If the track has a wireless broadband connection that we could use then anyone with a laptop and a web cam could broadcast on ustream or something.
I like that idea.
I have my own fast Internet server and the ability to stream live video.

Is there Broadband Internet at the track we can use?
Also, what about 110V AC?

I was new to MB's last year and didn't get to Tucson, but I have learned a thing or three since then.
Living in Phoenix I could only have one excuse for not coming this year...

I am still 'Transportation Challenged'.
No way am I going to ride my bike there and then race and then have to ride back.

I need transport for my my bike, tools and me.
Anyone here in Phoenix or the West Coast headed through here and want to tote me along with them?

I will post the race info up on my site and talk to the local guys and some friends about a 'road trip' as I do have a pretty good bike to run now.

About how many days will the whole 'event' run?
I don't mean just race day, I mean when will people start hanging out before and after, and where?

Also, is there any special event motel rooms prices?
I say Motel opposed to Hotel for obvious reasons ;-}

Come **** or high water I'll do my best to get there this year.
I have no favorite number, but if 51 is not taken please reserve it for me.
I'll be using something a bit better for my bike and I than a paper plate ;-}
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