Death Race 4-16-2011

To answer a few emails and also so everyone knows...

YES, the SBP shifter kit is allowed just no internal transmissions.
not trying to start a controversy or an argument, but why outright ban Morini's? what about hybrid bikes like 4 easy's and mine? they don't fit into the HT class much anymore, either.

i don't understand the issue. are people really taking the class ideas seriously, like nascar where everyone's equal? i figured it was "run whatcha brung" and just have fun.

besides, a hybrid motor like 4easy's or mine don't even fit into the HT class anymore, either.

back to my idea of one race combining all classes, an easy way to keep track would to have a colored letter on the number plate, like a blue "M" for morini, a red "S" for stock, you get the picture.

i for one would love to put my modified HT against your morini.:)

if the issue is lack of trophy's and prizes, heck, i like my idea of making some from broken or unused kit parts. it's more personal that way.

i mean, this is supposed to be fun, right?;)
Checking in from So. Cal, I'll be there.

Suggestion: Two classes. Stock and unlimited. We will have time if we make the time.

Question: I have a motorized tandem. Can I enter it and have my 16 year old son ride with me??

Another tandem checking in from SoCal.....I don't feel the need for a special class for tandems, we just want to do something different and beat any other tandem there. Just need tandem's to be allowed.....we'll take it from there.

Cheers, scotto- dnut
I really hope this doesn't turn into a p***ing match about racing classes and motor configurations. I am willing to drive 850 miles AND pay the 15 bucks just to meet and ride with as many members as possible. I never even thought about "racing". I just thought it would be a great chance to show off your work and ride on an awesome track with out cars. *shakes clenched fist at cars* If everyone is so concerned about who is the "winner" I suggest taking your chances on the streets of Tucson and settle it the way they used to in the old days. Look, we only have the track for half a day we should try and get as much out of it as we can. we all know who the racers are and who aren't. Please let the guys who made their bikes fast for a reason show off. I could never keep up with a Morini or even a finely tuned Grubee, but the chance to meet and exchange info is priceless. Sorry for the long rant but I was hoping something like this would not happen.
I am a little fed up with the few calling me a cheater because I run a Morini. Also accusing me of only hosting DR because I want to keep winning. I am hosting DR because my friend asked me to.

Foureasy can run his Hybrid I have no problem with that and you can run whatever you want and someone else can become the next cheater lol. And if anybody wants to run a Morini they are more then welcomed too but your finish will not count. According to many using a Morini is cheating in a open class race.

There seems to be a little animosity with a few because I am hosting and racing, and just to avoid any more problems I will not race at all. Its no big deal for me I will still have tons of fun and I will be cheering everyone on from the sideline.
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my whole point was, if you're running a morini and some guy's complaining that his stock ht can't keep up, that's his napoleon complex.

i think i got a ride to this race, and i know you have racing experience, and a fast bike.

i've got a souped up ht i wanna match against a morini.

i'd be bummed if you don't race, and honored if you can beat me.

i'll even make my own special trophy for the winner...

i used to race a 75 honda civic hatchback against anyone at carlsbad raceway and pomona. it 1/4 miled in mid twelves. i got beat plenty of times by people with "real" cars, but i held my own against plenty.

if there's people complaining that an engine that they can't afford, can't build, and can't ride (which is a very common circumstance in the racing world) then f them.

seriously, i'll race anyone. bring your gxr, and blow me away. so? at least i had fun on the track.

no one's making any money offa this, gatoraide ain't sponsoring it, and no chicks from godaddy are gonna take off their clothes for it.

and there's guys with "real" motorcycles waiting for us to get the **** off the track.

bottom line? i know it's your home track, dave, and i want to beat you on it. no matter what bike you're riding.

but, as friends. not as some crybaby wuss with store bought parts who never made the team in high school.

(edit/disclaimer: it's 2:10am and i'm drunk right now. just speakin' what's left of my mind)
From the emails I have received I had no clue I was so hated for using the Morini. I am sorry but to make everyone feel more comfortable I think its best I let this DR go on without me.
And BTW, those sending me emails you will not be banned for posting your concerns on the forum as one of you mentioned.

Just because you dont like how DR is operated does not mean I will ban you if you post on this thread. Come on now! you guys know me better then that.

But if you would rather do it by email thats fine but dont think you have to. I would prefer you post it here so everyone can read it. Just dont be like those others and say some nasty things to me.

DR is for you guys, I am doing my best to make it into a event that we all can be proud of and hopefully have many more. I am a racer not a promoter so this is all new to me organizing something this large.

I really thought all I had to do was pick a day and tell everyone about it, but I am realizing its a lot more complicated. Now I understand why Roland is just burned out.
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Dave, thank you for taking on the DR!!!!

Even though you are getting all the heat, it will be worth it. There are more people appreciating you then complaining. Unfortuantly, you don't get emails or comments from those appreciating your efforts.

If you can do classes, great! If you don't have the resourses or time, no worries.
dave, thank you for your effort to put the race together, anyone with issues with you orginazing this event or racing whatever you want is just a crybaby or jellous that they cant afford a morini or dont have the equiptment to beat you, this is an open class event, bring what you have, race, have fun, and the winners will be the winners and the haters will be the haters. f em your doing a great job dave and thanks for your effort and time to put this great day of racing together
Time? Dave, you keep talking about "Time?" Explain how much 'Time' we have on this track?
Do we have the facilities 'ALL DAY"? Please.... It's a long ways from Seattle... -EZ
Bairdco has it... Bet he's done this before? Depending on numbers showing? Run race in one
or two heats... Then the top five or so in each class for the final.
Do not worry about trophy's - Use Bairdco's idea of old sprockets, and make many!
Cheap and you could pay down as many places as you want???
BUT: We really need to obtain the use of the track for a full day.
And some kind of a gathering the day before... day or evening... Just a place to gather and
everyone can BYO... -EZ
Hello all...
I'm hopeing that there will be others on Morini's..
If that's the motor that's winning, than that's the motor to have.
I am working on a project ,Hopefully will be ready for the Death race..
Classes would be cool.but without support it's difficult ....
Run what you brung...

It,s a long way from philly...
If you want to further the sport ..
you need to look further into the future..
$10 is reasonable and $15 is downright cheap..
The racetrack is second to none and worth the fee.
keep up the good work dave..

Hopefully will see you all in the desert this spring.wee .....
Why can't you just run one 10 lap race for the big dog bikes & call it the Outlaw race??
I would hate to see anyone not have fun by not racing.
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#1) I am coming from 2+k miles just to participate....I could care less who wins. It will be enough just to participate in the "Death Race"

#2) No "internaly" shifted transmisions means My 2 speed reduction box on the ellectric is illeagal?
(yes or no please Dave, I will make no argumnets)

#3) I openly call anyone who e-mailed/PM'ed Dave to complain about his equipment or his access to the track being an "unfair" advantage a "Pansy"

Its a Race. (not an affirmitive action, everybody wins, love fest ,T-ball game)& any Victory without the defending champion participating will be hollow.

Chin Up Dave, I know from experiance that promoting an event like this really can bring out the worst in people sometimes. It only takes one "complainer" to discourage an amature promoter from ever taking the time to make an event like this happen ever again.

Any one who is so worried about getting "schelacked" by a "Morini" obviously has no experiance racing 2 wheeled vehicles(or is a lifer in the "c" classes).
Its 98% rider.
I believe Dave said we have half a day of "track time".The guy that runs the place is very cool and i'm sure he won't have a problem with us spending all day at the "facility" meeting other members ,showing off our bikes and do our racing in the afternoon.By the way Dave i love the "run what ya brung" nature of the event i have no problem with the morinis . My friends accuse me of "cheating" when we play horseshoes because i have a metal plate and 5 screws in my wrist
....But... But... But.... What's with this 'No chicks from Godaddy are gonna take off their cloths for it....?????' GEZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz -EZ

Hey... Run what ya brung... This is a 'Meet' ...not so much a race! And I've never even seen a 'Morinis'
BUT: Do want to see one run..... RUN EM' ALL! Classes - No classes - ALL together - But let's all "GET-TO-GETHER" and have a 'Meeting'! This can be fun and rewarding... But it's up to us! -EZ
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