bicycle engine clutch.

Super easy to turn with the clutch lever pulled in (clutch not engaged)
Yes, just use your fingers. Having the clutch lever pulled "IN" takes the pressure off. I went finger tight and backed off about a half turn.
I got it from Dax a little over a month ago and have just now gotten around to it.

I took off the clutch arm cover last night.
Check to see if there is a rod, and behind that, a ball. They both go in the center of the drive sprocket.
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I have had to clean my clutch pads about 5 times after almost every 20 minutes of riding. I tighten the star nut till it will not tighten more and it slips until I clean the pads. The system would not start and still won't as the slippage is so bad until I clean the pads. Will I get past this? Am I doing something wrong? This thread documents my build.. Oh yes the screw that locks the star nut is scouring a line on the cover that I have enlarged with my Dremel Tool.
When you tighten the star nut I assume you have the clutch handle locked in the disengaged position.Even then the clutch may not be completely disengaged depending on on the cable adjustment.Try pulling back on the clutch lever with one hand while adjusting the star nut.There might be a little more slack in there.Happened to me.Ron
You can try sanding the pucks and pressure plate with some medium sandpaper.
Are you sure your clutch is releasing all the way (tension too tight on cable housing)?

I can't think of anything else.
So here's one...

My set screw was also gouging into the cover. I tried tightening the star nut, but then I just couldn't disengage the clutch. For now I have a thick cardboard gasket on there to prevent more scoring, but that's lead me to lose all but 2 of the cover plate screws :(

So here's a list of things that are funky with my clutch:

set screw grinds on cover plate.

the "plate" that the star nut holds on has some play in it both with the clutch engaged and disengaged. It can wiggle and make noise, and will rattle at higher rpms.

The set screw doesn't really set the star nut. If I "set" on one of the tabs of the nut, it lets the nut slip. If I set between the tabs, the nut has that little bit of room to rotate before hitting the screw.

I'm thinking what I need to do is turn the flower nut in all the way, then screw in the two adjusters on the cable, and reset the little brass thingie on the end of the cable. Then use the screw adjusters and try to get the clutch to be able to engage/disengage. Not sure that'll work, but it's worth a shot.

Any suggestions to keep that plate from rattling? Drives me nuts at higher rpms.
I did the sanding trick and the clean the pads trick and took needle nose pliers to the star nut and worked it in as far as I could while pulling the clutch lever. All that kept the clutch working for a few hundred miles till the motor mount bolt broke off at the block.

The set screw does go between the tabs of the nut and it can only back out so far before it hits the screw.
Just as an update...

The newer "80cc" motors now have round clutch material pieces. Don't think the round have as much surface area as the older ones.

Had to take apart and tighten the star nut a bunch to stop the slipping / squealing after only 3 tanks of gas.
Re: The clutch.

Helo Norman,
This is Rogelio Supetran, new to this forum.
Installed my Kit 3 wks ago. My concern and it's bugging me is the Clutch noise,specially when your up to speed and you let go of the throttle thats where its really loud.
Do you or have you noticed that Big clutch Gear when you push the outer bevel gears that they move a bit . The one in my ngine move Bck and forth as you push on the outer
rim of the gear that you can actually see the small Bearings inside it.Could this cause or add to the Noise ?.

Thank You.
Re: The clutch.

Well for starters if you're going quick and let off the throttle, you need to pull in the clutch lever. High RPMs with the throttle closed on a 2-stroke is not good. Not letting much air/fuel in which also means no oil :(

As for the moving...not sure.

To quiet the gear noise down some you can glue a mousepad to the clutch cover, or SBP (look to the ad at the left) sells a cover.

Thanks for your reply.
will try the Mouse pad solution.
But if you have the chance could youcheck that Ring Gear where all the friction pads are and the clutch base. If that ring gear is moving back and forth could it be that its rubbing against the clutch base ?.
What do you think ?.

Thanks again.
Re: The clutch.

Think finally solved the noise in my clutch.
Just received my Clutch assembly I orderred from Bicycle-engine.
Clutch base and ringgear assy with friction pads. One thing i notice that the movement (wobble) that iwas describing before is almost not existent in this new set of clutch.
The Old one you can hold in your hand and when I shook it (twisting) motion you can actually hear the clicking noise.
The new clutch doesn't have this noise.
So I just put a lite grease at the back of it just where it contacts the bearing and put it in.
Also ,the Old clutch friction pads have this Pink coating. The New one have this black face with strings of thread wound around it.
So after putting it in was really surprised the Noise is Gone.
Rode approx. 5 miles right away and I am happy.
Question now is how long will this last. Maybe after those friction Pads starts wearing off.
I think I have the same one you are describing.
The one I have (the Raw 80 ) the Friction Pads have Pink coating on them.
After a month use two of the Pads actually chipped off.
So i order one assy. from bicycle-engine. I think this is the older style of Clutch pads.
After installing it in my engine and Ran it noticed that the Noise is gone and everything seems smoother, even at low rpm.
The Old one is very rough and i had to slip the clutch to eliminate the vibration everytime i rode my bike.
Question is how long will these new (old style) pads last.
So far I am enjoying my ride.