bicycle engine clutch.

I have yet to try out my new ride since the clutch does not seem to disengage. With the clutch lever pulled, the engine drive wheel does not freewheel and you cant pedal the bike. What kind of action do these clutches have.?...mine is super stiff and pulling the lever takes a bit of effort. I expected that the action would be somewhat smooth. Cable is adjusted with minimal play and no apparent binding.
Gonna need help on this one......
Have you made sure that the short rod is in place under the clutch arm cover along with the small ball that is behind the short rod? you might just need to adjust the clutch star/flower nut a little you can move the clutch arm with vice grips to make sure that the clutch will disengage and see it work with the big cover off on the clutch side. I show all this in the classic posts but sometimes it can be overwhelming when doing it the first time. Don't give up cause you will get it with me lying to you well sort of lying.laff
Thanks for the reply. No ball anywhere....just the short rod. Now what do I do? Where do I get one...or can I use a ball bearing of some certain size.
(New Grubee 66cc....the "so called" 80cc)
did you put a magnet into the hole where the short rod goes it may be stuck in there as for the size? I had one of the bikes apart today fooling around with it and should of measured that ball but I didn't I'll have to find out and let you know it should be about the same dia of the rod if that will help anyball bearing that size should work if you can find one. some shops sell them Dax comes to mind but there is others look to the side bar and see if one of the sponsors have one by going to their sites.
Looked in there with a ball...I think I've got ball bearings somewhere from some of my old bike builds. Thanx for info.....
clutch together and cable all adjusted....pull lever to disengage and.....same gear does not move when I try and spin it....shouldn't you be able to turn the drivetrain gear manually at this point?....that's my concern/question.
if you are asking if you should be able to turn the sprocket on the motor, I would say no, you can not turn it by hand. Not with your fingers,that's for sure.
Thanks Toytime.
I kept trying to turn it by hand...I figured if it wasnt engaged, then the motor sproket would spin freely....I'll have to put the chain together and give the engine a go.
You can use vise grips or pliers if you just want to see if it's working. It's just that your fingers can't get the shaft and clutch to spin.
I know i wouldn't be able to sleep not knowing.
with the silver clutch plate off my clutch randomly engages. Its really annoying. I can't pedal the bike normally, i have to start the engine to make it go anywhere. I asked my chem teacher and he thinks I'm getting flat spots on my ball bearings. Can anyone validate this?
Can you explain it a little better? What do you mean when you say "silver clutch plate off"? Is this always happening? If so, have you tried to adjust your clutch cable? It sounds like your clutch is dragging.
when i take the flower nut off and completely take off the plate that connects the inner part of the clutch to the gear that surounds it, the engine still randomly engages. So with no clutch connecting the engine driven gears to the wheel, they are still turning each other. I'm pretty sure there is something majorly wrong with my ball bearings cuz one fell out on the ground the other day. I don't know how to completely take apart the clutch so i can't see whats going on.
I know my problem has nothing to do with my cables or the clutch plate itself. something other than that plate is connecting my engine to my wheel. I think the ball bearings that seperate the inner part of the clutch from the outer gear are either falling out or are getting flat spots. This is would cause them to jam seemingly randomly and therefore make the outer gear thing and the center spinny thing with the three prongs turn together. i have no idea how to fix this if this is the case. but i'm just a noob so I could be completely wrong.
here is a little tip everyone could use.......

rotate your cluych handle to the straight up position.
now you can push the handle down with the heel of your hand (much easier) and use the fingers for the brake at the same time....

stay dry

I have the SAME problem, the clutch disengaged is equal to the clutch engaged in terms of pedalling resistance

we have to get down there and turn the flower nut to the RIGHT I think... its reverse threaded if I read correctly