100:1 Mix

Opti-2 is for real. I've been running it at 100:1 after one tank of standard synthetic oil. After the switchover you could tell when the new fuel got to the motor. No smoke and the engine started running much better even with this CNS v2 carb. (breather to bowl tube removed). I can't say there has been much of a top end speed difference but acceleration is noticeably better and the engine is more free revving. Carb still needs some minor adjusting on top end. Innerlube referred me to a local "Do it best" hardware store. They had the 12 oz bottles for 9.99
A brand new China engine, just beginning it's life, should be left alone to 4-stroke a bit until the break in is completed. Things will change within the engine as it breaks in and you will need to tune it up after break in anyways, so why make twice the work for yourself and tune it twice?
I agree with gearnut. With my new motors I just do the normal to increase air flow port matching and better air filter the adjust the e-clip to the leanest setting which is still rich with the opti, but leave it there for break in. Then after break in I really tune it. I also run it pretty hard during break-in so the extra richness helps protect it a little.
Given the length of this thread, I never would have imagined I had something to add that has not already been said. That is, until I stopped by a Tractor Supply Co. store today...

For everyone saying they cannot find Opti2 locally, TSC may be another option. In their mower / chainsaw / trimmer section they had little packets of 2-cycle oil that looked suspiciously like the 1.8oz opti packs. The label says "Arnold" brand universal 2-cycle lubricant, but the instructions are the same as opti (that is 1.8 oz pack into 1 gal). Also the back of the label says "manufactured for Arnold by Interlube International Inc." the makers of Opti.

Sounds like the same stuff to me.
Same here in Ga, I have tried it in my string trimmer and blower. It has a greenish blue color, is that opti-2?
This is interesting. I am a proponent of 2 stroke economy cars for America, and wonder if this could pave the way for them. I think something similar to the VW Bug would be a big hit right now (yes I know that is 4x engine, I mean something of a similar size, with a 2x simplified engine, going for a bare bones approach.)
I would love to have a small car with a very simple engine, no AC or electric windows and crap to mess up, just a eco-box with high fuel mileage.
suzuki made a 2 stroke jeep in the early 70's slow,smokey,small,and would out climb just about anything.
I know pablo, but I'm sure YOU of all people understand the value of being an intrepid experimenter :D.
suzuki made a 2 stroke jeep in the early 70's slow,smokey,small,and would out climb just about anything.

It wasn't a Jeep. It was a 4X4 Suzuki. Sorry but I belong to a couple of Jeep clubs and they are for just Jeeps.

I tried reading this whole L-O-N-G thread! I didn't make it. :-(

I have a fairly new motor, less than 500 miles on it. I just checked the compression and got 80psi with one pull of the rope. What I was looking for is how the carb should be set up using the 100:1 mix. BTW, I have been using this mix.

If you have the NT carb and NO expansion chamber you will use less fuel than if you have an expansion chamber, so, I say, try the leanest condition, highest notch in the needle, and read your plug, then go from there. You may need to re-jet
Which carb are you using?
What elevation are you at?

Before you start messing with the jet size.
what position do you have the clip on the needle?

First try raising the clip up one groove at a time to lean it out.

If it's an NT carb try a 68, or 66. Stock is about a 70
Thanks guys! I guess I should have said everything was stock. I'll order a couple of new jets to have on hand just in case. In the mean time I'll try adjusting the needle.
