100:1 Mix

Hi all

Here is my up date, I started with a new 66cc engine with opti 2 70:1 break in 2 tanks (1 gallon).
It ran like !@$%#@ 4 strokin all over its self. after 2 tanks i switched it 100:1 and it ran like real #$@#@#@##@#$@#@. so i order some number drills and solderer shut the jet and started working down in jet size. i am now at #73 .061mm and needle at 1 notch from the top and it runs a lot better still 4 strokin intermittently but i can live with it for a while. The plug still looks a little rich but closer.

my next drill smaller is #74 0.0225 in/0.572 mm to small i think so i will order a #60 jet. i think that will be about right. if i move the e clip to the top it falls off at top speed too lean. move the e clip to the the middle it 4 strokes more so i am getting close
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I am jsut a little worried about running 100:1 in anything. Never have ran opti2 but still makes me nervous

well there are a lot of guys in here that are running 100:1 with no complainants.
some have 700 800 900 miles on there engines with opti 2 and still going strong.

i think using opti 2 is like having sex for the first time, worried and nervous till it over, then love it !!!!!!!!!!!!
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I have OVER 3000 miles on my engine on Opti-2 alone. I read PAGES on how this stuff works and when i rip apart my engine, all i see is pretty shiny metal and almost no carbon on my piston and i run 35 to 40 mph on my bike almost everyday. I love this stuff and will never use any other oil... Period. The only problem that I have, (which is not because of the oil) is whenever the motor gets hot, it tends to autocombust. This is not huge problem. Just means that i need to choke it to kill it. But i live in Louisiana and its 108 degrees and this oil works like a charm. I was skeptical at first and it has only done good for me.
In my ht I'm running a 6 ngk of some sort I think. Chocolate brown and doesn't four stroke anywhere, then again, mine is heavily modded...I love this stuff though, it is what I'm breaking in my new Zipper with and the engine is running beautifully :)
Where in Florida to stock up on OPTI-2?

I am in New York and sadly, there is no one local to me that carries OPTI-2.

I will be going on Holiday in about a month to Florida, Kissimmee area, does anyone know of any places down there that I can stock up on a coupla gallons of OPTI-2?
Re: Where in Florida to stock up on OPTI-2?

I am in New York and sadly, there is no one local to me that carries OPTI-2.

I will be going on Holiday in about a month to Florida, Kissimmee area, does anyone know of any places down there that I can stock up on a coupla gallons of OPTI-2?

Call this number and ask them:


Opti-2 has great customer service...
So, I just got an 80cc RAW kit. What ratio should i use to break it in with the Opti - 2 oil? 24:1? 50:1? or just for 100:1?
best way to do it is to put a little less than a gallon in a can and then add one packet of opti. That will put you somwhere more around 70:1 or 80:1 then after the first gallon you can run 100:1 with no issues, that's how I've done it anyway :)
best way to do it is to put a little less than a gallon in a can and then add one packet of opti. That will put you somwhere more around 70:1 or 80:1 then after the first gallon you can run 100:1 with no issues, that's how I've done it anyway :)

Well, someone in the chat box was saying to use cheap walmart oil first and run a 24:1 mix to scuff up the inside and then 4 tanks after use any type of oil...

I was thinking 4 tanks is way too much...
Yeah, I will politely say that there are VERY different opinions on break in, but I say to run opti 2 from the start. It is formulated to smooth minor surface imperfections in the metal of the engine making it perfectly smooth and allows for excellent lubrication. No other oil does this. Like I said mix 70:1 or 80:1 for the first gallon, and after do 100:1
Yeah, I will politely say that there are VERY different opinions on break in, but I say to run opti 2 from the start. It is formulated to smooth minor surface imperfections in the metal of the engine making it perfectly smooth and allows for excellent lubrication. No other oil does this. Like I said mix 70:1 or 80:1 for the first gallon, and after do 100:1

I'm taking your word, no way I'm going to go slow for 4 gallons.
kristof Hi

i just broke in my new 66cc motor with opti 2. i mix 1.8 oz pouch with 1 us gallon of mid grade gas and rode it not hard but not easy. just rode it. it will 4 stroke on you some do, some don't so they say. mine did a lot, but that's ok getting plenty of oil that way.
after the one gallon has run through it i mix 1.3 gallon to 1.8oz of opti 2 and run it from now on.
i am on my 2nd tank of 100:1 now it runs fine.
i am in the processes of re jetting the carb now. its a little screamer.

now that's what i did. DISCLAIMER your results may be different.
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