100:1 Mix

Well on to my second tank of opti2 , when I first starting running it , I had the clip in the top position and it was seeming (plug color) much too lean (maybe air leak?), so I dropped the clip one notch , and 1/2 a tank later now the plug, looks on the rich side .
I will burn one more tank like this and then , decide where I want the clip to sit.

Have to admit , I love how the bike does not seem like its dripping and oozing oil all over , and love the fact , of not having a blue trail of smoke following me ( slight exaggeration)
and I have to admit the clean exhaust smells much better than the oily premix that i was running before , and even smells better to me than the strawberry ipone stuff.
Kinda wish I had some extra cash kicking around , I would love to buy a new 66cc port and polish , then break it in at 75:1 for a tank or 2 then the 100:1 , just to see.
Well on to my second tank of opti2 , when I first starting running it , I had the clip in the top position and it was seeming (plug color) much too lean (maybe air leak?), so I dropped the clip one notch , and 1/2 a tank later now the plug, looks on the rich side .
I will burn one more tank like this and then , decide where I want the clip to sit.

Have to admit , I love how the bike does not seem like its dripping and oozing oil all over , and love the fact , of not having a blue trail of smoke following me ( slight exaggeration)
and I have to admit the clean exhaust smells much better than the oily premix that i was running before , and even smells better to me than the strawberry ipone stuff.
Kinda wish I had some extra cash kicking around , I would love to buy a new 66cc port and polish , then break it in at 75:1 for a tank or 2 then the 100:1 , just to see.

Good deal.......man hop eyouo get that thing sing-in nice real soon.

Mine seem to do the best with the clip at second from the top on about 80:1 on the Opti 2.

Best wishes, muddybike
Opti 2

I have been running Castrol 2 stroke oil and I am pretty sure I have it too rich. But I have decided to give Opti 2 a try. I have asked in a couple of hardware stores and motorcycle shops and no ones got it. I called Opti dealer locator and asked for a dealer in Long Beach or Seal Beach Ca. and they don't have a listing. I am in Long Beach near Seal Beach does any body know where I can find some around here? Opti said most Tru Value or Ace hardware have it. Is this correct?

Re: Opti 2

I have been running Castrol 2 stroke oil and I am pretty sure I have it too rich. But I have decided to give Opti 2 a try. I have asked in a couple of hardware stores and motorcycle shops and no ones got it. I called Opti dealer locator and asked for a dealer in Long Beach or Seal Beach Ca. and they don't have a listing. I am in Long Beach near Seal Beach does any body know where I can find some around here? Opti said most Tru Value or Ace hardware have it. Is this correct?

Hi Jim
If you come to the event at Willow Springs I will give you a
1.8oz packet of Opti-2 oil compliments of Interlube who is
sponsoring the race and has generously given a lot of 2 stroke
and 4 stroke oil along with fuel stabilizer to give out.

I never had any luck at Tru Value or Ace hardware stores and
I have tried a few.

Try your local lawnmower repair shops.
Mas Lawnmower in Buena Park sells the 1.8 oz Opti-2 packets
at an excellent price.
7561 Commonwealth Ave
Buena Park 714 521-8287
I buy my Robin Subaru parts from them.

There is another Lawn mower & scooter shop at the
SE corner of Garden Grove Blvd and Hoover just north
of the Westminster DMV. They carry Opti-2 and 4.
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My Ace Hardware carries packets of Opti 2. I buy the ashless oil they carry which appears the be the same as LawnBoy Ashless, but I have never tried the Opti 2 oil they sell. I might pick some up sometime and give it a whirl.
Re: Opti 2

I have been running Castrol 2 stroke oil and I am pretty sure I have it too rich. But I have decided to give Opti 2 a try. I have asked in a couple of hardware stores and motorcycle shops and no ones got it. I called Opti dealer locator and asked for a dealer in Long Beach or Seal Beach Ca. and they don't have a listing. I am in Long Beach near Seal Beach does any body know where I can find some around here? Opti said most Tru Value or Ace hardware have it. Is this correct?Jim

Yes true value hardware store is where I get mine.... it's called Weakley Watson True Value Hardware.......this store opened in our town in 1876 and is still going strong but instead of selling oil then I bet you'd just have to settle for a sack of Horse and Mule Feed.....LOL!

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Re: Opti 2

Well gents, with my newly rebuilt engine and freshly rebuilt and adjusted carb I can say happily that the opti is working just fine in my engine :) I have a lovely chocolate brown plug to show for it. It works just fine on the NT carb, you just need to play with the needle and perhaps jetting until it stops running rich. The addition of an expansion chamber leaned it out a bit for me, as expected :) Well not leaned out, jut more fuel used :) Peace
Nice read.
It basically says what the Opti site says.

I am considering using Opti4 as a break in lube when My motorcycle engine is rebuilt.
If it will polish and burnish the wear surfaces, all the better!
been watching this thread off and on...and i don't doubt the superior lubricating properties of these advanced lubricants as to reducing friction, and would not be opposed to adding them as a supplement to to oil in my engines...however and its just my way of seeing things, the reason for the oil additive to our fuel is twofold...first as a lubricant but also to to insure proper compression between the rings and the cylinder wall...when veiwed under a microscope you will see voids that need to be filled ( scoring ect,) to insure proper compression. . . less oil the less voids are filled...therefor not as an efficient seal... to my way of thinking 1/3 the product....can never seal the minute voids as well as say a 32 to one mix therefor not insuring the optimum compression....regardless of the quality it just requires enough oil to fill all the voids......anyone see that or is it just me? David
Hi all

I've been watching and read all the post on this thread. there were some good times and bad some funny and some sad. but I made it to the end as of this date.

So I think I will throw my $0.02 in.

I am a trained Mechanic with 35 + years fixing and working on cars.

what opti 2 is saying that metal is not removed when two high spots hit do to lube failing , it is reformed and smoothed out. now this is a good thing, nothing is removed. so if nothing is removed then the clearances in your engine will not increase so your engine will last longer.

In an machining process you can only get it so smooth. no matter how smooth you get it it will still have high spots just smaller. and when two smooth objects are moving across each other, say rings on cylinder walls you will still be removing high spots

so if opti 2 is smoothing out the high spots by reforming them, making smoother and not enlarging clearances. plus smoother = less oil needed to lube the smooooooest parts less friction . MORE HP ?

now try this at home get some sand paper 80gt 120gt 400gt 1000gt. start with the 80gt take two pieces and put them grit to grit and try to move them large high spots hard to move across each other it would take chassis grease to lube it. now do 120 400 1000 gt paper and as you go up on gt number the smoother and easer to move needing less lube to move

so this are some of my thoughts on this subject .
i have a new 66cc i am going to do opti 2 100:1 right out the gate. i have read the some have done this with good results.
Later all Don P

P.S. anyone that has broke there engine in on opti 2 ,lets have some updates on how your engine is preforming.
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I have two that started life on Opti-2. One just broke 800 miles last night on a ride and the other one has a bit over 700 miles. Both are without a doubt the best running engines I have. I check the piston tops often by looking down through the plug hole and both show clean metal where you'd normally expect to see some carbon buildup in a 2 stroke.
I will not enter into a discussion about speed (how fast, etc) but I will say that these two engines will run circles around my others. Better hill climbing ability and better top ends.
Am I just lucky, or is there something to the Opti-2 mystique?
Hi all
i took the plunge to day. fired up my new 66cc engine on opti 2 went with 70:1 for the first gallon break-in lol.

it is running rich, it 4 stroke n. so what jet size do i need any one know?

i put about 3 miles on it now. thanks all Don P
Hi all
i took the plunge to day. fired up my new 66cc engine on opti 2 went with 70:1 for the first gallon break-in lol.

it is running rich, it 4 stroke n. so what jet size do i need any one know?

i put about 3 miles on it now. thanks all Don P
Which carb are you using?
What elevation are you at?

Before you start messing with the jet size.
what position do you have the clip on the needle?

First try raising the clip up one groove at a time to lean it out.
Hi all
the carb is marked ntto and the needle is set in to the jet at it lowest setting, e clip in the top slot away from the needle end. so it is in the leanest spo,t can not set any leaner and she keeps a four stroke n away. lol
Didn't 4 stroke for me because I have an expansion chamber, so it sucked in enough fuel to keep things smooth. To rejet you wanna put solder in the hole, get machinist drill bits and drill a size smaller, or go to sick bike parts and buy a new jet