100:1 Mix

Maybe the two responsible will get the message and we can let this continue. If not, it's dead.
What is there to continue? This topic was discussed to death and went away for a little while. It got resurrected and beat to death again.

Please let it die a dignified death this time.
What is there to continue? This topic was discussed to death and went away for a little while. It got resurrected and beat to death again.

Please let it die a dignified death this time.


Come on Nunya, you dont have to read it if ya dont want too.........but some of us are still enjoying the posts, well........ at least some of them!

I just want to know what the final out come is and what is said to be the cause of that engine failure, thats what I'm curious about myself, I dont wish bad on anyone period, but I think ther ehas been some uncalled for mud sling-in go-in on here that does need to stop on both sides of this issue.

we are big boys now so we shuld be able to continue this without it getting out of line to the point that Tom has to shut and lock the door on it, but if he does I know it will be for the best and will be justified or he wouldn't have done it.

i went into a lawnmower place to see if they had any of this. the guy @ the counter really seemed supportive of this product. more than i would normally expect.

i held off just to double check if it was exactly the same stuff.
checked in to this thread & see what a mess.

so besides a small few, this is a recommended thing?
100:1 right?

i went into a lawnmower place to see if they had any of this. the guy @ the counter really seemed supportive of this product. more than i would normally expect.

i held off just to double check if it was exactly the same stuff.
checked in to this thread & see what a mess.

so besides a small few, this is a recommended thing?
100:1 right?


Yep or just get the packets and mix with 1 gal gas and you got 72:1 which is fine also.
What is there to continue? This topic was discussed to death and went away for a little while. It got resurrected and beat to death again.

Please let it die a dignified death this time.
Still some of us who are interested in the pics that will hopefully come of this of the good results of Opti. Like I said before, I'm a skeptic now because it goes against what little I know about these things, but I'm always open to new info, and I won't sling no mud. Wait. Uhh.
Me too Sketchman, I'm curious to hear what the final results are and what the seizure gets blamed on.
wow. i finally was able to sit down & skim this whole thread.

i did get back to the lawnmower place to pick up the op-2.
the guy behind the counter said it is what they use on their machines & it works @ many different ratios.
i'm going to try between 70-80:1
i figure if most people feel safe @ 50:1 & some feel safe @ 100:1.
i can split the difference & feel safe.
i still have 3/4 a gallon to go before i need to refuel.
to tell you the truth i might not be able to report how it performs @ WOT. i'm to scared to ride it faster than 30mph.
i'm use to four stroke large displacement engines. so i don't like to hear engines rev out like two strokes do.
"i'm use to four stroke large displacement engines. so i don't like to hear engines rev out like two strokes do."

They do sound like they might explode!

what's the fascination at running 100 to 1? Why not 1000:1? If less is better, why not 10000:1

I get very little smoke running 32-40:1 using 20-25% castor blended with cheap 2 stroke oil. I'm happy with my power-tuned pipe tuned for hill climbing and not high rev's.

If 100 to 1 works for certain folks, I'm happy for them. BTW, solvents comprise 20-30 percent of a conventiol oil's volume....reduce the level of solvent and you have more oil per unit volume thus allowing less volume of oil to be used. Its possible that the solvent may cause smoke or affect performance.
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I love the smell of Castor in the morning. It smells like...:)

BTW, I'm a firm believer that opti-lube is a reputable company. I use their XPD product which costs amost $50/gallon to product the high pressure fuel pumps on both of my diesels. Testing of this product verified it improves diesel fuel lubricity better than other methods. Just not sure about their 2 stroke product.

I did run one of my bikes about 13 miles with very little or no oil a couple of weekends ago when I ran out of gas and my small bottle of 2 stroke oil mix leaked out of my bag. The gas station only sold quart size bottles of 2 stroke and motor oil and I didn't want to buy such a large amount. I took it easy and feel the residiual dry castor oil film protected my engine on the ride home. Only time will tell if I did any permament damage.

2 door, what was your final verdict with this product. I respect your opinion and would like to save myself from reading 66 pages of posts.
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We have these same discussions regarding oil mix over in the RC forums as well. I run my gas powered 32:1 using Lawn Boy ashless oil most of the time and I fly with guys that use the Amsoil 100:1 with the same success. I also mix my own Nitro fuel and I use Klotz 80%synthetic 20%castor as my base oil. When I buy commercial nitro fuel I use Cool Power which is 100% synthetic. I am also an RC flying instructor and new people will ask me all the time what oil to use in a gasser or what nitro fuel to use in a nitro powered 2 stroke? My answer is always start out with a fuel and mix that is newbie friendly.

Castor oil has a much higher flash/burn temp then synthetic and thus can save a newbie's engine if he plays around with the needles and gets to lean. Once the new guy is comfortable tuning...then I suggest a switch over to full synthetic or partial because it is a much cleaner mix to use and has some performance advantages. I suggest the same for gas/oil mixes. I would not feel comfortable telling a guy who has never tuned an engine to go right to 100:1 mix, but if you are experienced with tuning engines and be sure to stay away from a lean setting....well I know many flyers who are perfectly content to run Amsoil 100:1. I run the Lawnboy mix 32:1 because I use the same fuel in my RC airplanes/weedeater/2 stroke generator and my motorized bicycle and sometimes I will even dump some that has set around awhile in my boat/outboard that I normally mix 50:1.

I guess my opinion is use what you are comfortable using. If you know your tuning experience is next to none....then use a mix that is a bit forgiving until you gain some tuning experience would be my 2 cents.
ckangaroo has hit the nail precisely on the head. Unless you know how to tune for a lighter oil/fuel ratio (don't run lean) you should be extremely careful going from the standard 32:1 2 stroke mix to the 100:1 Opti-2 oil.

Here's how I would suggest to make the change:
Mix your fuel at the Opti-2 recommended ratio and run your bike but keep a close watch on your plug and engine heat. I might even suggest that you richen your fuel to air ratio (lower your 'C' clip) at first and do a few plug chops to see where you're at. A word here about spark plug color. It has been my experience, and a few other Opti users, that the plug might take on a grey color as opposed to the normal tan to dark brown most are used to seeing with other oils. If this is the case then disregard what you've read about a chocolate brown being the best and look for a darker shade of grey. Very light grey, almost white means you're heading for trouble. Keep it rich until you've established a good plug color and you should be good to go.

Now this brings us to a discussion about breaking in from day one on Opti-2. I and many others have done it with great success. I know you've probably read that engine manufacturers warn against using a synthetic for break in saying that the rings will never seat properly. I have to disagree based on experience and yes there's going to be opposing view points on this with people posting quotes from manufacturers and experts but the facts speak for themselves. Properly tuned, an engine can be successfully broken in on synthetic oil. Which takes us to the next topic:

If you go back to the first page or so of this thread you'll find some posts from me about an older engine that for what is still and unknown reason, lost power when it was switched to Opti-2 from a good quality 2 stroke oil. When that oil was used the engine regained it's original power. That engine was my first and had accrued high milage and never performed as well as later engines that I've had. It is retired today and hangs in my garage. It still runs good, starts easy and idles great but does not hold a candle to 3 others I currently have. My contention is the pistin rings never seated properly (the compression is much lower than later engines) and the reduction of oil further compromised the compression. All theory except the compression issue. Remember that engine was broken in on 2 stroke oil @24:1 then 32:1 Stihl 2 stroke oil for air cooled engines.

I ride with other Denver bikers and any of them will attest to the power, speed and smoothness of my Opti-2 engines. Maybe one or two of them will step in and comment.

With all of that said let me AGAIN say that I do not suggest you change your current oil choice. Using Opti-2 at the recommended mix ratio is a personal choice and those who feel uncomfortable with it should stay with what works well for them. Opti works for me and that's all that really matters. Everyone, no matter your opinion should always do/use what you feel works best, for YOU.
Have fun, ride safe.
Now this brings us to a discussion about breaking in from day one on Opti-2. I and many others have done it with great success. I know you've probably read that engine manufacturers warn against using a synthetic for break in saying that the rings will never seat properly. I have to disagree based on experience and yes there's going to be opposing view points on this with people posting quotes from manufacturers and experts but the facts speak for themselves. Properly tuned, an engine can be successfully broken in on synthetic oil.
Opti-2 is not a full synthetic oil.
it is a semi synthetic blend.

2door, that's very good advice in your post. A little on the cautious side
but there is nothing wrong with that.

Read about Opti's eutectic additives to understand why and how
Opti-2 and 4 works.