What good thing happened while you were at work today?

5-7: Oh my god he is about to get a rude awakening. There is a fairly even chance that if he doesn't get washed out he will get himself killed for not paying attention while his instructors are explaining how not to get killed.

Once he leaves, we'll have a new replacement. Anyone would be better than this loser. Actually, we could operate just as well or even better without him, without hiring anyone else.
Once he leaves, we'll have a new replacement. Anyone would be better than this loser. Actually, we could operate just as well or even better without him, without hiring anyone else.

I can almost guarantee that this guy puts all "outstanding" scores on his self-evaluations................98.678% of this type does.
In 50 years, I never worked with a guy like this.

Wait, 16 years ago and 13 years ago, I worked with 2 guys who couldn't get up to come to work.

Both were recovering "ice" addicts.
Good thing... work... today...
Turned in my hours for the past couple of months, since I was still owed about a third of it. Darnedest thing, I've been here about three years, and just found out today that I was supposed to clock out for lunch. The old foreman told me "thirty minutes on the job is paid, or leave for an hour unpaid." That was an untruth friends!
Big Boss Man told me not to worry about it. Six hundred lunches or so...
"What good thing happened while you were at work today?"

I have had several calls about motorized bicycles and have hundreds of new potential customers since the Labor Day Weekend DUI sweeps.


That is just a TV news pic of a live feed of one of many big mobile testing van' side doors they park at checkpoints to draw blood and test it on the spot, impound your car and take you license.
Granted for most they provide cabs to get you home but they run a criminal check too so you might end up behind bars right then.

Lucky for them I'm around to help with legal transportation as when I was younger I had my share of them and motorized bicycles were not even around then so it really sucked.

I can drive again but seldom do as I like to drink, I have a wife, and I always have a safe motorized bicycle on hand for when I might blow illegal in a car and I don't ride up for quick store run without 100% attention regardless of BAC, I know when I'm not good to ride an motorized bicycle before I hit the end of the driveway but usually as soon as I sit on it hehehe ;-}
Sorry, KC, I can't share your enthusiasm for bringing more people of that caliber into our hobby. Breaking the law and loosing your driving privilages isn't something to be proud of or reason to ride a motorized bike.

I could go on with several paragraphs about how strongly I feel about this but suffice it to say that we need less of those kinds and more responsible and mature individuals to keep this hobby in a respectful light to those who will ultimately decide the legal future of motorized bicycles.

Encouraging, and profiting from irresponsible behavior by others does none of us any good.
Shame on you for even posting that information.

One thing to consider before judging...

The vast majority snared in these checkpoints are not drunks, far from it usually, it is just normal people coming home from a holiday pool or BBQ party where they had a couple of beers and driving just fine.

These are people with a job, family, a life for heavens sake and this devastates that entire life and for the majority simply harmless victims of this state finding yet another way to suck money out of peoples pockets.

As mentioned I know this first hand as I got a DUI just sitting in my car in a parking lot, and no, I have never caused an accident in my whole long life.

Anyway, scorn me if you will, but these people I help are not going out bar hopping all night on an motorized bicycle, they use it to get to and from work and just as soon not ride it any other time and darn sure not riding drunk.
Nobody is going to test DUI after having 2 beers at a BBQ. Unless they are an 80 lb woman that chugged them and then hit the road.

Got home from work at 1:15a Thursday morning. Back at work at 6:15am for a District Manager walk......that didn't happen. Went to a minor league ball game this evening after work. I think that I've had about 4 hours of sleep in the last 72.

I think that if I could make it past 100 hours, I could just stay up forever......maybe.
Can we please stay on topic?

This thread is about you, and what happened during your day of producing an income, that YOU feel was good news.

It is a thread that is positive, and nothing else. Thank you. :)
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About a week or so ago LabRat hooked me up with a very nice prewar rollfast frame and a set of monarch forks.I had been waiting like a kid waiting on Christmas for it to come in. A little more than a week had passed and according to UPS it was getting close. Krisi, my wife called me at work and told me it had come in. I yelled out "alright!" And she said "did I just hear a straight man get excited over a big package..." you could hear a pin drop. I had no retort lol but I'm so happy with it. I'm very thankful to LabRat for helping me out.

Heres a pic of it mocked up with some spare parts I had laying around


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I only had to work 8 hours. Hopefully in the next few months I will be starting a new carreer. I absolutely HATE being a chef, been doing it way too long.
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During our last demo project I found and managed to grab three 12V SLA batteries. (^)
One on Thursday, found two more on Friday.

All have recharged very nicely. Now that I have them, I'm sure I'll come up with a project or three for them.


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