What good thing happened while you were at work today?

I'm moving tomorrow. Big Boss Man gave me half a day off with pay today to get packed.
I can't think of anything better than getting paid for work I ain't doin.

Now I've got to go pack.

I may not have internet for awhile, so I'd like to say now, thank you people for participating in this thread. Most of us do some sort of work, and good things happen all the time- so let's promote some POSITIVE! :):):)
Well, this thread might just go lips up, but in the meantime...

The guy that I cut grass for decided that for every hour I worked, he would pay himself a dollar. On a job that I had to take a pay cut to go to in the first place, it just wasn't worth my time, so I told him so. On a side note, not only did I not give that guy a knuckle sandwich, but I didn't even raise my voice- I'm what the DOD calls well adjusted. ;)

Good news; I'm down to one full time job. Got a promotion and a raise. Both minor, but it's a shiny new contract that we review/ renew once a year.
I had a whole cut up lobster on a pile of noodle with ginger sauce today for $12.

Local dim-sum place had a big sign out. 35 year anniversary, lobster lover special, lobster & noodle, $12.

It was good. Usually I am the only round-eye in the place - :)
I had a new ASM transfer in to replace a "piece-o-poo" ASM that quit with no notice. The new one was a go-getter from the moment he walked in the store. Great trade!!

I always said that no one understood how much I did, until I wasn't there to do it. Your former employer is now learning the same lesson now that you've left.

Nice feeling isn't it.

Two hundred dollar cash bonus today and a raise.

Nice to have a couple of benjies in the wallet for a long holiday - :)
We lost communication with some of our servers, including CAD licensing servers that are 200 or so miles away. The AutoCad drafters couldn't work without the license server and had to go home shortly after lunch. I was able to continue drafting for several hours more because I was using MicroStation. I got some OT and the AutoCad guys didn't.
We ripped a lot of stucco and mouldy sheathing off a place yesterday, and got told at the end of the day that we can't work today because they have to get inspections or something before we can proceed.
Darn, I've got to take the day off during a stretch of amazing weather.
CT- Life's tough huh? :) I just dropped off some wood samples about 50 miles up a beautiful mountain canyon, freshest air, cool streams... pulled over and took an hour lunch next to the water.
I had the good fortune to get home from work at 3:00am this morning. Have to be back at 6:30am......not even gonna try to get any sleep -- it's always worse when I try.