My lazy 30-year-old co-worker is quitting and enlisted in the Navy!
He and I got the job at the same time. We ended up in different units, so I never realized how bad his attendance and work habits were. Two years ago, I joined his staff. This guy is the laziest coworker I've had in 50 years! For the two years I've been with him, he's been on time for work FOUR TIMES!!!
I've got a couple hundred hours' accumulated leave time. This guy has ZERO, so he takes leave without pay. He can't take vacations, because he uses all his leave time on his absences and tardiness.
The guy should've never passed his probation. He's been like this for 9 years. It's not 5 minutes late. It's an hour, 2 hours, 4 hours. At least once weekly, he'll call in sick. Sometimes he'll call in, saying he'll be there in an hour, then shows up 2 hours late, or doesn't show up at all! He'll sneak in to his desk without checking in, so we fellow workers have to log when he arrives. And of course, he'll sneak out before quitting time, if no one's watching.
When he IS in, he's not pulling his load. If he goes out on a 3-hour delivery, he disappears for 2 more hours. This happens regularly. This is his third boss who's taken over the unit. The others have talked to him about it, but they didn't want to deal with the union and documenting his behavior. That's the worse part of working for the State. Hardly anyone gets fired, even ones who deserve to be canned.
The guy leaves for boot camp next month. I can't wait.
I hope he doesn't kill anyone with his incompetence.