What good thing happened while you were at work today?

Was given a package of roller chain from a tractor place. Looks to be right between the size of both my other chains... I'll try it out.
The really great thing that happened at work today was I could show up. A while back, I couldn't.
I have a little courier biz. I subcontract from larger companies like UPS etc. I charge 1 dollar a mile. I go to work, sit down and after a while, I get up. But pretty much after that, I go home.
I have a windowed office that corners. Head bapping, toe tapping, killer stereo and doing 70 down the highway. (@ a dollar a mile baby!)
On the way home, I make nothing but time and noise. But that is OK. At home I know there will be a warm plate, a cold beer and a gorgeous, warm woman waiting for my silly dang self.

I get out of school at the end of next month and them silly folks keep trying to talk me into getting a real job. Not real sure about that. If life gets any better, ...dunno. Life is really good and I just don't want to mess this up. Right now, I only have to answer to who I prey to and Carol. They both seem to have a great sense of humor and an even greater perpensity for forgiving me.

Just bid on a job that would pay more then a real job. Not real concerned with getting it. I am not gonna miss a meal either way and am happy.

work is like children, I enjoy them both from a great distance.

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I went to a employment office once and laid out exactly and in no uncertain terms just what I wanted in a job. The interviewer told me that they happened to have the perfect job and it had just come in.
It involved sex and travel, which at that time were two of my favorite things so I told him I was definitely the person for the job.

Then he told me to "F" off.

I had good day at work yesterday, all week actually but yesterday was especially good, I have so much new business I need to hire a second helper.

All of Sheriff Joe Aparro's DUI checkpoint busts the last holiday weekends are hitting court and giving me a ton of new business from the hundreds of now 'Transportation Challenged' people that need to get around.

Then as a bonus the morning news yesterday said Sheriff Joe just got an additional $305 million for more DUI checkpoints with his volunteer Posse's.

Do I approve of this states harsh DUI laws and especially Sheriff Joke? **** NO!
Having your entire life ruined for at least year if not much longer because you had a little buzz on at a checkpoint a block from home is absurd, I know this first hand, more than once and how I got introduced to motorized bicycles.

I also now how hard it is for all these people that need personal transpiration looking for something legal and and worth a crap, there are no motorized bike stores in this town though a couple tried and most of these people don't want to build something, they just want to buy something solid and safe to do the job.

Maybe it's because I can relate to these people that I build the way I do but as far as I am concerned I am helping a lot a people in a city where you can't just go to a store and buy something legal to ride on the roads without a license here, all I know is I feel good every time a bike leaves my shop with a happy customer that I know is on something as safe and sound as I could make it ;-}

Take THAT Sheriff Joe!
The best thing I can think of is nothing came in contact with the hamburger formerly known as my right knee today. I'm hoping for the same tomorrow;)

I know it might not seem like much, but believe me........it is. Gravel wounds exceed typical road rash by about 10:1 in actual pain level.

It is actually deeper and worse than it looks......sure wish I was wearing my racing gear at the time :D

I had a similar knee injury about a year ago. Still gives me problems.
I had good day at work yesterday, all week actually but yesterday was especially good, I have so much new business I need to hire a second helper.

All of Sheriff Joe Aparro's DUI checkpoint busts the last holiday weekends are hitting court and giving me a ton of new business from the hundreds of now 'Transportation Challenged' people that need to get around.

Then as a bonus the morning news yesterday said Sheriff Joe just got an additional $305 million for more DUI checkpoints with his volunteer Posse's.

Do I approve of this states harsh DUI laws and especially Sheriff Joke? **** NO!
Having your entire life ruined for at least year if not much longer because you had a little buzz on at a checkpoint a block from home is absurd, I know this first hand, more than once and how I got introduced to motorized bicycles.

I also now how hard it is for all these people that need personal transpiration looking for something legal and and worth a crap, there are no motorized bike stores in this town though a couple tried and most of these people don't want to build something, they just want to buy something solid and safe to do the job.

Maybe it's because I can relate to these people that I build the way I do but as far as I am concerned I am helping a lot a people in a city where you can't just go to a store and buy something legal to ride on the roads without a license here, all I know is I feel good every time a bike leaves my shop with a happy customer that I know is on something as safe and sound as I could make it ;-}

Take THAT Sheriff Joe!

Yep, been there.
due to my crash and the resulting shoulder surgery, i haven't worked since march.

this year in southern california, i couldn't have asked for a better summer to do absolutely nothing.

been watching the raging brush fires on the tv at the bar, and thinking about all the hours the poor guys i used to work with are putting in to set up emergency cell sites in those areas. fires like to burn up.antennas and lines, and my old company is the first one verizon calls to take care of business.

i called one of my buddies and he said they're on call or working double time to make sure the phones work in the burn areas. even though a lot of the locals are evacuated, the towers feed the nearby highways, and most law, fire, and military uses verizon, so the phones must go on.

after i hung up, i got another beer from the impossibly hot bartender in in air conditioned bar and raisedcit up with my sore arm and silently cheers-ed the tv.

i'm out of work till at least the first of the year.

and i'm loving it... :)
Interesting stuff folks!

I just returned from the Red Lodge MT area (Bear Creek) where I was taking down and replacing 2x12" corral boards. It was awful. On a 400 thousand acre ranch, with mountains and rolling hills all around, steady breeze, and nobody looking over my shoulder. Poor me. Anyway, an in town friends neighbor had a gasbike in the back yard. Its in rough shape, but the guy gave it to me for zilch.
Not a bad day on the job.
Absolutely nothing, I got here a bit ago and I'm waiting for the HVAC guy, the central air and 2 refer units in the kitchen are down. Maybe we won't open tonite and I'll get the night off, really don't feel like cooking for the masses tonite.

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Nothing is good! Make yourself something to eat and read the paper. The HVAC guy's gonna be late anyway... lol
Well, it was actually yesterday (Friday)...

I added ten years to my lifespan and grew two inches taller...

...I quit my job. Had this one for over 9 years, and finally just.. had it.

When they laid me off at the beginning of the summer, I got another job within a week. Whenever they called me back in for a week or two, I put the new job on hold and went back. Now I can focus on the new job, and maybe get back to working in the garage in the evenings.
When I got the job with the phone company in 1970, they said "Son, you can retire with full benefits in 2011." I said ok.

In 1985, benefits increased. "Son, you can retire with full benefits in 2001." I said ok.

In 1990, I realized "Holy Moly! My employer gave me TEN YEARS!! of my senior life back to me!dance1

In 2001, I took my lump sum pension and was gone.

Age 55 was too early for me to retire. I've been working for the State for 9 years now. In 16 years, I'll have a 25-year pension with full medical coverage. Retire? Nah. I get 21 days vacation, 21 days sick leave, 14 paid holidays. If I decided to go to Vegas tomorrow for 4 days, all I need to do is call in and leave a voice message for the boss.

My survivors can keep my government pension. I'll gladly work until the day I die, God willing.dance1
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I LOVE 3-day weekends, when holidays fall on Mondays or Fridays. This doesn't happen often, though.

In my department, it's pretty flexible. Standard work time is 745am-430pm.
If you like, you can choose your starting time from 630am to 815am, as long as you put in 40 hours.

And THEN! there's the "4/10" schedule. Work 4 days/10 hours daily. Get EVERY Friday off for the rest of your career!

Yahoo! I started the "4/10" this month. It is unbelievable! It's like a 3-day vacation every week!
I get to do personal business and medical appointments on Fridays, so I save on leave time.
Also a 20% monthly savings on gas and lunch.
And one less day a week fighting horrendous traffic into town.

I just love these 3-day weekends.dance1
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I had a similar knee injury about a year ago. Still gives me problems.

OUCH! scotto and Ken, I hope your knees has healed well.

I wiped out on my pedal bike 2 years ago. Helmet on, no pads. Bloody, but not as bad as yours.

I ride with full-on dirt bike gear now.
My lazy 30-year-old co-worker is quitting and enlisted in the Navy!

He and I got the job at the same time. We ended up in different units, so I never realized how bad his attendance and work habits were. Two years ago, I joined his staff. This guy is the laziest coworker I've had in 50 years! For the two years I've been with him, he's been on time for work FOUR TIMES!!!:-||

I've got a couple hundred hours' accumulated leave time. This guy has ZERO, so he takes leave without pay. He can't take vacations, because he uses all his leave time on his absences and tardiness.

The guy should've never passed his probation. He's been like this for 9 years. It's not 5 minutes late. It's an hour, 2 hours, 4 hours. At least once weekly, he'll call in sick. Sometimes he'll call in, saying he'll be there in an hour, then shows up 2 hours late, or doesn't show up at all! He'll sneak in to his desk without checking in, so we fellow workers have to log when he arrives. And of course, he'll sneak out before quitting time, if no one's watching.

When he IS in, he's not pulling his load. If he goes out on a 3-hour delivery, he disappears for 2 more hours. This happens regularly. This is his third boss who's taken over the unit. The others have talked to him about it, but they didn't want to deal with the union and documenting his behavior. That's the worse part of working for the State. Hardly anyone gets fired, even ones who deserve to be canned.

The guy leaves for boot camp next month. I can't wait.

I hope he doesn't kill anyone with his incompetence.:-||
5-7: Oh my god he is about to get a rude awakening. There is a fairly even chance that if he doesn't get washed out he will get himself killed for not paying attention while his instructors are explaining how not to get killed.
Well, it was actually yesterday (Friday)...

I added ten years to my lifespan and grew two inches taller...

...I quit my job. Had this one for over 9 years, and finally just.. had it.

When they laid me off at the beginning of the summer, I got another job within a week. Whenever they called me back in for a week or two, I put the new job on hold and went back. Now I can focus on the new job, and maybe get back to working in the garage in the evenings.

And I got the man I love back.