What good thing happened while you were at work today?



$50 Cruiser
Jan 17, 2013
Where cattle outnumber people 3 to 1.
Hello all. It seems that with all the hours of our lives we spend at work, there must be some cool bike stuff to talk about!:) Did you help somebody out? Did somebody help you? Have deja vu? Find something?
And you retired, and semi-somethin guys get in too! Good, cool, strange things happen all the time.
So in the spirit of sharing good news- I'll start.

Today I was moving some beams around the wood lot, all by myself like I like it;) and I came across this, abandoned in what was a wheat field many years ago. Looks like it blew something out of the rear of that feeder. 5hp Tecumseh for free- I guess I won't be building a Briggs bike after all...
I like it!


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$50 Cruiser
Jan 17, 2013
Where cattle outnumber people 3 to 1.
File under rarely done; I got to drive a 50' school bus today.
Will be removing the seats and making a mobile bunk house out of it. Should be fun.

File under things going my way; Went to work, was home in less than 45 minutes, did no work, got a Jackson for my troubles. Huh.


a guy who makes cool bikes
Aug 18, 2009
living the dream in southern california
been outta work for almost two months now since i crashed. which is a good thing, because the weather here has been mostly awesome, and i like being lazy sometimes. :)

today, i got a giant steroid shot into my shoulder. that was fun.


May 25, 2008
File under rarely done; I got to drive a 50' school bus today.
Will be removing the seats and making a mobile bunk house out of it. Should be fun.

File under things going my way; Went to work, was home in less than 45 minutes, did no work, got a Jackson for my troubles. Huh.
OH man! I have a detailed plan to make one a house boat! Too cool Trey. (did ya hit any thing? lol)

been outta work for almost two months now since i crashed. which is a good thing, because the weather here has been mostly awesome, and i like being lazy sometimes. :)

today, i got a giant steroid shot into my shoulder. that was fun.
Dang Baird, hope your doing OK and healing up.


a guy who makes cool bikes
Aug 18, 2009
living the dream in southern california
thanks dan. ribs, wrist, and fingers are pretty much healed.

the shoulder's seperated, and they're giving me another month of physical therapy and steroid treatments.

if it's still hurting in june, i'll be looking at surgery and 4-6 months before anything good can happen at work... :)


Custom 4-Stroke Bike Builder
Jun 3, 2010
Ridin' inSane Diego, CA.
The best thing I can think of is nothing came in contact with the hamburger formerly known as my right knee today. I'm hoping for the same tomorrow;)

I know it might not seem like much, but believe me........it is. Gravel wounds exceed typical road rash by about 10:1 in actual pain level.

It is actually deeper and worse than it looks......sure wish I was wearing my racing gear at the time :D


a guy who makes cool bikes
Aug 18, 2009
living the dream in southern california
this thread is turning into "what injuries are making your work miserable..."

i had a gravel crash when i was 12 or so on my bmx bike. i remember sitting in a weinerschnitzel parking lot using their hose to rinse it out while i picked out gravel chunks from my knee.

after it healed, i had this hard lump in the scar.

about 2 years later i crashed on my skateboard, ripping open the knee again, and i pulled out a pea sized, rounded off piece of gravel out of it.

i wasn't anywhere near gravel at the time. little sucker's been rattling around in my knee for 2 years...


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2010
this thread is turning into "what injuries are making your work miserable..."
Hehehe, in that context I've had 2 of those on right knee and one on the left but nothing like this one I got last year.
That white stuff is bone, the red is my calf muscle.

I ended up getting a sizable skin graft.
The surgeon took a chunk of my lower tummy and put it on the leg hole with this big SkinVac to hold it in place.

The surgeon said to consider it a free 'tummy tuck' (groan)

I won't go into the gruesome details of how it works, but that sponge thing was on my leg over the new skin with a tube out and it sucked it to my leg for 5 days.

Heck I have a YouTube video of it, it wasn't a bad wreck, I hit a patch of gravel and simply fell over to the left but my pant leg out caught in the Jackshaft sproket and pulled my leg and the chain was chain saw on my leg until I killed the motor.

But the topic is 'Good things that happened to you at Work'.

I work from my home shop building motorized bicycles so most every day is a good day for me but it looks like I might get my own coupon code for buying 48 and 66cc Skyhawk kits for $150 delivered all the time in exchange for a little banner or link for the people just wanting to buy a motor kit on my site which is great for me as I simply won't sell kits.

Selling motor kits to make what, $20 or so but then become tech support for rookies? No thanks ;-}


Apr 1, 2009
Towson Maryland
Nasty nasty nasty looking stuff fellas.
Just chucked the sloppy- joe sandwich in the trash that I was eating while reading this thread.That oughta teach me.

It looked an awful lot like your battle scars
Not ordering a pizza later on either


May 25, 2008
Cracked me up Tim. Made me think of a thing, I think it was Goat Herder...."See? this is why we can't have nice threads" LOL

Just reminded me of that. Always thought it really funny.


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2010
Gave notice.
2 years notice of intent to retire - :)
I'm tired of working.
Good for you.
My wife has an 8-5 job and on occasion she wants to play hookie so she just e-mails in that 'my eyes hurt so I just can't see coming in today' hehehe.

2 year notice to retire is really cool on your part, especially if you are a crucial employee, it really REALLY sucks as an employer to get notice by your only help just not coming in or calling anymore when you have nobody to do their job.

Mike B

New Member
Mar 23, 2011
Central CA
Yeah, I work for a good Co. Been there for 17 years now.

I used to get up in the morning all excited, with a plan for the day, ready to make things happen.

Now I'm just workin' for the weekend.

Not fair to the Co. or me.

Time to go.