Our day ended yesterday with a trip to the dump, to get rid of a bunch of junk. While there, I spotted this bike. So after I unload a pile of old duct metal, I talked to one of the employees for a minute.
I said, "Too bad there are signs around the place saying 'no salvaging'."
He goes, "Oh?"
"Yeah, it's a shame that bike over there is going to waste."
He answered, "What bike? If you'll excuse me, I have a coffee over there in the break room."
I said, "Have a great day."
It's probably going to work out for a CG motor, though it might be a little tight in there. It's got just over 15" on the seat tube. On quick inspection, the only thing wrong with it is a pair of flat tires. If nothing else, I can always strip it for parts.