What good thing happened while you were at work today?

The bossman got me a pair of 'chains' for my boots. Wow! Much better than the spiked ones I had been using.
Then he paid me for two hours that I didn't work, and gave me the day off. Score.
Well, it really doesn't count as work, but in my vocation as a musician (still learning) last night, I had the opportunity of showing people who don't normally run across this sort of thing, some hooligan slide blues.

They don't have to like it, but it's important they know it exists.

They do now, o fhuck me, they know it does now.
I work on the 3rd floor. Noticed a large bird nest in a pine tree outside my window. A few times a week, a big hawk and his mate will stop in the pine tree for a while. No eggs in that big nest, as far as I can tell.
wheelbender6 get's the lucky indoor worker of the week award for being able to see the world live from inside his confines!
It's cool right? If they post up there, you're gonna see everything from mice to big rattlers come to that nest in a beak.
Got a free light show!
Sunrise here this time of year is pretty good. This is typical.

Nice way to start the day. I hope all of you have a great day!!


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I got this S2 wheel today, I'm gonna use it on my DX bike.
And this 1996 whizzer Tshirk .



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It's not a great thing in the world of music but today I screwed an old guitar strap to a washboard substitute. Music shops charge a fortune for "authentic cajun rub boards", I have a louvred cupboard door cheap and now I can stand up and rattle like an idiot, instead of needing to find a seat. Like an idiot.
Will do tomorrow. Doggy walking and bedtie now.

2nd good thing, the volume and tone on my acoustic's screwed on clip on pickup were knackered, so I simply took 6ft of spare old lead and plumbed it straight to the jack. It will only ever get used electric for busking, so volume control is not an issue.

People spend thousands looking for Old Time Tone, I use a £2 2w 5th hand battery amp and a cheapo Italian made acoustic. I have no voice, but did you ever hear Rev Utah Smith or Bishop Perry Tillis play? They'd fail the shredder audition big time, but the power! The joy!
Party for boss with Ice-cream cake! Gifts given out the opposite way for those (most of us) not knowing the birthday. So I got a plastic protractor and a party hat and some paper written on it a joke and conversation starter. Well the joke was "Why do bicycles fall over? Because they are two tyred.
I was picking up some lumber from the sawyer today, when I spotted this behind a local restaurant. A couple fellas were shoveling snow and said the trash guy wouldn't take it, and that I was welcome to it.
Not sure what to do with it.


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I had to work today, Saturday, after already putting in a lot of hours this week. However, www.FansChoice.tv was broadcasting the 600cc Daytona 200 race live. I was able to watch much of the race while at work at my desk.
Daytona? I know Mike Hawthorne, I do. 250 winner some years ago. My friend Derek Sloan's also gone round more recently on a classic lightweight, he didn't win at all.
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