What good thing happened while you were at work today?

The doorboard worked well, it needs trimming down, soaking with wood adhesive and a bottom louvre removing. The loose wire mesh used on the back for a snare sound will be replaced by a fixed piece, that was the most successful part. Seeing the David Holt tin cup, I don't know, it's where to fit it.

Two days ago: Another raise- buck fifty. Pretty soon I'll be at my previous pay rate before I left for awhile.
Also, took two days off to lay carpet (at double the pay here), and when I came by today to use the computer after hours, the boss stopped by and gave me a $40 cash bonus.

I can't complain.

This post seems to be about money. It is not.
I'm not getting rich working here, but I'm appreciated. I get alot of leeway, and I'm happy. If you have to sell your time (life) then please, do yourself a favor and find a balance between happiness and fed-notes.
Being miserable 40 to 60 hours a week to be able to afford that boat that you don't have time to put out more that a couple times a year ain't the answer.
Less hours + smaller boat = more time to enjoy it!
Wih you 100%

Its kind of an old thread,been too busy with life to even dust off the bike. So last october (6th) i decided i wasnt going back to my job. Supervisors pushed too many buttons in the previous days. Screw that, if i want to be a used daily i can do it all on my own. Next day cleaned up shop and opened doors for home business. Auto repars are my evenings and weekends. So now i do what i want, make enough to pay bills and a little extra. No more evening jobs and weekends are for whatever i need to do.

So today i replace a couple u joints,4 shocks and a brake job on a quad. Double the wages in half the time.

Aparrently i am in high demand, they are coming in droves-2 week backlog.
Should have done this ten years ago.

Almost caught up enough to rekindle the bike project.
Good for you!! Worked for myself up to about 55 and then for a friend another 8-9 years and packed it in last year. Never made a lot of money, but did good work and met a lot of nice and appreciative folks. Satisfied customers went a long way with me and thinking that folks thought enough of my work to keep on buying it amazed me up until the day I packed it in. Hope it turns out well, and good luck.

Just back from my afternoon job, playing with Lucy at the dog park. I throw the ball and she fetches them back.

It was a good dog day. Lucy made friends with 3 people and 4 dogs. She's quite the social gadfly.

Tough work, but hey someone's got to do it eh?
Forgot about the good thing today, gentleman shows up to cancel appt for rear brakes. Mentions something about his a/c and some other guy working on it. No ac and after his tampering his rear wiper blows fuse.
Guy damaged a relay,and missed the fact someone removed ac fuse.
Twenty minutes later diagnosed faulty relay and pushed in a fresh fuse.

Sent him away-no charge. All i wanted was the satisfaction that i could have fixed it without causing other issue.
He wouldnt leave without giving me money. Pffft, im good with that. Came in stressed out- left laughing...
At my last job there was this turkey that came around every day around 5pm. It was understood that if you were still working when the turkey came around, you were working too hard.
This just happens to be my favorite thread.
Guilty; I started it.

tooljunkie- That is the kind of fix that get's somebody AC, and you feelin good. Score.

Tinsmith- I could use a good hand around here if you're ready to jump back in...

Mike B- Since your afternoon job doesn't include riding, can I borrow that Motoped?

beginner01- I've heard of working till the cows come home, but a turkey? It would have been on the dinner table around here. lol

Today I down-loaded a semi of metal building materiel for a neighbor. Drove the tele-handler a couple miles down back roads, did easy work and got tipped for it.
Got back to the yard and a co-worker gave me a nice washer and dryer set, which was needed.
Delivered some lumber to the sawyer, and had time to take the old country roads. Really nice day.

Next week, I've got district, regional, and divisional peeps in my store ----- and I didn't kill or fire anyone today! For some reason, I call this the "Flying Monkey" show when the stars align for this.......abomination. I would rather have my wisdom teeth removed (all at once) without pain deadener..........

I wished they would just show up without any warning.

Trey, it sounds like you've got a 'heavenly' job!!
Mr Trey, Thanks for the heads up. Can't jump any longer but noticed your location saying you've got the proper ratio of cattle to people where you live. I lived that life and probably would still be doing it if not for an accident (cattle involved) leading me to the tinsmithing livelihood.

I enjoy reading the views of the world and life that you all offer. Another wonderful part of this forum and all involved.

Another fine one. Really nice weather, and some free high end windows. Needed.
Only did two hours today, spent the rest working on my new place.

xseler- My office is a wide open yard looking at the Bridger Mountains. When I'm taking down a structure, I could be anywhere! The rest of my time is spent driving all over the state. Honestly, it's not bad.

Tinsmith- No fella that's earned a gold watch need call me Mr!
I'm surprised how pleased I am to live in the fine state of Montana, being a product of Brockton and the Bay Area...
I will occasionally help out someone with branding, but I'm no hand. It is nice to be somewhere that folks still produce from the land though.
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Okay "Cowboy Trey"! Got a good friend in Livingston. Are you anywhere near there? And......... no gold watch here sir.

I actually have been working the past few weeks. We have a family hardware business that's been in operation since 1903 closing it's doors. Been having a tremendous sale and things are now discounted 75%. Hate to see it go, but the owners are their 70's and the kids have no interest. It is hard to compete and to run a small business like that in a community of 5000 folks. Takes a lot of dedication and the two boys (40's) have good jobs so it's time has come and gone. We'll be shuttin' her down next Saturday
I really enjoy this thread!!!

It's just great to read the tidbits of your folk's day-to-day stuff.
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"cowboy trey" rotfl

Livingston is but a few minutes away my friend. I'm there, or through there, a few times a month.
Mixed batch of folks over there, from the $1000 boot crowd to the workin man. Pretty nice little town generally.

Man, that just kills me to hear of another family owned hardware store closing down. You seem to be taking it in stride, and the reasons you mention are typical. Dang, that still isn't the best thing.
Good luck with the situation.

Dan, you just chime right in anytime you have a good day partner!
Closed the doors on T R Saylor Hardware in Walkersville Maryland today. I have been helping them liquidate for the past few weeks and made the final purchase today at 5:01 PM. The store opened in 1903 and has been in the family all this time. It was the kinda hardware store that most likely had whatever you needed. Silverbear and I think FastEddy have accompanied me there on a few occasions. There are still a couple like that in the area, but not a block away from the house. It was a big reason we bought this home 30 years ago. Anyway it was a good day had by all and I grilled hot dogs and drank brewskies with the family out front of the store after we closed.

Sounds like y'all had good 'closure' --- both literally and figuratively!

I owned a Coast to Coast store back in the '90s, and also had to close it down. It's kinda ironic that I'm employed by the same big boxes that put me out of business.....