Two days ago: Another raise- buck fifty. Pretty soon I'll be at my previous pay rate before I left for awhile.
Also, took two days off to lay carpet (at double the pay here), and when I came by today to use the computer after hours, the boss stopped by and gave me a $40 cash bonus.
I can't complain.
This post seems to be about money. It is not.
I'm not getting rich working here, but I'm appreciated. I get alot of leeway, and I'm happy. If you have to sell your time (life) then please, do yourself a favor and find a balance between happiness and fed-notes.
Being miserable 40 to 60 hours a week to be able to afford that boat that you don't have time to put out more that a couple times a year ain't the answer.
Less hours + smaller boat = more time to enjoy it!