what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I can't imagine using a dual-pull brake lever. I like having them separate, so I use a grip-shifter for the clutch. =) More torque than a straight-pull lever, and less clutter.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

lol, to each their own. I like my dual pull about 60/40 front. And being a winter rider, I know locked tires don't stop you as well as a rolling brake. So if you lock up, let off a bit. Be your own ABS eh.

That's interesting with your grip clutch xenoman, does it lock out okay? Or do you have to hold it?
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

oh yea, while I'm here...

This intake didn't work worth a crap. Laggy throttle response, non-existent idle.


Maybe a smaller diameter would be better. Back to the drawing board.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Yeah, it locks out great, only need to use one "gear" to pull it cleanly in/out, and really good control. And FWIW, if the cable ever slips or something while I'm on the road, (happened once after adjusting) I have more overall travel than with a direct-pull lever. =)

Aside from going to straight bars (from cruisers) it's the best thing I did to my bike!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That's good to hear. People wanting clean bars can get away with just a dual pull on one side(if you like them). :p
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Ordered parts, not much else. New arm for the coaster brake arm I busted bending and a disk brake caliper holder. Should have all the parts I need now....I hope :p
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

LOL, and tools and space then larger tools, then more space.......
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I had a lovely cruise tonight, despite the heat. And some people really seem to enjoy seeing this ol' bike of mine. And I feel less nervous with my new blazing bright brake light.

PS: That said, just when I thought I'd seen everything...or, in this case, the last of everything:

Tonight, as I pulled up to my shed after the ride, I felt as though one of the seat bolts might be getting a bit loose. Not the ones that hold it to the post, the ones that hold the springs or the nose to the seat. I checked it out inside. The nose bolt was coming loose! So I unbolt and pull off the seat to have more room. The nut falls off and hides. "No problem" I tell myself. I get out my big box-o-nuts & bolts. I try a few standard size nuts. No go. I try a few metrics. No go...now wait a minute! Would you believe my classic, British made, leather saddle has those Mudder F-ing Whitworth bolts holding the springs on!!! :-||
So I did what must be done: crawled around on my shed floor with a flashlight in my mouth and a magnet in my free hand looking for that BSW nut. (BSW = British Standard Whitworth, AKA Bull $h!t Worthless) Found it. Put it back on. Considered locktight after the fact. Hit forehead. Went inside.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I got my flashing head and tail lights in Saturday, I have installed the batteries and checked to see if they work. The problem is we are having a heat wave it is "106F" here. I can see my bike in the shop from the den but cant talk myself into going outside! My thermometer on the deck says "114.8" it hit "117.1" on Saturday.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Finally finished purchasing all the parts for my build!! :D

Now I just gotta wait for them all to ship (Also I need to buy a freewheel remover tool this weekend...)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Removed the cheeze-o-matic turn signal/tail light from the kit that I regret putting on the bike. Only part I'm saving from it is a little clamp to sit on a brake cable and act like a switch, closing when pulled; might make my own brake light with it later. I also ordered a CREE P4 LED (~150 lumens) and a regulated driver ($5.76 total, free ship, dealextreme, 1,2) to stick in a headlight housing I have mounted to the base of my headset. I have a 12v/500mA dynamo that I'll probably run it off of-- but I could run it off the white wire, too. I might run it off the white wire and rig up a brake light later, then use the dynamo for high-beams... if I get motivated.

I'm really just killing time until the clutch hub puller kindly donated to me by KCVale gets here, then I can fix my rattling, wobbling clutch base... hopefully. Then I'll take it on a short test run and look everything over... bungee down the gas can to the rack, and ride it 22 miles to the nearest ethanol free station where I will fill up my 2.5L tank and my can for a post-break-in ratio. And it will be FUN. =) I get to take all the back roads! =)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hey dodge dude, I've always said stopping is much more important than going. If you can't go, you can't die, If you can't stop, you will die.
On another note, I noticed you have a dual pull lever. I WILL get an argument about this, but I've used these before, a lot, and have found that they can not be adjusted like most people will tell you. A lot of people will say that since 70% of your stopping power is in the front that you should make the front wheel your primary braking wheel, (70%). This works very well most of the time. The problem is that if you're in the carp, oil, sand, water, ect, and your front is doing most of the braking then your wheel is gonna slide out from under you and you WILL wind up on your butt. I even had one guy tell me, " Thats OK, That he could control the slide, (Huh?). I just know, that if you're doing 35mph and have to jam on the brakes before you T-bone a car, your front wheel sliding is NOT going to be an advantage.
So, if you live in a perfect world where there is NEVER any carp on the roads, then yes, make your front wheel the primary. If you think you might run into stuff on the road, then set your REAR WHEEL as the primary braking wheel. THEN TEST IT. you want to get it set to stop you as quickly as possible. If you don't agree with my assesment, then throw a little mud and water on the street, set the brakes at 70% front, then jam on your brakes while in it as fast as you dare go without killing yourself. You'll see what I mean. It's a scary feeling to have no control over your front wheel.
And the thing is, once it slips, it slides so fast that, most of the time, you can't react in time to stop it, you just fall down.
Like I said, I'm gonna catch carp over this, but DO THE TEST. Anyone that does this will have to agree. Either use two brake levers to control each wheel, or with dual pull, set most of the stopping power to the rear.
I've thought about this before I decided on the dual pull.
Currently, my bike is a toy. There is no real purpose for it unless gas gets over $4 and my truck keeps it's drinking habit up.
So because of that, I only ride it on dry days (which in Texas there are a lot of them). I KNEW I would not be able to get the adjustable brake bias that my hands would provide, but I also didn't wanna bother with the whole three lever thing. I am honestly not worried since I have NEVER had a front wheel lock on me, even through gravel with a powerful disc brake. I have always been able to modulate and anticipate what will happen, BEFORE it happens.

So, currently, I am not worried about it. But I do thank you for your concern. :)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Yesterday about 4:30pm I was just about to test a new idea about the electrical for lighting when I spot a gaggle-and-a-half of teenagers exiting the church kiddy corner to where my shop is- I haul out the "Panama Jack" and do a brazen display of motorbiking... to say the least, I had their attention. I stopped and gave my spiel, they mentioned a few tasks they needed to do as community outreach... AFTER they ALL test rode the silly thing a few times each... but could they come back later on that evening, they ask? Sure, I say-
Just after I swallow the last bite of dinner, there's a knock at the door. Four of the guys are there- we go down to the "Skonk Works" and I show them current projects, experiments, snafus etc.... three more show up... we pull out the "Jack" and the "Black Rat" and (after five more show up) now the street is buzzing with kids on two-wheeled weedeaters. Pandemonium. Chaos of the most desireable manner. Six more show up, including three girls. One has a phone that sends pictures, she takes shots and posts them.
Soon, there is a minor riot going on with at least fourty kids and three bikes. Everybody is having an absolute ball. Climbing the hills of Tonaskets' suburbia, scrambleing the roads, neighbors coming out to investigate the racket, some wanting to paticipate (to which I never said 'No')....
... and here comes a cop. Nobody has a helmet. One kid just blew a stopsign right in front of the cop. I walk over and She (the cop) asks, "What's going on here?"
I explain that these kids are trying out these motorized bikes that I have made. She comments that it looks like a lot of fun and asks the price. I tell her- then she comments about how the city of Tonasket is looking at bicycle patrol, and I ought to address city council on the 9th of these months. We spent the rest of the time taking about the bikes, she shot some radar at them and confirmed 31 MPH on the Jack and 37mph on the rat. She seemed VERY enthusiastic about them...
I think I might throw "Bike Parties" more often... but I think I'll insist on helmets...
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

MY dad gave me an aluminum frame mountain bike that's collected dust for 2 years. Going to save up to do my first friction drive.

Opened up my HT two stroke and after almost 300 miles was pleased to see almost no wear! The clutch side looks great! Everything is running well and i found my fuel mixture (24:1) is way too rich and is not only four stroking, but on hot days oil drips out the exhaust. My next tank will by 4 quarts in a gallon.

Can't wait for it to cool down so I can go on long rides again!

I think you meant 4 OUNCES per gallon. I run 3 to 3 1/2 ounces to a gallon. And some say thats even too much. So far I've never blown an engine. I'll run 4 or 5 ounces a gallon for break in, I don't take ANY chances. Thats the cheap stuff though. Some VERY GOOD oil takes less.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hey Sarge, A bike party sounds cool. I just don't know where, as busy as you are, find the time.
I'm glad the lady cop was cool about everything. Looks like you could be building bikes for the police Dept. How cool would that be?
Yeah, next time EVERYONE should wear a helmet. If you let them on your bike then your kinda responsible for their safety. Thats my rule anyway. NO TEST RIDES without a helmet.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Nice catch FD! I'll try out 3.5 ounces next batch.

I've ran as much as 8 ounces a gallon on REAL CHEAPO engines that I wasn't too sure of for break in. Some of these engines need all the help they can get. And like I said, I've NEVER blown an engine.(yet). Even after break in I'll still run a little heavy on the oil. Smokes a little but I'm sure it's getting enough.