what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Yesterday about 4:30pm I was just about to test a new idea about the electrical for lighting when I spot a gaggle-and-a-half of teenagers exiting the church kiddy corner to where my shop is- I haul out the "Panama Jack" and do a brazen display of motorbiking... to say the least, I had their attention. I stopped and gave my spiel, they mentioned a few tasks they needed to do as community outreach... AFTER they ALL test rode the silly thing a few times each... but could they come back later on that evening, they ask? Sure, I say-
Just after I swallow the last bite of dinner, there's a knock at the door. Four of the guys are there- we go down to the "Skonk Works" and I show them current projects, experiments, snafus etc.... three more show up... we pull out the "Jack" and the "Black Rat" and (after five more show up) now the street is buzzing with kids on two-wheeled weedeaters. Pandemonium. Chaos of the most desireable manner. Six more show up, including three girls. One has a phone that sends pictures, she takes shots and posts them.
Soon, there is a minor riot going on with at least fourty kids and three bikes. Everybody is having an absolute ball. Climbing the hills of Tonaskets' suburbia, scrambleing the roads, neighbors coming out to investigate the racket, some wanting to paticipate (to which I never said 'No')....
... and here comes a cop. Nobody has a helmet. One kid just blew a stopsign right in front of the cop. I walk over and She (the cop) asks, "What's going on here?"
I explain that these kids are trying out these motorized bikes that I have made. She comments that it looks like a lot of fun and asks the price. I tell her- then she comments about how the city of Tonasket is looking at bicycle patrol, and I ought to address city council on the 9th of these months. We spent the rest of the time taking about the bikes, she shot some radar at them and confirmed 31 MPH on the Jack and 37mph on the rat. She seemed VERY enthusiastic about them...
I think I might throw "Bike Parties" more often... but I think I'll insist on helmets...

Truly Outstanding Sgt.!

LOL @ "Chaos of the most desireable manner"

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Sgt.Howard,way to promote motorized bicycles.
providing entertainment and sharing your machines with curious people.
a bike party,an interesting concept.
good on ya.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

LOL, ayup Sgt.

Up my way, town hall used to give away bike helmets for kids.

I have thought about this for a long time. Bike repair, maint. school for at risk kids. Be a great confidence builder for the no dad, bad dad kids.

But back on topic, all's I get to do lately is miss my bike. Could probably finish wood with the gas in the tank by now.

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I rode mine to go see some fireworks with my wife. It was great to be able to dodge all the backed up traffic. I could pedal, walk, cut over grass and curbs, and motor down alleys.
fireworks photo (not mine)

hahaha. We do that too. Works best if you mash them first.

My wife paced me with the car, said I was going 33mph, up a slight grade, on my Dax bike. Yay!
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That is awesome, Sgt. Howard. I like your story. I am glad the people borrowing the bikes did not take them, and that the police were happy to meet you instead of writing tickets or confiscating bikes. Helmets are a good idea though. Try Walmart for this helmet. It's inexpensive and "not too dorky". It's a bike or skate helmet ($15-20, fits pretty nice, a little heavy, looks like a bowling ball)

Razor Youth Helmet $18 http://www.walmart.com/ip/Razor-Youth-Helmet/4861076

Kryptonix Adult Helmet $15 http://www.walmart.com/ip/Kryptonics-Adult-Helmet-Red/14644809
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Hi guys
I am a new member , today I feel so happy that I install my ebike well, it looks so nice and so powerful.
I am going to travel with my friend
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

light looks good.
i got my chain tensioner tweaked and set up.went for a couple rides amounting to a 10 k ride.
tried my headlight tonight,thank goodness for safety glasses,there was about a kazillion bugs out tonight,had to stop and button up my shirt.kinda freaked me out,all them hitting me in the face.turned around and went home.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

light looks good.
i got my chain tensioner tweaked and set up.went for a couple rides amounting to a 10 k ride.
tried my headlight tonight,thank goodness for safety glasses,there was about a kazillion bugs out tonight,had to stop and button up my shirt.kinda freaked me out,all them hitting me in the face.turned around and went home.

Bugs are terrible. I live near a bunch of fields, and when the bugs are in their mating seasons it's IMPOSSIBLE to ride (and really, really gross).
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I got caught in a light rain storm today on the way home and forgot my sun glasses from work. Holy cow it was zero visibility. Mainly because I refused to slow down and wanted to beat the storm to the house.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

JC Whitney catalog has some motorcycle windshields that can fit some bicycles and mabs. I think a windshield on a bicycle would likely be a major headache regarding handling of the machine on the road and putting into storage, but if you've got a strong motor and are just getting killed by bugs, this might be your answer. $85

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Well, the brake caliper bracket arrived but no brake arm. I got a PM at eBay, the guy said he can't locate the part he sold me, asked if he could substitute another in it's place. It looked identical so I said ok. Still no notification of shipping...

Looks like it'a time to actually start working on the bike. I'll have another go at getting photo's to DL :p
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Catch Them and eat them lol... The hard shelled ones are the tastiest.:)


LOL, ayup Goat.

Although I prefer the soft variety.

No kidding, I have to remember to not ride around grinning like an idiot. Although bugs are high in protein.