what did you do to your motorized bicycle today?

Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

That only work if the mail carrier service actually rings your doorbell. I pay for signature delivery on EVERYTHING I order online. I got a pair of handlebar grips 3 days ago and the box looked like they just kicked it around. Did the postman ring the bell?

I emailed Suburban Bike yesterday to check on the status and no response as yet. They are a pretty well established business and for the price of the part I would assume they will use tracking so I'm not too concerned about the fork getting "lost". I'm just anxious to have the fork and to get it installed!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I could be wrong,but unless it says so on the website,you are the one that picks the type of shipping.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I feel for you Harold. I think we all have had our hopes dashed as the truck drives past but to have them stop and still nothing! That is just wrong.

Should be studied by the AMA. "Drive-by syndrome" (LOL, OK, that needs work)
Motostrano site shows the fork out of stock as well and I'm pretty sure at this point I would have rec'd notification that it had shipped with a tracking number. I just thought it was a mildly amusing anecdote. Grown man, waiting at the mailbox for his latest toy....
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Wish me luck. I'll be heading out tomorrow to a Ride-in Bike Show at Indy's own Eiteljorg Museum, as sorta part of the Steel Ponies exhibit. It's not so much a big formal thing, but Easy Riders Magazine photographer Michael Farabaugh is supposed to be there. And I intend to take a few pics of my own, and post some here. So I have spent most of this evening going over my bike, top to bottom, tightening any nuts or bolts that seemed they should be tighter (not many of these) and checking my engine mounts, chains, cables, fuel delivery, tire pressure, lights, etc. etc.

Then, of course, I went out for a very pleasant evening cruise. And I have to say, I am probably the last guy to jump on the "China Girl Haters" bandwagon. While I have to agree: these are certainly not Morinis or even Hondas, I must say mine is fairly decent by a long way. And probably more reliable than any HT 2-stroke was ever expected to be. As my old Dodge Caravan grows more temperamental with each passing year, I find myself making more local jaunts with the bike. And trying to keep most jaunts local.
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Got my new headlight from wonderful creations on ebay today and installed it. It has a built-in voltage regulator, so I'm running it off the white wire with a toggle switch in between. I don't really like the mounting position I chose as much as I thought I would, so next chance I get, I will use the clamp it came with to mount it on my handlebar stem. Other things I dod today were adjust my rear axle and bottom bracket and make a support to keep my improvised saddlebag out of my spokes. The spokes were rubbing it a bit and giving me a wobbly feeling at high speed. I also put the original coaster brake clamp back on. I previously had used it for another project that I no longer needed it for, but didn't realize I still had it lol. I was using some cheap aluminum strapping on the coaster brake arm that was starting to bend, so when I realized I still had the original clamp, I decided immediately it was going back on. So that's what I did today, lol.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Wish me luck. I'll be heading out tomorrow to a Ride-in Bike Show at Indy's own Eiteljorg Museum, as sorta part of the Steel Ponies exhibit. It's not so much a big formal thing, but Easy Riders Magazine photographer Michael Farabaugh is supposed to be there. And I intend to take a few pics of my own, and post some here.

Wow, that sounds awesome! Good luck :) Looking forward to those pics, for sure!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

I actually have something bike-related to post, yay?

2nd jug gasket to blow in as many weeks, two different bikes, must be a summer thing :) Or more likely, me slacking and not doing it right the first time...

First one was a straight up huffy cruiser, lots of room to pull the jug. No problem. 2nd one was my 29er with the shift-kit... Doh!

A typical low budget motorized bicycle riders kitchen, yes I eat in front of my computer :p :

My baby looks so naked:

Picked up one of these plastic drawer things, does the trick and helps to keep organized:

I'm glad my tow bike is handy in case I get the itch to go for a spin. But it doesn't compare to the 29er, ie. "Why am I going so slow?" D=

Gotta get'r tip-top because Whelan and I have quite the cruise planned for this week, so I gotta keep up with his EZM. (I know, I know... I'm bringing a spare top-end and cdi/mag, chains, tubes, etc) I think it'll be almost 800km to meet him halfway and cruise back here. Should be crazy fun!

Oh yea, that bucket on the table has a couple cups of 10w-30 soaking the little chains and spacers, should permeate good, eh?

Have a good one everyone! Ride Safe!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Wish me luck. I'll be heading out tomorrow to a Ride-in Bike Show at Indy's own Eiteljorg Museum, as sorta part of the Steel Ponies exhibit. It's not so much a big formal thing, but Easy Riders Magazine photographer Michael Farabaugh is supposed to be there. And I intend to take a few pics of my own, and post some here. So I have spent most of this evening going over my bike, top to bottom, tightening any nuts or bolts that seemed they should be tighter (not many of these) and checking my engine mounts, chains, cables, fuel delivery, tire pressure, lights, etc. etc.

Then, of course, I went out for a very pleasant evening cruise. And I have to say, I am probably the last guy to jump on the "China Girl Haters" bandwagon. While I have to agree: these are certainly not Morinis or even Hondas, I must say mine is fairly decent by a long way. And probably more reliable than any HT 2-stroke was ever expected to be. As my old Dodge Caravan grows more temperamental with each passing year, I find myself making more local jaunts with the bike. And trying to keep most jaunts local.

I did it. I posted some bike pics in "Travels and Adventures" under the thread. Eiteljorg Bike Show (I think). It was fun, and my fellow bikers really loved my ride. It was cool.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Today I was able to spend 3 hours working on my Stiletto bobber. First, I notched the swing arms on my springer front end so now the axle will drop out making it easier to repair flats or change wheels/tires. When I originally fabricated the springer I simply drilled a 3/8" hole for the axle which required me to remove both swing arms to drop the wheel. While I had the wheel off I upgraded the "brand X" brakes with 203mm Avid Clean Sweep discs and BB7 calipers ( I have the same brakes on my other MB and they will lock 'em up). My original aluminum "Harley Style" caliper mount would flex under heavy braking so I fabricated a new mount from 3/16" flat steel. Finally, I mounted a new Whizzer speedometer sending unit to the wheel to drive the Whizzer speedometer I mounted on the bike several months ago. Tomorrow I will paint the new caliper mount, drill a hole in the springer top mount for the speedo cable, and fabricate a mounting bracket for the LED headlight I made from a black & decker flashlight and chrome headlight bucket.
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Nice Kitchen. That's my kinda Kitchen:)

This friggin hot weather has teased me just a little with my 21mm PHBG del carb on my BoXer. In the heat of the afternoon it is too rich. In the Morning its just a smidgin too lean. This has been so ever so slight some one else might not notice?

Researched spark plugs and found one that will self clean perfect to go richer for optimum power! 6 heat range with an extended electrode. Nice 19mm reach NGK and still works with my D.H. attachment. Most importantly does not hit the piston lol.

While playing with the air mixture screw began too notice the tiniest spot on my throttle body needle that I wanted to make ''I mean JUST barely richer''.

Gave it two days of thinking and chucked up the throttle body needle in a cordless drill. Right at the tip of the needle 1/4 of an inch inward took off guessing? about 1 thousand of an inch with sand paper. Used 80 grit then chased the scratches back of with 1200 grit. Material came off alarmingly fast. Glade I* quit when I did.

So far I like it!

Off the line the launch is like mebbe a whole 2% stronger lol when I want it to be and it still cruise's modestly at as low as 5 mph. Its the little things in life... just love to tinker and chase perfection:D(^)
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Who else can't eat without a vid queued? Now that's fine tuning when 1200g is taking off too much :)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

It was one heck of a lucky guess man. For a few I thought wow wounder if I just totally trashed it and messed up? Egdeimucated guessing? At its finest. Just gotta try it? Lucky:p Never know other wise?

Did have a spare W7 needle on stand by but it's for another motor and a another 21mm carby. So all this guess work is gonna get repeated! Slowly but surely er surly. Ha ha

Now if my fuel mixture screw is off by much 1/4 turn. It will act a tiny bit like the main jet is off? Mebbe to a fellow that would not know how this carby acts? Talking mid range feel now instead of the first 1/3 of throttle. Touchy bugger.

Ran repeated laps around the city block here tuning that screw and its dead on. Pretty tickled with it ATM! Dang now I got to go fire it up again! ''Mandatory!'' This is half the fun. Can't wait for winter to see the differential? It is gonna hit sweet hard!! :D(^)rotfl

Last winter it ran awesome. At times this thing ran and thought like it was a 80cc engine?

Will have to split the difference on that screw for the hot of day and the cool of morning. Only the two hottest months of summer teases me like this. Was the same thing last summer when I first got anywhere near tuning this carby right and finally figured out WUT I was doing???? Have come a long ways with this machine. Loving it now more and more.

I am putting a big honking carby on a 49cc motor after all at a pretty high altitude over here. Darn carb barrel is darn near the size of the piston! Surprisingly if I just go about 20 mph everywhere and never open it up it gets close to 150 mpg? If I beet it more like 70 mpg. Barometric atmospheric conditions etc change tiny little character notes now and then here in the summer desert. Love it when it rains... This bike is my favorite toy right now.brnot
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Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Trying to fine tune the carb. just found a leak in the gas tank by following the trail of blistered paint on the tube.
I guess I know what Im doing tommorow!
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

Brake arm got here, finally. It's a Wald and it's about 1.5x as thick as the CYY Chinese one that broke. I need to find someone with a oxy torch to heat it up and bend it. My propane torch won't come close to getting it hot enough to bend and I don't need to break another.

The X is here so it's takeing me forever to get this posted ;)
Re: what did you do to your motor bike today?

So my china chain broke finally. It could have been worse. Gonna get one that says usa on it. Then american bolts for a tensioner that i didnt haveinstalled. I just broke the chain and it was a straight wheel to engine thingy. Sooff to a small engine shop tomorrowso its fixed before work.laff